Thanks for the responses.
What a unique journey this man has had, not only having experienced Jim Jones and the "People's Temple" first hand but to have been adopted by him (at a few weeks old) seeing him first as a benefactor as a loving father, as a leader of a compassionate congregation who helped the poor in their community, then the slow but steady descent into obsession, paranoia, inflated ego, delusional persecution complex, iron fisted control, etc.
The guilt this young man must have carried knowing he sent his pregnant wife back to the camp as he went into the city to play basketball for a few days, ironically basketball had been his escape to normalcy as he watched his father sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of lies, self justification, self glory and actually believing he knew better than what God's Word has revealed. His own "revelations" carried more weight than the scriptures, dangerous waters for anyone and everyone who comes under this delusion.
How about when his own son (at about 3 or 4) first heard the word "Jonestown" on a Waco anniversary TV program and told his father (Jim Jr.) "wow" there is a town named after us? I want to go there!" The child had no idea that the town being spoken of was actually named for his family and even less of an idea the notoriety this name has.
Like you Susan my eyes were wide open as I read this
trying to imagine what it could have been like and gaining a lot of empathy for Jim Jones Jr. and his family.
It just underlines the danger of straying from His Word into the darkness of human logic and reasoning.
His Peace and Wisdom to you,