You referenced Gen 14:20 in your article about Tithing and New Testament Christianity. You said that the reference was strictily talking about the war booty. But the scripture its self reads, [Gen 14:20c] "And he gave them a tithe of all." Under what context do you believe that this verse to speaking specifically about war booty. I would be lead to believe that the word all, clearly leads the other way. I believe in tithing as long as it is used properly and as you said, not used as a stick to make congregents believe that they are going to be cursed if they dont give a 10th. I will testify personally about how the Lord has blessed me when I give to Him first. As it stands right now, I believe that this reference was used out of context, please clarify if you have time.
Your Brother In Christ
Dear Tyler: When all else fails, read the context. Yes, Abraham gave a tithe "of all." But the question is, "all" WHAT? Back up a few verses for the answer: "And he [Abraham] brought back all the G-O-O-D-S
...and he [Abraham] gave him tithes [Heb: 'a tenth'] of ALL [all the
G-O-O-D-S"! (Gen. 14:16 & 20). Not the "all" of something else.
Second witness: "Now consider Now consider how great this man was unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the SPOILS [King James Margin: 'PLUNDER']" (Heb. 7:4).
"Tithing is UNSCRIPTURAL Under the New Testament." There is not one example of anyone ever "tithing" to the New Testament Church of God. Paul clearly never taught the Gentiles to "tithe." Besides, money was never a titheable commodity.
God be with you, Ray