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Author Topic: Teachable?  (Read 5830 times)

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« on: January 02, 2008, 11:27:18 PM »

    Ray, on 12-24-07 was the first time I ever read any of your written communications. I reviewed some of the mountains of information you have written on your understanding of the Bible and would like to ask a very important question, “are you teachable”.Would you consider yourself  teachable by someone who is not scholarly ? If you would honestly answer in the affirmative , I would ask the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to reveal to you any of his truth found in the next few paragraphs.                                                                                                                                                                           

    The following concerns your dissertation on the trinity and your quote “these are a few reasons why I don’t believe in the trinity theory.” In Geneses 1:28 Then God said "let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness . . . . .  and 1 Thessalonians

    5:23 “------- and may your whole spirit, soul, and body -----  . ”,   these two partial 

    verses implies the tri-unity of God and the tri-unity of man.  In John 1:1 “ In the beginning

    was the Word ----------.”, in the finite realm of man a word is expressed by : (1) being 

    formulated in the mind [FATHER], (2) animated with the tong and mouth [SON], (3) air

    exhaled across the vocal cords [HOLY SPIRIT], with out all three working with one accord

    no word could be understood.                                                                                                     

       Jews and Christians holy book is the Bible, they both worship YHVH (Yahweh) the great

    “ I AM ” in the Old and New Testaments. The holy land is Israel, the holy city is Jerusalem

    and they are both waiting for the same Messiah --- “ Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,

    Everlasting  Father, Prince of Peace.” ( Isaiah 9:6 ). Symbolically  Solomons Seal ( Star of-

    David ) and the Cross of Jesus are compatible in more ways than most people realize.

    To many believers in Christ (Hebrew word messiah) the Seal of Solomon represents the

    intertwining tri-unity of God with the body, soul and spirit of man. A tetrahedron can

    symbolize four facets of God simultaneously with the base representing Jesus on earth

    in space and time.                                                                                                             

      God exists outside linear space and time and is able to survey the past, present and future

    at the same time . In Michael Gullen’s book “Bridges to Infinity” he wrote, “According to

    Einstein, the universe is a 4-D space-time manifold, because three space coordinates and

    one time coordinate are required to map it ---- Because one of its four  dimensions is time

    the universe is not a purely spatial 4-D world ---- A person in a purely 4-D world exists at

    all locations simultaneously.”                                                                                             

      To understand the concepts above, one could be seated in a movie theater watching a drama unfold on the big screen. The 3-D (width-height-time) characters on the screen can in no way interact with the 4-D audience but the drama’s screenwriter watching would know the whole story from beginning to end. In some ways, man is like the characters on the movie screen and God is in another dimension not far from each of us.                           

      A simple mathematical example  can demonstrate the tri-unity of God. Take three pennies and lay

    them side by side on a table top; man counts: 1+1+1=3. Now, take the same three pennies and stack them on top of each other; God counts: 1x1x1= 1 to the 3rd  power, the power of  FATHER,

    the power of the SON, the power of the HOLY SPIRIT  and these

    Three are ONE.                                                                                                                               

       These are a few of the reasons why I believe in a Triune God.

Sincerely    Al

Dear Al:  Yes, I am teachable, but I assure you that you have nothing to teach me. I read your email--what a CROCK.  Have YOU read your email? 

What a hodge-podge of convoluted unscriptural NONSENSE.  "The mind is the Father; the tongue and the mouth is the Son; and vocal cords is the Holy Spirit." "A stack of three pennies equals the trinity." "A tetrahedron can symbolize four facets of God simultaneously with the base representing Jesus on earth
in space and time."  Where do you come up with such foolish and unscriptural nonsense? Give me a break.
God be with you,
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