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Author Topic: Tithing  (Read 6268 times)

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« on: February 04, 2008, 08:49:20 PM »

    Matthew 23:23… Jesus the truth? That makes you the heretic



    Oh Steve, get over yourself already. The name of my tithing paper is: "TITHING IS UNSCRIPTURAL UNDER THE N-E-W COVENANT."

    The lying, hypocritical, two-faced, murdering, fools and snakes religious leaders in Matt. 23:23 where tithing according to Moses under the OLD covenant.  They were tithing to the Levites in the Temple at Jerusalem. There were NOT tithing to the Church of Jesus Christ (or hadn't you noticed that minor difference?)
    These evil hypocritical Pharisees never tithed to or obeyed Jesus Christ or His commandments.

    Jesus never told anyone to "tithe" to His Church. The Apostles never told anyone to "tithe" to Christ's Church. The Apostle Paulto the nations never told anyone to "tithe" to him or Christ's Church.  But will you accept this mountain of Scriptural evidence against New Testament tithing?

    No, of course not.  Be careful who you call an "heretic" when you have zero proof for such a claim.

    God be with you,

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