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Author Topic: Free Will  (Read 7084 times)

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Free Will
« on: February 12, 2008, 09:03:28 PM »

If it is God who controls our every thought and action, would'nt your teachings be in vain? If we cant make the decision to renew our minds, then why waste your energy and time trying to convince us of truth?  I agree with 99.9% of your teachings, but I'm struggling with this one.  God Bless Your Heart, Chad

Dear Chad: I get asked this question about every 72 hours, month after month.  You make all your own choices and you think all your own thoughts, and you have a "will" to do so. What you don't have, is a will that is FREE FROM CAUSALITY to do these things. People will say things like: "What ever MADE you think that; or what ever MADE you do such and such."  There is your answer. We know inherently that there are reasons CAUSES for your thoughts and choices. You can't make a choice that does not have a cause somewhere, and if something is caused to happen it could not have been otherwise. I teach the truths of God because this is just one way that God CAUSES people to see the truth (I Cor. 1:21).  The foolishness of teaching and preaching CAUSES people to see and understand and believe and act accordingly. It is not correct to state as you have that "God CONTROLS our every thought and action."  He does not need to "control" us, as He already knows far in advance exactly what we WILL DO AND THINK based on the conditions and circumstances of our individual lives.
God be with you,
« Last Edit: November 05, 2015, 12:10:41 PM by Kat »
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