The following thoughts result only from what I have come to understand rightly or wrongly and most subject to edification or correction, so far. The Spirit of Christ that is visible to me through Ray Smiths teachings is where I have made reference accordingly for any who wish to follow up and see for themselves.My thoughts are that we have to be "victims" first as the way into the Kingdom of God via the path of persecution. Have we been burnt at the stake, or are we yet martyrs or like those who were strengthened to endure till death the horrible torturous deaths they suffered? Already God had strengthened them to endurance, patience which was not of themselves. I crack under so little pressure yet those who died in the areans of Rome being torn limb by limb by lions,
they sang! As we read in the magnificent teachings via Ray of the Apostles who said they would never deny Christ yet they headed for the hills as God caused them to fear for their lives and God knowing their spiritually weak hearts foretold their abandonment of their beloved Master would take place. See the reference at the teachings on THE MYTH OF FREE WILL.
We are Elect only once proven by death and yes it is delicious and even tempting to think that we might be being prepared to humbly and most sensitively and lovingly bring Truth to those resurrected who have slaughtered us in their temporal triumph or rejected what we believe because of their own idolitary blindness. Our training and suffering in this life, surely has to be teaching us to be patient under trial, to endure under hardships of rejection, hate and slander which is so painfully sore to our ego but is so necessary to our understanding that Christ has prevailed through so much more. If it is He who is dragging us we certainly will be experiencing the trials and the tribulations that mark the passage to the Kingdom of God.
Judas as Ray teaches was faithful, followed, performed miracles, walked with Christ, talked with Christ but was not CHOSEN even though his exterior performance as following and obeying even as Jesus at the last supper instructed him to
go and do what he had to do quickly, might have appeared to make Judas one of the Elect. What blindness! He was indeed the son of perdition as is Christiandom the daughter of the Harlot Babylon! Her victims are many.....They will rise again! Of course they will!
We who have not suffered such horrors, losses, griefs of the martyrs or even what Paul went through
(his list is impressive of his persecutions, ) may get a very small part to play once we are fully purged of our own self seeking glorification's and justifications but only when we too have learnt that only Jesus Christ has won favor and approval from God. We are still in the making into HIS image through trials and tribulations. Those who are escaping such trials are reserved for the wrath of God in the final judgement. Ray does an exemplary study on the difference between
wrath and
trials in his teachings exposing the falsity of Christianities interpretations of the so called Rapture. See Ray's teaching on the Rapture!
So when we are hit square in the face by apostasy or evil we have to make place for the return of Christ who will purge out and save those who are caused to act out their spiritually weak hearts against those who are being strengthened in Christ. We need to know also that we are not called to retaliate or have any vengeance as is taught by Christandom that harbors the evil satisfaction that her enemies will fry in eternal Hell.
Their discovery that their enemies may one day be their teachers might be that very Chastisement that can be to them a fate far worse than the Hell they find satisfaction in while they experience their temporal power over the children of God. Gnashing of teeth is the tip of the ice burg to an ego in love with iself and dead set against God.
Peace be to you