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Author Topic: Food for one week around the world  (Read 10622 times)

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Food for one week around the world
« on: February 15, 2008, 10:55:42 AM »

Subject: One [1] weeks food

Food for thought!

This is undoubtedly one of the most interesting e-mails I've ever received.

Take a good look at the diet of each country and the cost of what is eaten
in one week.
Germany: The Melander family of Bargteheide
Food expenditure for one week - 375.39 Euros or $500.07

United States: The Revis family of North Carolina 
Food expenditure for one week - $341.98

Italy: The Manzo family of Sicily
Food expenditure for one week - 214.36 Euros or $260.11 

Mexico: The Casales family of Cuernavaca
Food expenditure for one week - 1,862.78 Mexican Pesos or $189.09

Poland: The Sobczynscy family of Konstancin-Jeziorna
Food expenditure for one week - 582.48 Zlotys or $151.27

Egypt: The Ahmed family of Cairo
Food expenditure for one week - 387.85 Egyptian Pounds or $68.53 

Ecuador: The Ayme family of Tingo
Food expenditure for one week - $31.55

Bhutan: The Namgay family of Shingkhey Village
Food expenditure for one week - 224.93 ngultrum or $5.03

Chad: The Aboubakar family of Breidjing Camp
Food expenditure for one week - 685 CFA Francs or $1.23



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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 03:50:37 PM »

Very interesting Kat!

I noticed that the healthier more natural or unprocessed food and drink, show up in the less expensive budgets :) Is this a case that less is more? It reminds me of the diet of John the Baptist.....

You are what you eat.... :D

Peace be to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 06:13:45 PM »

Yep I noticed that too, Arcturus.
I also noticed that the meat seem to diminish as you go down in cost and I could not see any meat in the last few.
Interesting to see the different homes of the families too.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2008, 09:06:07 PM »

It would be interesting to do the comparison again but this time without the packaging.
It seems the more packaging you take away, the more the cost of things goes down.

My wife and I are actually going through negotiations at the moment trying to reduce our food bill and we are also trying to get a vegetable garden happening so that we can greatly reduce the cost of living.

I am currently unemployed because of a disability so we are not exactly living the high life, but I believe God is using it to teach a number of very valuable lessons, one of which is to be content in all things.

We are very spoiled though in the western world aren't we!


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2008, 10:23:11 PM »

Uh-oh, Arc!!   Arrrgghh, I theenk I'm in beeeg trouble (if I am what I eat....I have a sweet tooth that has NEVER quit (and it's found in the middle of the roof of my mouth!!   AH HAHAHAHAH!! )   

If I had MY druthers, I'd eat a great variety of salads (I love cheese cubes in them too), fresh fruits galore, sweet corn on the cob, low-salt popcorn, and CHOCOLATE (preferably Ghirardelli's bulk choc., or Hershey's, except for the fact that I just found out last week or so that Hershey's is selling out their factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania and moving it to Mexico, thus being able to charge MORE for it in the U.S.!!  Dang!!).  I also love fruit juices!

Well, I have just let my hair down in full sight of all o'  you!!  NOW you know me a whole lot better....for I "Eat to live to live to eat!!"   HEE !  ;D    Isn't that kind of like the CrEATor??     ::) ::)    In fact, picnics by sunlit bubbling brooks are some of my FAVORITE THINGS in this world to do !!   :D

Your 'Picnic Pal' !



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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 02:01:28 AM »

You see that portion at the top?  Yeah, that one.  Well that's how much my last date ate and made me pay for.  Please, somebody help me!!


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 02:10:26 AM »

Move to Africa! ;D


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2008, 02:35:15 AM »

Hi everyone

Well, United States (Canada right beside U.S.) got the metal, the gold metal for the grossest food. Actually, you can't even call it food. Wonder why people are so sick, how can ones body live on junk and be healthy, mind and body. That is truly discusting crap of what they try to tell the public is food. Germans are second. People have to wake up, the food is actually posioning their bodies.  :(They don't know how to eat. That makes me mad  >:(to see how the F.D.A. and Health Canada tell people that it is good for them. The poorer countries and Egypt are actually the strongest and fitest people. :) They have sound minds and healthy bodies. :) You don't see them running to the doctor because they can't funtion in life. "Doc, I need help, I can't deal with my emotions". A pill for this a pill for that. Diabetics, wonder why there is such a epidemic of diabetics?  Its because people eat way to much sugar and foods that turn into sugar. What kind of foods turn into sugar, well, FRUIT, GRAINS. People eat way too much fruit and grains. Fruit turns into sugar in your body and so does grains. People are told to eat anywhere from 3-6 servings of fruit a day. That is way too much. Fruit is only meant to be eaten in season, hense the reason why fruit comes into season once a year at different times. Because of tecnology (fridges and transportation) we have fruit from all over the world. We are not meant to eat fruit everyday. Grains,unless they are organic, are dead. Even the organic grains need to be in moderation. More veggies and meat, real meat not deli crap.
It is so fustrating to see people come into my "CocoLoco" shop and wanting help. I feel so mad at the government for leading the people astray, like the churches do. :'( But I'm glad that God brings them into my shop and I tell them the truth. "Don't listen to Health Canada" "They have been leading people astray for so long..look around, its sad"
Well, there is lots on my site, to go research.
I'm going to also put in another truth in my site,    
I have a lot of church people that are coming in to buy the coconut oil and get truth about eating and they know my site.
God willing, some of them will come to the truth. I might lose some customers, but God is the one that brings the customers to me and He is the one that takes them away also. Its all of God.

Canada :)


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2008, 03:17:38 AM »

The reason the western world is eating so much crap that is making them sick is because it's a parable for what people are being fed in the orthodox christian Church!


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2008, 12:12:07 PM »

Hi Beverley,

Well tell us how you feel  ;)
I love coconut.  I just saw a TV program last week, that had a segment about the health benefits of coconuts  8)  I remember that they said coconut milk was the closest thing to mother's milk and new born babies thrived on it  8) 

I agree the diet of the average American is not good, me included. 
I can not help but wonder how the eating habits of the world will change when Christ rules.  I think we will see some radical changes.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2008, 01:39:38 PM »

:D Hi Beverly,
I enjoyed the video clips you have on your web site....I always WANTED to know how they got the coconut and oil and milk separated....NOW I know! Very interesting! Oh and I have to give you a thumbs up on the benefits of coconut oil....there are a few things that I try to have a little of each day: fresh fruits and veggies, lots of pure water, garlic, olive oil and coconut oil....and a variety of herbs....If i get nothing else...I try to get those items in....oh, I forgot and a few drops of lemon juice in the water now and then....I LOVE the coconut oil for making eggs with and when you add Rosemary and Garlic to the pan you've got a great combo that fights bacteria, viruses, yeast and molds!

I have a question for you: do you know how they make coconut extract flavoring?

I LOVE the smell of immediately transports me back to the beach in the summer time....I put about 2-3 drops of coconut extract in my coffee....I used to get a coconut cappuccino (instant) at Publix (grocery store) down south, but they stopped making it I's label had a Catholic monk on it...I don't know if it was produced at a monastery or if that was just a marketing thingy...but it was THE most delicious cappuccino in the entire WORLD! (love not the things of this world; I know, I know!!)  So to replace it when I couldn't get it any longer, I started putting coconut extract in my coffee. Just curious if you knew....

Joyce :)


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2008, 02:30:28 PM »

Now that is something innovative ~Bev! I want to try that out!

I put vanilla in my tea! That to is wonderful!!

Peace to you sister

Arcturus :)


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2008, 12:44:26 AM »

A cup of coconut coffee for my friend Arcturus! :) Joyce


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2008, 11:22:59 AM »

Hey Kat and others,

                             That was most interesting about the Food Stuffs found at the various families around the World, my wife enjoyed those pictures also. I've enjoyed studying nutrition, vitamin supplementation for most of my life. Without presenting a documentary on my nutritional insights and studies, I'll just mention a few points(thoughts) on this. Most people in this country are eating too many High Glycemic Carbohydrates, the body is able to hold approximately 360 grams of Carbs(Glycogen) in the Liver and the rest are held in our muscles in reserve for energy purposes, anything in excess is converted to Fat. What this amounts to is the concept " Not all carbohydrates are created equal". Certainly vegetables(especially green ones) are the most preferable source, most fruits, although good for you, have too much sugar, especially Bananas(glycemic index of 90+), the higher the number, the faster the food source will rapidly convert to glucose(100 on the scale). If everyone ate a diet that predominantly consisted of Good sources of protein, vegetables and only some starches, they would be better off. I know, we all love dessert and occasional junk(cheezits, pototoe chips, etc). Legumes, Nuts and Seeds are very good, they all are of Low-glycemic Index and filled with fiber and are good sources of proteins.

          I know, I'll stop, before this becomes a Documentary, could go on for the Aions.

           By the way, I'd like a cup of coffee too, alittle half n' half, one teaspoon sugar, just make it the regular kind, the dunkin doughnuts brand(too expensive).

                                                 Your Brother in Christ, Samson.


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2008, 02:06:59 PM »

Hi Samson,

I'm loving getting this info. from everybody on how we should eat healthier.  Since you have studied this maybe you could give us your top 10 list of the best foods for us.  I think we already know what most of the bad one are. 

Like Beverley's info. on coconuts, unless you study these things out, you just don't know about them.  I think we all do want to eat healthier, but we don't take the time to research for info, so we can be smart about how we do it.

So do share more of your insight with us  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2008, 02:32:01 PM »

You CANNOT know how much I needed that Joyful1. THANK YOU!

If I may contribute to the top ten on your list Kat. I do know cabbage and broccoli are excellent foods.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2008, 05:18:23 PM »

Hello Kat & Others,

                           You asked for it and now your going to get it(only kidding), my wife just said, Oh my goodness, now you did it. Personally, I don't really believe in a top ten list, but the percentage of what you eat(Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats) can be important. If you are extremely active(long term endurance type exercise, you probably require more of the good type Carbohydrates). If you lift weights like I do in a High Intensity fashion, like advocated by the late Arthur Jones, the inventor of the Nautilus exercise Machines, mixed with some minor amounts of Aerobic exercise, a good balance of all major Macro-nutrients; Proteins, carbohydrates and yes Fats are necessary. Fats are much maligned by many Nutritionists, yet we need a balance of Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acids, 50/50 ratio. The so-called good Fats, Olive Oil, safflower Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Fish Oils,etc, will help to breakdown or emulsify the Saturated fats, also foods that contain Fats in them provide a satiating effect, in other words, curtail hunger pangs in the long run. In my opinion, for the average person who's somewhat active, neither deciding to lose or gain weight, 20 to 30 pounds within their so-called ideal weight, I say so-called, because muscle tissue weighs much more than fat weight, so obviously a person can function at a much higher weight, providing its' not too much weight for the joints to handle. Don't even try to compare yourself with the Bodybuilders and the Elite Athelites, most if not all of them are on steroids, diurectics and HGH, which drastically enhances recover from training, increases testosterone levels and burns body fat and reduces water retention, also those mentioned above are Genetic Superiors(physically speaking), 1/10 of 1% of the Worlds population. Now you are probably waiting for my suggested top ten, very shortly.

    Firstly my wife and I believe in supplementation, Multi-Vitamin(A,E,D,B's,C;etc); Multi-Mineral Pill(Calsium,Magnesium,Manganese,Iron,Potassium,Boron,Silicon,Kelp,Phosphorus;etc.); extra C(3,000mg daily, more when getting a cold); BComplex(all the B's, most of which have 25 mg, 3Xdaily), Glucosamine/Chondroitin with hyal joint(for the joints). The reason I mention this is because no one can be certain that in the soil things are grown in,  their stil is the proper nutrients(Acid/Alkaline balance, Nitrogen,etc), certainly not as good as the Garden in Eden. However, as others have mentioned in response to this post, the more natural a food is, the better, ie-your garden vs. store bought, Scratch Chicken eggs vs store bought, Raw Milk is superior to Pasteurized/Homogenized Milk, In Raw Milk, the enzymes haven't been destroyed. Of course, cost is always are consideration in this discussion.

    I will give you my top Proteins and Carbohydrates and other considerations.

                   1)EGGS(most complete biologically complete source of protein, don't worry about yolks, the lecithin in the yolk helps to emusify the cholesterol, unless you have a genetic predisposition towards cholesterol problems, by the way the cholesterol contained in fats are not a fat, but a natural steroid hormone.)

                    2)WATER ( I know its not a food, but people don't drink enough of it, try to drink 1to1 1/2 gallons per day, preferably chilled, because whenever your body has to raise of temperature of it, it causes the body to burn calories, a sorta freebie, water also helps to flush the system of toxins and improves bowel control. Don't gulp it, like I do

                    3) ALL GREEN VEGETABLES(Brocoli,Green Beans, Spinach(loaded with iron,I don't personally like spinach, but its' great for you, remember popeye, I like it raw, not cooked)

                     4) Vegetable Salads( you already know what goes in that, lettuce tomatoe,red onion, green pepper, cucumbers, carrots, etc; make sure you put the dressing that you like on, I prefer Blue Cheese, Olive Oil with red Vinegar and a variety of seasonings is good, no fat-free dressings please, alot of fiber in your diet will help breakdown and digest Proteins and Fats.

                      5) FISH( all kinds, especially white types, We prefer white tuna, depending on where you live, it can be very expensive, it is around here, I forgot to mention, we take Omega 3 & 6 fish Oils, so we don't need much of it.)

                      6) LEAN BEEF( don't overcook those steaks, it will destroy the protein and other nutrients, no you don't have to eat it bloody rare, pink in middle, ok. Beef is loaded with B Vitamins, Iron and creatine(the stuff they make that supplement for weight lifters out of).

                      7) LIVER( Beef, chicken or whatever, loaded with Bvitamins, gives great energy and loaded with Iron, Vitamin D) I know you don't like it, then skip it

                      8) CHICKEN( Loaded with protein, Tryptophane)

                      9) DAIRY PRODUCTS( too much milk isn't really good for adults, better for children and teenagers, a Cow has four stomachs and its milk is meant for calves, raw milk is preferable, mothers milk is probably best for babies, also milk is loaded with Trytophane, Lysine, these are amino acids, the first helps sleep and the second aids in growth.) I love cheese, its good for you, keep it in moderation, great in a chefs' salad.)

                      10) NUTS AND LEGUMES( Don't forget these, loaded with good fats, protein, fiber, vitamin E, Calsium and very filling, great for those that don't like animal protein)

                       11)FRUITS( I know, where's the fruit, fruits are good for you, however if you desire to lose weight, some fruits can be fattening, based on their sugar content and how its' released in the system) the best choices are, the berry family, apples, cheeries, plums, Figs, Avocado's(don't like them),grapes, if your trying to lose weight, avoid bananas,glycemic index of 88, I know, they have potassium, but not that much, oranges, ok, but no they don't really have that much Vitamin C, green peppers have more. The best thing about fruit is their water content and Fiber, for overall benefit, I rate vegetables over fruit anyday.

                            The Following is a List of Foods to Avoid( but have them sparingly for variety sake, pick a junk food meal per week or if your thin(lucky you-fast metabolism) have a junk food day.

                                 1) All processed snacks(potatoe chips, corn chips, Doritoes;etc.)

                                 2) Cakes, pies, cookies, doughnuts, etc( I know, some of these items can be made more naturally)

                                 3) Soda( Its' garbage, reg or diet, the reg is loaded with sugar and the diet is loaded with chemicals, both cause water retention and the one with sugar has empty calories, I have an occasional Soda, once every two weeks, if you must drink soda, choose diet ginger ale, has some value, the ginger root.

                                 4) Fruit Juices and other Juices( loaded with sugar, we occasionally drink crystal light or Diet Green tea. Eat the Apple, Pineapple or Orange instead, juices are too concentrated.

                          The above List of Foods to avoid are foods that are considered Concentated Carbohydrates with chemicals, preservatives, too much sodium, too much sugar(Maltose,Dextrose,fructose(fruit sugar),lactose(milk sugar),High fructose corn syrup, sucrose(table sugar) and even Honey is fattening(glycemic index of 92, hardly any iron in it to affect much value) and a list of ingredients that most people can't even pronounce, if you can't pronounce it, watch out, its' probably not good for you.

                         Be carefull what you wish for Kat, you might get it(only joking), My wife warned you of what I might do and now you know, I could continue this subject alot more, but don't want to overwhelm you any further, enough for now.

                                            Your Brother in Christ, Samson. 


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2008, 05:52:51 PM »

Hi Samson,

That was great.  A condensed and to the point summary of all your studies  :)
I think what you have said will help me adjust my diet a good bit for the better.



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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2008, 05:59:14 PM »

Great post Samson!

I forgot the beans and the white flour :D

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Food for one week around the world
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2008, 08:30:20 PM »

:D cup of regular coffee for Samson....seeing as how he probably needs an energy boost after all that posting!
sorry Samson, didn't see your request earlier! :)
anyone else ready for a cup or a refill?

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