> Ray,
> First of i need you to respond to this. Are you saying that there is no hell
> or that even people who go to hell will eventually be reconciled back to god?
> God tells us, through his word, that there is one way and one way only to go to
> heaven. That is by believing in Christ and asking God for Christ's death on the
> cross to apply to our own lives. (Romans 10:9) However, if the CHOICE not to do
> so is made (and we die), yes, we WILL go to hell. And no, we CAN NOT be
> reconciled back to God. That is 100 percent scriptural and anything else is
> wrong. I'm not quite sure what you believe regarding this matter and would
> greatly appreciate a reply.
> -Calvin
Dear Calvin: Well, at least your name fits your theology. Whenever I say anything of any consequence, Calvin, I usually have 3 or 4 or ten or twenty Scriptures to back up what I say. Mostly I merely REPEAT what the Scripture says. The difference being that I BELIEVE THE SCRIPTURES and most Christians don't. Notice I did not say I believe ALL Bible translations, but rather "The SCRIPTURES." "Hell" is not the accurate translation of ANY word in either the Hebrew or the Greek Scriptures. You can prove this to yourself by carefully reading and studying my series on "HELL" in my "Lake of Fire" series. Also, the Greek words aion/aionios do NOT translate into "for EVER" or "eternal." Learn the proper meaning these words and you will never again write such an email as your have written me above.
God be with you,