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Author Topic: judge not  (Read 18614 times)

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Re: judge not
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2008, 01:34:56 PM »

Mark 9:42 is talking about who shall offend one of these little ones. Who do you think 'these little ones' are? The hell-mongering Babylonians who do a disservice to His name everytime they open they're mouth about how God will fail to save all humanity, even though he desires it? Or, are these little ones, those who are called out of the Whore?

Maybe these are the little ones that Jesus is talking about. The little ones are those that believe in Jesus. Maybe they don't have all the light right now but one day they will. Maybe we can help them see the light if that's what God wants. I don't think I would call say, Matt's family "hell-mongering Babylonians" or my husband because they don't believe that all will be saved. People in churches are ordinary people who are also looking to God, but they are misinformed by the religious system. They are afraid of going outside this system because of FEAR of going to hell, so they will trust in that system no matter what, rather than God's spirit. They are sheep without a shepherd. Me thinks we can all use an attitude check once in a while.

Knowledge puffs up but love edifies. That goes for me too because sometimes I think because I know the scriptures better now that somehow I am superior to those that don't. I don't intentionally do this, but I am always fighting that sense of superiority and high-mindedness. I hate this thing in me, and Jesus didn't have it. He ministered amongst the little ones. His sarcasm was reserved for the leaders of the religious system, those arrogant, self-righteous ones, who were leading people astray for their own benefit.



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Re: judge not
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2008, 02:42:11 PM »

Mark 9:42 is talking about who shall offend one of these little ones. Who do you think 'these little ones' are? The hell-mongering Babylonians who do a disservice to His name everytime they open they're mouth about how God will fail to save all humanity, even though he desires it? Or, are these little ones, those who are called out of the Whore?

Maybe these are the little ones that Jesus is talking about. The little ones are those that believe in Jesus. Maybe they don't have all the light right now but one day they will. Maybe we can help them see the light if that's what God wants. I don't think I would call say, Matt's family "hell-mongering Babylonians" or my husband because they don't believe that all will be saved. People in churches are ordinary people who are also looking to God, but they are misinformed by the religious system. They are afraid of going outside this system because of FEAR of going to hell, so they will trust in that system no matter what, rather than God's spirit. They are sheep without a shepherd. Me thinks we can all use an attitude check once in a while.

Knowledge puffs up but love edifies. That goes for me too because sometimes I think because I know the scriptures better now that somehow I am superior to those that don't. I don't intentionally do this, but I am always fighting that sense of superiority and high-mindedness. I hate this thing in me, and Jesus didn't have it. He ministered amongst the little ones. His sarcasm was reserved for the leaders of the religious system, those arrogant, self-righteous ones, who were leading people astray for their own benefit.


Let's read Matthew 10:35-37 again,  shall we?

From Matthew 10:

35For I have come to turn
   " 'a man against his father,
      a daughter against her mother,
   a daughter-in-law against her motherinlaw—
    36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.

 37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

Did Jesus come to reconcile? No, He came to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter in law against her mother in law, a men's enemies will be the members of his own household.

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

verse 37 tells me, that anyone that loves his family more than Christ, by being unable to even admit what they are, is unworthy of Him.
Does it mean you hate your family members if you call them 'hell-mongering Babylonians'? No, it means you can acknowledge what they are...and aren't afraid to say it to their face, when they spew forth their hell-mongering.

I don't care if they're blind or not, a pedophile can't help that he is sexually attracted to children, but we still prosecute them for it.
Likewise, those who blaspheme God by telling everybody that he is going to torture people in real fire for eternity, deserve their rebuke.


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Re: judge not
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2008, 03:35:29 PM »

Who are the "little one's"?  :)

Are they the infant devils who's father is Satan or are they the little Saints who's Father is God?

Are they the unconverted, unrepentant, self idolised, deceived and deceivers, blind leading and following the blind in Babylon or are they the chosen out of Babylon to become like Christ in suffering persecution, chastisement in judgement from God who judges them now through His Mercy?

Are the "little one's" the Tares or the Wheat the obedient or the disobedient, the many or the few?

The call is to come out of Babylon is to the children of God not the children of the world. The children of God come out of BABYLON and out of false doctrines of man.

BEFORE you come out you have to be IN! Only God knows how long you have to be IN before HE drags anyone OUT.

Many are not out yet. Many are still in Babylon and they have to be there because as Paul writes..

Rom 11 : 29 - 32 Just as YOU were once disobedient and rebellious toward God but now have obtained His Mercy, through THEIR DISOBEDIENCE,  so THEY also now are being disobedient, when YOU are receiving mercy, that they in turn may ONE DAY,  the Mercy you are enjoying, ALSO RECIEVE MERCY. For GOD has consigned all men to disobedience, only that HE may have Mercy on them all. (Caps to show emphasis not raised tone of voice or holier than thou superiority.  :) )

" Self is one of the toughest plants that grows in the garden of life. It is, in fact, indestructible by any human means. Just when we are sure it is dead it turns up somewhere as robust as ever to trouble our peace and poison the fruit of our lives....
The victorious Christian neither exalts nor downgrades himself. His interests have shifted from self to Christ. What he is or is not no longer concerns him. He believes that he has been crucified with Christ.....Quote from A W Tozer
(From a book titled The Seduction of Christianity Spiritual Discernment in the last days by D Hunt and T McMahon)

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: judge not
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2008, 04:48:01 PM »

Well said Arcturus, That's why I used the analogy, of coming out of the Whore. As a child coming out of his mother's womb, he will of course be a "little one".   ;)

Take care,


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Re: judge not
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2008, 04:56:47 PM »

Yes! That certainly is another way of seeing it.

Peace to you brother

Arcturus :)


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Re: judge not
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2008, 02:12:25 AM »

verse 37 tells me, that anyone that loves his family more than Christ, by being unable to even admit what they are, is unworthy of Him.
Does it mean you hate your family members if you call them 'hell-mongering Babylonians'? No, it means you can acknowledge what they are...and aren't afraid to say it to their face, when they spew forth their hell-mongering.

As a statement of fact, you are very right and I could not agree with you more!   What is sadly missing, because we are using a forum, is the other 80% of communication (tone, body language, etc...).   It is very difficult to hear these facts, and not picture the one saying them as a "meanie", which I do not believe anyone here is.  This is why I occasionally take a "break", until one day I come to a fuller maturity and understanding.
If we were all in person, I do not think that there would be so much misunderstanding and we would all treat each other the same way we would want to be treated, with love and respect :), and still be of one mind (Christ's mind!)

Horse is sooo dead,
Matt ;D
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