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Author Topic: Marriage  (Read 6938 times)

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« on: January 16, 2008, 08:44:33 PM »

I read your article on marriage.  Seems well thought out and scriptural.  OK, here is the question.  Say a person says the vows in a ceremony, but their heart is not in it, and actually childishly crosses  fingers (no one could see it).
This is not looking for an excuse to divorce.  Almost two decades have past. Several children. What do you think of this beginning, was it a "marriage" or not?
Dear Scott:  Yes of course it was a marriage. Millions and millions of people have submitted to "arranged" marriages in which "their heart was not in it," but that alone does not void the marriage. One may reluctantly sign a contract for something he does not whole-heartedly agree with, but once he signs it, IT'S THE LAW.
God be with you,
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