> Hi Ray,
> I fell upon your website, looking for information on tithing. Boy, have my eyes
> been opened to some very obvious scriptures; THANK YOU!
> I attached notes from one of my Pastors sermons. I have been increasingly
> disturbed by our $50,000 a month mortgage and the constant plea for money. My
> question is: I am a Children's church leader for the 4 and 5 year olds plus I am
> an usher on 2 Sundays out of the week. Being an usher, I have the "privilege" to
> count the "tithes". We have 4 services a week, and I only count one service.
> Our Pastor "rakes in the bucks!" Now, the question: Do I confront my Pastor with
> my new found TRUTH? I feel like a hypocrite collecting tithes, when I myself no
> longer "tithe"- And.... I know many in the Body that are on disability and are
> living on nil.
> I have heard many scriptures translated many different ways by different
> preachers, and at times have been so confused as to what the Word is actually
> saying. I am sad that so many are so sincere, but so sincerely wrong. I have
> seen alot of freak shows in charismatic churches, and have been in the process
> of elimination when it comes to who God is and His character. I feel I have
> been kicked in the butt by Jesus, and am so grateful.
> I am enjoying the "Lake of Fire" series, and can't believe how plain so much of
> what you are teaching is! God is LOVE, and I am amazed that I believed some
> (many) were going to burn forever! it was hard for me to fathom, but that is
> what I was taught, and it goes in line with my verbally abusive earthly father;
> so I swallowed it.
> I know you are VERY busy, but wanted to thank you for sharing the GOOD NEWS (for
> free, even!) and if you have time to rea d my Pastors tithing beliefs, I would
> love your input on how to grace fully jump out of "membership" from this church.
> Gratefully,
> Terri
Dear Terri: You question is one that I often receive from those who are learning the truth, but don't quite know what to do with that new knowledge. God tells us concerning the Great Church: "Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues" (Rev. 18:4).
And notice please that God does not say, "And be sure to kick your pastor in the stomach with all your new-found truth BEFORE you "come out of her."
What might be more effective would be to simply write him a message and suggest that you have read extensively on a web site named "bible-truths.com" and in following the Scriptures you now see clearly that the doctrines of Christendom are not the doctrines of God's Word.
This way he can check what you have learned at our site, and it will be up to him as to whether he will continue to teach heresy or repent. My material covers hundreds of more points of God's word that you could ever in a one-on-one confrontation with your pastor.
Let him then confront ME if he has any arguments against what we teach.
God be with you,