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Author Topic: Help Me  (Read 8128 times)

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Help Me
« on: May 04, 2006, 04:54:29 PM »

Hi Brother Ray:

I have just started to read your website and I find all your answers to be
right on point. Thank God for you and I pray that He continues to help you
to get the real message out about Our Lord and Savior.

I know you probably will not answer this email but I am hoping you can
provide to me some encouragement. I am thinking that there is something really wrong with me... I am hoping you can point it out for me. Maybe I lost my first love... and am repenting now I don't know... but it seems that I am at the end and I feel that all is lost in my life.

I don't think that I have been quite right since my mom died. My life has
been going down and it seems that I have hit rock bottom at this point.
I lost my home in April 200 6. I was forclosed on (predetory loan for which I could not get any help getting out of, even though EVERYONE KNEW IT WAS FRAUDUELENT!) Then on April 16, 2006 my father died. Since his death, my father's girlfriend and family and the people that I am related to on my father's side have literally come against me, seeking to permanently end my life. They have made and enforced their threats on me and my family. I have in essence no family with the exception of my dear husband and three boys (8,3,1).

I haven't been sleeping well and sometimes I scream in my dreams because it seems that these people are attacking me there as well over my earthly father. I just am at the point where I can't take it anymore. These people started attacking us and God on the eve of Passover.

Even so, this is stressful for my husband and were are talking of splitting
up for sheer safety. I am glad my husband's family have structure and can provide for my children as at this point I have nowhere to live. This is
really hurting me and I am starting to feel consumed with despair, depression and feeling that the Father is not with me. I feel beaten and
worn down. I am assuming that all this is over money. I never wanted that of my father but now that he is gone... I have to experience this.

What have I done to deserve this... being without a physical home (now),
the lost of my parents (they gave me support - mentally which is probably
selfish of me), and being physically attacked and stalked at every turn. Is
God testing me to see how I will hold on? Is this punishment for something that I have done wrong? Is it just simply time for my life to end? Should I give up? Should I continue to fight? Is there a better day ahead for me...?

I don't know anymore. We are supposed to seek each other for encouragement and uplifing. I am asking you to help me to seek the answer through the Word of Life... the Word of God.

I do understand that you will not answer this letter but I hope that you
will at least pray for me and my family to come from under all of this.

Please help.

Thank you... You sister in Christ.

Dear Tracee:  I get many emails from people who feel that they are at the end of the road. Unfortunately, I cannot solve your problems, nor the problems of anyone else in this world. I can give you some information, however.  We do "reap" what we "sow."  How much of what you are reaping is due to poor sowing, I do not know. Here is all that I can tell you:

We will pray for you and your wellbeing.  God often answers my prayers. You need to start living every day with a clean and clear conscience. That means to do or think anything that you KNOW IS WRONG.  Just stop it. And if you can't stop it, fall on your face, and beg God to save you. Your life is in God's hands. I am a merely a messenger. Only God can send the necessary help to encourage you and start turning your life around. Perhaps this email will be the start of a new day.

Read all the material on my site. There is much helpful information there.

I have "been there" myself. Not that many years ago, I was a senior citizen with no money and little else, lost my home, lost my wife, lost my only son, went bankrupt, nearly died a couple of times, all within a half dozen years. Now I have a lovely wife, an adopted daughter, a nice home paid for, a six-year-old car paid for, no debts, and a great calling to help others. God has saw fit to leave me to struggle with nearly a dozen health problems, however, but I am not complaining. Miracles still happen.

God be with you,

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