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Author Topic: Nashing of teeth and witnessing  (Read 8794 times)

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Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« on: December 19, 2007, 11:30:48 PM »

I'm new here and have been reading and listening to as much as possible.  2 things maybe someone could help my understanding with.
1)"weeping and gnashing of teeth" What does this mean?
2)If there is no Hell, how should we witness to people?

Before learning some of this I was learning everything I could about Ray Comfort and his way of witnessing.

I renewed my relationship with Christ about 2 months ago.  I have been crying out with a sincere heart for God to show me the truth when I found this site.  I'm still working through issues as I have been taught the same traditions as 98% of the Christian Church so I will need to post a prayer for both me and my wife.




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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2007, 12:33:02 AM »

God Bless you Chad and Welcome to the forum.

Read about witnessing on Ray's site--it will set you free! :D

Ray's Lake of Fire talks about the gnashing-just metaphores and such.  Maybe Kat can help you find it.  I have been here a long time and I still can't "search" ;)


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2007, 03:26:01 AM »

Do you know where I can find the paper on witnessing?


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2007, 06:01:12 AM »

  Hi Nikoa...try this link ....hope this helps...there are also good emails about witnessing...I'll try finding one now for you...standby..Joyce

Winning Souls For Jesus?
(two billion strong and counting…?)

1. “…Shall He find faith on the earth?”
2. Can you ‘win’ souls for Christ?
3. God predetermines who gets saved and when
4. Will more money save more people?
5. Light and salt don’t argue or make noise
6. How to demonstrate your knowledge of the Truth


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2007, 06:48:37 AM »

here are 2 direct links for more info on witnessing....,3709.0.html,772.0.html

Then:  if you go to the home page....and click on:

Introductions, Announcements, and More of Ray's Teachings


Forum Indexes & Info


~Categorized list of Ray's emails~

and go to nearly the bottom of the page....there is an entire section of emails about witnessing....

Kat has painstakingly produced these lists for everyone. Hope this helps!


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2007, 01:53:21 PM »

Hi Chad,

1)"weeping and gnashing of teeth" What does this mean?

GNASH'ING, ppr. nash'ing. Striking the teeth together, as in anger, rage or pain.

Where the Bible speaks of this weeping and gnashing of teeth, is in judgment in the Lake of fire.

Mat 13:41  The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness,
Mat 13:42  and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

There is one other Scripture where is mentioned the gnashing of teeth and that is when they martyr Stephen.

Act 7:54  When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth.

As the definition explained, it is clenching the teeth in anguish or pain.  They were so angry with what Stephen said that they killed him. 

When Jesus Christ raises everybody back to life in the resurrection of the dead, it will be to judgment.  It will not be the heaven many of them are expecting, they will be angry.  But there anger will soon be turned into a painful torment in the judgment, as they give account.

Rev 14:10 he also, shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is prepared, unmixed, in the cup of his anger;—and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, before holy messengers and before the Lamb;
Rev 14:11 And, the smoke of their torment, unto ages of ages, ascendeth; And they have no rest day or night, who do homage unto the beast and his image, or if anyone receiveth the mark of his name.

The wrath of God is a fearful thing. 

Heb 10:31  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Those who are being judged will be brought to righteousness.

Isa 26:9  With my soul I desired You in the night; yea, with my spirit within me I will seek You early; for when Your judgments are in the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

Hopes this helps  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2007, 11:16:09 PM »

Hey Chad,

You mentioned Ray unconfort.  How bout Kirk the Cameraman.  Boy, I'd just love for them to try their blind witnessing with me.  I used to try and e-mail them (I still have them saved) begging to be interviewed for their TBN program.  They talk about the nashing of teeth thing.  Well I'm sorry, but if I was on fire I would do way more than weep and nash my teeth.  Those two clowns are clueless.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2007, 11:18:45 PM by musicman »


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 11:17:40 PM »

Oh, and Growing Pains sucked!!


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2007, 07:29:17 PM »

I have been telling my wife that I just want to know the truth no matter what that truth is.  I DON"T want to be deceived.  Before learning about this site I was studying how to witness like The Way of The Master because I truly wanted to do (what I thought) the will of Jesus and I was tormented by the fact that a lot of my family members would be going to hell.  This is a HUGE shift in my thinking so I have a long way to go.  What is your story?  Did you go through this?


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2007, 12:48:19 AM »

I have been telling my wife that I just want to know the truth no matter what that truth is.  I DON"T want to be deceived.  Before learning about this site I was studying how to witness like The Way of The Master because I truly wanted to do (what I thought) the will of Jesus and I was tormented by the fact that a lot of my family members would be going to hell.  This is a HUGE shift in my thinking so I have a long way to go.  What is your story?  Did you go through this?

Not as much as most on this forum.  I never attended a church unless I was payed to play music there.  However, we all experience these tormented beliefs to some degree in our lives.  I found Ray's site rather quickly.  I was tormented by the hell thing for a few months.  I told people that I didn't believe in it, but then again. . . .  Anyway, one night after watching one of Haggee's circus acts I went on a long walk.  I told God that I don't believe that anybody should suffer endlessly for finite sins.  How could we possibly be held responsible for our lives when we never even asked to be born?  I even expressed that I would want no part of some perfect heavenly existence while others suffered endlessly.  I would choose annihilation before living in some heaven while others were in some hell.  I begged right then and there for the truth.  When I got home, I searched the web for info on Haggee.  I wanted to learn that the unrighteous would be annihilated rather than tortured endlessly.  I soon learned how selfish I really was when I came up on the title of an article in a search.  It said "Exposing Those Who Contradict".  So I clicked it.  That was 2 1/2 years ago. 
« Last Edit: December 22, 2007, 12:52:08 AM by musicman »


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2007, 09:43:00 AM »

Hi Chad,

Yes, I think we have all gone through something very similar... as most, if not all of us got here by coming out of Bablyon... we have come out of the church system of man.  I could be wrong but I don't think we have anyone here that skipped that part of the journey.  That part of the journey of course has purpose as everything else... even if it is full of corruption and deceit.

I was very involved in the church... worked very closely with pastors... was very involved in works of all sorts.  In retrospect, I see how immersed I was in a lie... the idols of the heart, the pride of life, lusts of power and the grandiosity of man... that not only did I support that system but I wanted to excel at it.  I wanted to be recognized... I lusted after much desires of the flesh... and now I see that is exactly what the church of man is... full of fleshly desires and accomplishments... focused on the physical... stuck on the letter of the law as opposed to the spirit.

When I found Ray's site originally I spent a long time just on the Tithing paper and the Fools, Hypocrites, Snakes paper... I think I needed that to know it was ok for me to actually leave the church... the church system that I had been a part of all of my life.  After several months of that I was hungry for more of the meat of these teachings and started the Lake of Fire series which I just read and reread over and over... then over time I would select a different paper to read until I got through them all and now I try to keep up with all of the transcripts and audios... while still going back to the Lake of Fire paper continuously.  But, it is God who is in control of our understanding the truth... so I would suggest not being too focused on the wanting it all now and just let the truths soak in as God reveals them to you.

Everything is working exactly as God planned it at exactly the exact time he intended... there is no necessity for us to fret about what we don't know... just pray, enjoy, be thankful, study, fellowship with us here at the forum... it will all come.  Read everything at and then read it again... if you do that I believe you'll find the majority of your questions answered and your concerns settled... you will also know exactly what being "like-minded" with us here in the forum and at conferences really means.



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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2007, 01:28:13 PM »


Your experience is every bit as wonderful as any who are being delivered out of Babylon.

Like Bobby, I too was very much into the system of Babylon but did not know it. Reading what you shared Bobby sounded much like a leaf out of my own journey!

When I was participating in the system of Babylon, I really could not see for looking! :D I felt very grieved at times and had no clue as to why. In hindsight I can see that the "what" and the "why"  arose  also from my carnal desire to "fit in" , please my parents who had deep attachments to  the Roman Catholic Church and so to find approval and  to be accepted and belong to humankind my circumstances were set and my spiritual weak heart took me into the system hook line and sinker.

Only God could drag me out! It has been quite an experience and it is ongoing! The Truths here in BT are not shallow. They are very deep and rereading the insights and teachings seem always to open up new vistas of awareness and joy in discovery of liberating Truth.

Peace to you

Arcturus :) 


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2007, 11:24:24 PM »

I really appreciate all the advise and please feel free to continue to speak into my life.  This is such a weird time for me as I discover new truths.  I know I need to believe God will continue to reveal new things to me but this is so BIG.  I feel like I have been lied to my whole life yet its my own fault as I took another man's word for it rather than seeking Christ and studying the word on my own.  It's amazing how the masses (me included) will just believe anything that's fed to us.   Every chance I get I'm reading and listening to the studies on the site.  Some things are like....why didn't I ever see that before?  Sort of like the masses believing the 911 story of planes taking down the twin towers.  I remember believing that like everyone else and never questioning it until I was presented with anther angle...outside of the force fed box (like church I'm learning).  I learned that the twin towers, 1300 feet of steel and concrete fell in under 15 seconds (free fall speed) into its own foot print and that there was a 3rd building (WTC 7 47 story) that wasn't even hit by a plan also fell in 9 seconds (free fall speed) into its own footprint.  This defies all natural laws of physics.  First time in history that a steel structure building collapsed due to fire and it happened 3 times in the same day!  This shook me to my core and it was really the first time I started to question what I was told.  I just want the truth.  I'm hungry for the truth!!  Please pray that God opens my eyes and ears. 
I guess the fact that I'm writing in this forum is one baby step forward and it really blesses me to know that you guys are there (where ever there is).


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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2007, 12:05:00 AM »

I feel like I have been lied to my whole life yet its my own fault as I took another man's word for it rather than seeking Christ and studying the word on my own.  It's amazing how the masses (me included) will just believe anything that's fed to us.


There's no blame to be laid: it's normal for babes to be fed by others, and then, as they mature, they start to feed themselves. You're exactly where you should be in your spiritual growth. :) There would only be a problem if you never realized this growth and continued to only be fed by others. Welcome to spiritual puberty, awkward as it may seem.LOL.



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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2007, 12:12:00 AM »

Hi Chad,

It is good to see that you are embracing this Truth wholeheartedly  :)
Consider that you have come into the light (the Truth) out of darkness (the deception of the church).  Now doesn't the light seem that much brighter, having been in such darkness.  Can you see the wisdom of first letting us know the dark, so that we can appreciate the light so much more.  There is a grand purpose behind everything we experience.
I think the Truth must have endless dept of understanding, so that we can just keep on learning.  God is wonderful and He is preparing a few Elect to reign and rule with Him.  For those predestined from the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:5), He will give each exactly what they need to serve with Him.  He does not reveal to us for sure if we are an Elect, but what a amazing hope and desire to strive towards.
We all are blessed to be here to share with one another, glad you are with us  8)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Nashing of teeth and witnessing
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2007, 12:16:46 PM »

Hello Kat,

I am a believer!  When you experience the "gnashing of teeth" as you defined it for believing, it is quite painful mentally.  I believe in a God who is bigger than the darkness, bigger than the light, bigger than Christmas, and churchianity, and the christian belief in hell.  A God who is as wise as He is the epitome of LOVE.  There are times that I still wish to hide in the comfort of the darkness and not remember the truths that have been revealed, for that is an easier path, the path that the rest of the world prays that we will change to.........but then I smack myself quickly back to the reality that is in Jesus Christ and know that I must have patience, perseverance, and faith that it will be as He promised. I think that truths revealed are not to be hidden again, even in weakness.   As you described when "Your judgments are in the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Pain is gain. I'm still learning right now.  Praise God.  Joy to the world the Lord IS come...

Rest in the Lord,

Hi Chad,

1)"weeping and gnashing of teeth" What does this mean?

GNASH'ING, ppr. gnashing. Striking the teeth together, as in anger, rage or pain.

Where the Bible speaks of this weeping and gnashing of teeth, is in judgment in the Lake of fire.

Mat 13:41  The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness,
Mat 13:42  and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

There is one other Scripture where is mentioned the gnashing of teeth and that is when they martyr Stephen.

Act 7:54  When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth.

As the definition explained, it is clenching the teeth in anguish or pain.  They were so angry with what Stephen said that they killed him. 

When Jesus Christ raises everybody back to life in the resurrection of the dead, it will be to judgment.  It will not be the heaven many of them are expecting, they will be angry.  But there anger will soon be turned into a painful torment in the judgment, as they give account.

Rev 14:10 he also, shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is prepared, unmixed, in the cup of his anger;—and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, before holy messengers and before the Lamb;
Rev 14:11 And, the smoke of their torment, unto ages of ages, ascendeth; And they have no rest day or night, who do homage unto the beast and his image, or if anyone receiveth the mark of his name.

The wrath of God is a fearful thing. 

Heb 10:31  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Those who are being judged will be brought to righteousness.

Isa 26:9  With my soul I desired You in the night; yea, with my spirit within me I will seek You early; for when Your judgments are in the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

Hopes this helps  :)

mercy, peace and love

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