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Author Topic: Baptism  (Read 6349 times)

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« on: March 05, 2008, 08:35:42 PM »

    Ray, As a Professional Registered Parliamentarian, I have insisted that my church (Southern Baptist)  revise its bylaws.  A committee has been appointed with myself as Chairman.  A very big issue has surfaced. I want the requirement of membership of Baptism by Immersion be waived IF some medical, mental, or physical condition exist that would be aggravated if the potential member should participate in that Ordinance. My pastor is 100% opposed and has stated that any potential member who does not experience Baptism by Immersion will not be a member of our church.

        My belief is that salvation does not require Baptism by Immersion or Baptism by any other means.  I believe that one can be saved and not experience this ritual which numerous denominations require for membership.
        What denominations accept members without any form of Baptism?
        What are your views of denominations that do require Baptism as a requirement for membership?

        Dear Don: If you understood my views of such things, you would not even be in such a church or denomination in the first place.  However, you are correct in asserting that the "ritual" of baptism in literal water has little if any effect on many who have been so baptized. Witness the thousands and thousands of disciples that John baptized by IMMERSION in water, but by the time Pentecost came around there were only 120 disciples left (Acts. 2:5). Baptism is "in the NAME of Jesus," not "in the WATER in some creek."  Baptism is on  par with foot washing, passover symbols of bread and wine, physical circumcision of the physical foreskin, etc.  Are these necessary? YES, absolutely, but in the SPIRIT, and not in the flesh.
        We MUST be baptized into Jesus, into His death (John 6, especially verse 4).  We MUST wash our brothers feet by SERVING him, not by washing his feet in soap and water;  we MUST eat Christ flesh and drink His blood, but not in physical ritual, but in spiritual application of these symbols;  we MUST be circumcised in heart and spirit, but not in the flesh with a sharp knife, etc.  Hope this helps your understanding.
        God be with you,
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