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Author Topic: Nothing at All  (Read 5624 times)

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Nothing at All
« on: March 02, 2008, 10:52:32 PM »

Dear Miki:  Here is your response to my statement that you said some pretty nasty things to me: 

"What carefully selected "nasty" and "mean spirited" things have I said to you? Nothing at all." 

Oh really? Every statement below was taken from your emails to me. They are all YOUR statements:
"here we go with the name-calling again" [this too is your statement,not mine]:
"I am IN TEARS!!! I've been howling with laughter for the past two hours surveying your diatribes.
you are such an angry, self-loathing little man;
enraged arrogance;
when our Father shows you that millstone;
your site had me in stitches they were so funny;
bellowing at the alleged stupidity of others;
you do little more than recycle the same tired tripe and heresies;
completely illogical and self-contradictory;
anger and rage that's woven in through each and every sentence of your essays;
the alleged non-existence of Hell was very entertaining;
you are such an angry, self-loathing little man
reading things that having me blowing soda out my nose laughing, they're so ridiculous....
your site is a hoot
your fluffy, confused essays
you are deeply, seriously lost
it is tragic that you are blind to the havoc of your own soul and heart!
I think you may a great candidate for the presidency of the Delusions of Grandeur Society;
I'm always up for some genuine comic relief!!!
giving me more reason not to take you any more seriously than I would a psychotic man in a lockdown unit" (This ends some of your name-calling and statements regarding me and my writings).
Wow! and all I said was that you are a "phony."  Which of course, you are.  I wanted to add "hypocrite" and "liar," which I would be justified in doing, but I held back.
Here's what's sad, Miki:  I KNOW that you will be saved (albeit maybe in the Day of Judgment). But you, are SURE that I will not be saved in my present mind set. Here is the gist of what I teach in the thousands of pages of material on our site:  GOD IS LOVE, and God commissioned Jesus Christ "TO BE THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD" (I John 4:14). Neither God's love, nor Christ's commission will ever fail.  God is able to be all to repentance (just you wait and see).  God will not torture most of the human race in literal fire in some hellhole of Christian paganism for all eternity. Not even Pope John Paul II believed that Christian nonsense, and had the courage before his death to speak out against it.
That's what I teach, and I teach it was authority, which people like you loathe with a passion. I do not apologize for what I teach.  Woe be unto me if I do not teach it.
L. Ray Smith 
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