I have a question about your take on tithing. If it is unscriptural to tithe, then how are the pastors of smaller churches supposed to be supported by the church, since their salary comes from tithe?
Well Bobby, we too have an Internet ministry which costs tens of thousands of dollars a year, and here is how we finance it. [1] We first prove to everyone from the Scriptures that it is unscriptural and a SIN to teach the tithing of "money" under the New Covenant. [2] We then write thousands of pages of Scriptural material that changes people's lives and brings them to God, all free of charge. [3] We are careful not to sell anything on our site or have a box designated for offerings. [4] We then TRUST GOD IN FAITH to provide for our ministry. [5] Month after month a few people send us donations and a few new readers write and ask us HOW they can contribute to this ministry. [6] We then THANK GOD for each and every contribution that comes in and the lives that are being changed. [7] We add ANOTHER SCRIPTURAL TRUTH to our list of God's way of doing things.
Paul was inspired to write under God's inspiration that "God loves a cheerful GIVER" (II Cor. 9:7), not a "cheerful TITHE PAYER." "Tithing is Unscriptural Under the New Covenant."
God be with you,
PS Stepping out on faith and trusting God to meet the needs of a ministry is not exactly something what seminary-trained ministers are willing to do. Giving sermons from the pulpit on the subject of faith is fine, but having a minister actually live, himself, by this principle, well, that's another matter.