Hi Ray,
I've been visiting the website quite often and have had a lot of my beliefs substantiated. Thank you for all the work and research you do it is truly making a big difference in my true understanding of the bible and Gods plan.
Anyway, I recently found a very interesting response to an email you replied to regarding the "Immaculate Conception" where you stated the following: " The Immaculate Conception is a Catholic doctrine, and has nothing to do with whether Jesus' mother Mary was a virgin at conception OR that Mary's mother was a virgin at Mary's conception."
Without getting into the remainder of that email my question is can you provide any scripture regarding this. Any direction you can provide regarding this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you once again for all the hard work researching the bible and making things clearer to me.
Dear Chris:
The "Immaculate Conception" is one of those "damnable heresies" that Peter warns us of (II Pet. 2:1-2). As it is not scriptural, we will find nothing regarding it in the Scriptures. Don't waste your time on false heretical doctrines. They will not edify you.
God be with you,
PS The doctrine states that Mary (Mother of Jesus) was herself "immaculately" conceived, and therefore sin free, which would then make a liar of all the Scriptures that state the Jesus only was without sin.