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Author Topic: My Step Brother - East meets West.  (Read 8694 times)

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My Step Brother - East meets West.
« on: March 27, 2008, 03:31:30 PM »

You know how strange things happen to strange people. Well I am strange. :)

Today a young man in his late 30’s, with a long black beard and wearing a long white tunic, came into my shop. You guessed it. He was Moslem.  :D

Well, he came in, looked around, purchased a bottle of water and then asked if he could sit down.

“What is happening here Lord.” I thought as he seated himself down at the head of the table opposite to where I had my Strongs concordance, Interlinear Bible, KJ Bible and of course, notes from Ray Smith all opened on the table where I study during the day. It helps to be the “Boss” of my shop.  8) I can do what I like and I like studying the Scriptures.

With no other customers in the shop, I took my place at the table and sat down.

Not to be rude, I did not immediately ignore my guest and it was he who commenced conversation. He asked a few menial questions and then ventured to ask if I were not afraid for my life. A few people have asked me this before and I have been quite forthright in responding Rev 1 : 18 but now, faced with a Moslem, how could I quote Rev 1 : 18. I said nothing and just looked at him. He thought he understood what my face said and relaxed into his chair with a satisfied chuckle.

So to cut to the chase, I observed, “So you know the Koran?”

He responded saying that God is in charge of everything! Good opening line I’d say, wouldn’t you!

Well that opened up the dialogue! Before I knew it we were talking about my favorite way to communicate. We began talking about non other but GOD!
What a delight it was. Here was this brother of Ishmael and son of Hagar and Abraham, telling me about our Father.

I looked for statements he made that I could confirm with our Scriptures and there were many.  There were several openings for me to communicate that Christendom is mislead. Of course he agreed entirely with that. Then I told he Christendom and the Moslems are brothers! As a Christian, I am therefore his sister!

He spoke of prayer and works. Then it struck me full force! This was, is, the prodigal son!

I stopped him to tell him about prayer. I told him how Jesus prayed and God did not let the cup pass from Him. I told him that prayer is not asking for carnal gratification’s and comforts but is “Thy Will Be Done”. I told him that I know that they pray five times daily. I did not have to elaborate. I think he got it. Their prayers are works and they say nothing and mean less. I told him that on the night of His betrayal, Jesus had prayed THY WILL BE DONE and THAT’S PRAYER!
I was amazed when he communicated how Lucifer was Satan who fell from heaven because he decided to go against God!

I told him that to believe that was to think that God is weak. I could see that this physically hit him before making the impression to his well indoctrinated mind.

He communicated that he believed that God is in control of everything and everyone. I asked him why he thought then, that Satan was a free agent and why he thought that God was not the creator of Satan. Again, the young man was baffled.

I could commend him for his stamina and he continued to communicate that spiritual blindness is not physical. I was pleased that there were many areas I could show him where the Scriptures are in support of what he was saying.

When he apologized for having to leave, he got up, acknowledged that I can see and so can he, and he thanked me for my kindness. I had offered him a cup of tea! He bid me God bless and said he would re-visit. I smiled warmly extending a  glance of acceptance towards him knowing that this was a brother from a Nation that is in serious inferiority complex, doing all they can do to win God’s approval.

He is a brother who’s Nation has the inferiority complex of the prodigal son, a bondwoman of a mother and rejection from the so called ‘chosen” Jewish race and the Christian too. They believe they can do better than the brother at home by doing works, prayer, pilgrimages and fasting. Not unlike what Christendom is also mislead to perform.

I thought about the possibility of them being allowed into the Kingdom of God ahead of those Christians who will hear Christ say “depart from me!”

We know here in BT that nothing physical accomplishes anything spiritual.

My step brother came today. I welcomed him. I offered him support on areas of spiritual insights that were correct. That God is in charge and there is no free will. That was a little bit difficult  for this young brother to fully and uniformly apply to his religiosity and indoctrination’s. Yet having said that, he certainly was more open to much of what I communicated than I have experienced coming from my brethren in the Church that is still dead and unbelieving.

I am happy to say that I experienced a most gracious conversation with this young man that can be pleasingly presented before God at the Judgement when He returns.

What a blessing!

Peace be to you all

Arcturus :)

PS I received the opportunity to show him Rev 1 :18 just as he was leaving!  :).. I have the keys of the grave and of death.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 03:39:33 PM by Arcturus »


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2008, 04:22:28 PM »

“What is happening here Lord.” I thought as he seated himself down at the head of the table opposite to where I had my Strongs concordance, Interlinear Bible, KJ Bible and of course, notes from Ray Smith all opened on the table where I study during the day. It helps to be the “Boss” of my shop.  Cool I can do what I like and I like studying the Scriptures.

When I read this the following popped into my mind.

2 Timothy 2:15

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

It dawned on me, approved for what?  There has been discussion lately about telling others of our newly understood truths of God, and how we seem to fall flat on our face when we do.  We are busting with joy and would like to have God send someone our way to witness to them, but alas, he doesn't.  Is it possible the approval, is to be a verbal witness for God?  And until we study and learn all we can, God will not approve us to send someone our way? 

We all want a short cut (myself included) we want to know the answers to our questions but we don't really want to study for them.  You know that there is no christian hell, but I dare say most here would fall flat on their face if they tried to defend this truth to someone.  "Study to shew thyself approved unto God"  Powerful words

Deb keep up with your study, if God is approving you, He will be sending others your way.


« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 04:32:44 PM by Craig »


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2008, 04:30:38 PM »


Your words are deeply felt my dear Brother. In fact I can tell you most truly that this Moslem Brother will be first to be approved of God before me because it was he who knew that it is God's Grace that changes our hearts! HE KNEW THAT!

Very, deeply humbling!

Thank you for your encouragement Craig.



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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2008, 07:27:57 PM »

Hi Arcturus,

You really do have some interesting encounters at your shop.  And I think what you have shown is that how we handle a situation makes a big difference.  You did not throw a lot of Scripture at him, which would probably have been counterproductive. Though it seems that your conversation was God centered and you were able to shine a light that he most likely will not soon forget  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2008, 07:57:12 PM »

Amazing, Acturus! I would love to have been in your shop today! I felt as though I was already there, reading your discription. What did he mean by "do you fear for your life?"
Joyce :)


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 11:57:50 PM »

Im guessing he was referring to the negative perception that most Westerners and Christians have
of Muslims and those from the middle east. Many of the images on TV of Muslims are about terrorism.


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2008, 03:09:54 AM »

While that is true Steve, my Moslem brother was actually refering to my safety.

The crime here is out of control.

Now I do not want to scare any of you or get you to unfaithfully start to get the gitters for me, but, it is a wild west here and like most places in the world today, it is very volatile.

Lawlessness rules the day. That lawlessness is the idea that one has control to do what one likes and get away with the consequences which many many time is what seemingly happens here.  The wicked are thriving. Have you not seen it too? Of course you have!

We all know what lawlessness is now don't we. Lawlessness is belief in free will.

That is what my Moslem friend and others who ask if I am not afraid for my life, are refering to. Safety from the seeming randomness and unaccountability of "free will".

I know if God see's that to humble me, he should arrange for a demented fellow to come and knock me down and half club me to death, it will happen. I know that. If it is meant to happen that a person comes in to hurt me, it will be under the watchful eye of God. What ever happens, God is in control.

I do not tempt God to prove it either! I know God is God! I hold on to that when asked if I fear for my life.

My life is not my own.

The cross HE has set before me is the one I am to take. I pray HIS  endurance, faith and  strenght to follow that I most surely do not have of my own capacity! Non of us do! That is what I realise when asked if I fear for my life. There is nothing I can do to save it.

Blessed Peace be with us!

Arcturus :)



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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2008, 04:11:48 AM »

Wow, Acturus--
I hope that He gives me the type of resolve you have, should I be in your shoes some day! God's peace to you too!
Joyce :)


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2008, 10:45:43 AM »

Hi Arcturus,

You certainly have had some incredible encounters at your shop!

I bet that young man's head was spinning by the time he left, I have little doubt he had never met a "Christian" quite like you before.  ;)

What an awesome experience that must have been, that really gives much to meditate on in regard to being ready to give an answer as we never really know who and when God might send someone our way to plant a seed in their spirit.

Praise God!

His Peace and Wisdom to you Sister,



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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2008, 08:06:41 PM »

Hi Joe, Kat and Joyful!

I did not have time to respond this morning so here is the most wonderful reply I can quote back to you that comes from a most Dear Brother that bears reference to my Moslem step brother because I learnt from him and won't soon be forgetting him either.  :)

God can certainly choose to reveal portions of His spirit of Truth to whomever He chooses, no matter what religion they are, or even whether or not they believe in God at all.

Remember, Christ Himself is Truth.  So anytime a person is speaking genuine truth, they are testifying of Christ, whether they know it or not.

Peace to us all



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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2008, 08:54:10 PM »

God is so Good!

 Arc I immensely enjoyed that testimony and the other posters! Craig I liked your idea.

I won't be on much for a week.  Hoping to see Joe and Nelson In Sunny Florida!!

This kind of thread is what I will miss!

Joyce I want that kind of resolve too! (just enough to get on an airplane) :D


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2008, 03:49:38 AM »

:D I hear ya sister! faith for me is getting on a plane when I could easily just walk the 1800 miles to Florida! ehehhe! Have a great trip! Remember me when you hear your first thunderstorm! I miss the thunderstorms there....nothing like a brisk walk on a wind swept beach after the thunderstorm rolls through!!
ah!! Spring!!
Joyce :)

brandon h

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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2008, 01:24:01 PM »

It is always an inspiration when you share, Arc. As Craig said, keep up the studying, as you have inspired me to do the same.

God Bless


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2008, 01:43:23 PM »

Thank you brandon h.

Today I have been studying the sand and the stars. So far, and using my concordance I have been noting what God has said about the sand.


I felt so blessed to have had all those studious scholars do the work of indexing all God's Words so that me, lazy, unscholastic, me, can easily refer through the Concordance, for words that have taken several life times to document. I really do believe we live in the last hour of work in God's vineyard!

Blessed Peace to you




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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2008, 08:57:54 PM »

I appreciate your studies and your eloquence in relaying these marvels, these gems of knowledge.  It so helps me to see the spiritual side of scripture in my own study of the Word.  Thanks so much Arc (or may I call you Deb?).  You have been blessed with a gift and I am thankful that you share it with us.

In His Love,


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2008, 09:45:39 PM »

In turn it encourages me that my brothers and sisters are diligently in study of the Word.

Yes I have been gifted with a certain eloquence for which I shall be accountable Vangie.

Thank you for your kind words.

Deb :)


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2008, 02:56:33 AM »

hi arc,
i always love reading your posts. you are so blessed to be where you are.  where God put you.  your diligent study of the scriptures via ray's teachings and with God's spirit guiding you is reflected back to you thru your opportunities given to you to speak the truths of His words.  to be living in africa during these times most likely are difficult now and then, and to live without fear and with the boldness of the truths you hold in your spirit/heart must be exciting.

i would love to meet you one day in person (as we all wish on the forums regarding each other). i am making plans to attend ray's nashville conference.

again, thank you for your words of inspiration.

your sister in Christ,


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2008, 03:21:04 AM »

Your words of wisdom and insight are of great encouragement to me this morning claudia.

Yes, living in Africa is difficult but living through the circumstances that the Lord has given to me is also testing for which He adds much blessing and encouragement.

Blessed Peace be yours



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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2008, 08:33:34 AM »

Arcturus,  You say:

I know if God see's that to humble me, he should arrange for a demented fellow to come and knock me down and half club me to death, it will happen. I know that. If it is meant to happen that a person comes in to hurt me, it will be under the watchful eye of God. What ever happens, God is in control.

The very thought of this makes one thankful for the day and everything in it no matter how small, it is all provided by God in His infinite plan and wisdom.

Craig, I believe you are on to something there about II Tim. 2:15.  May we all be approved to speak to someone through the Holy Spirit.

Rest in the Lord,


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Re: My Step Brother - East meets West.
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2008, 04:31:31 PM »

Yea Barbara

The Lord is showing me that EVERYTHING is by HIS PROVIDENCE and the smallest joys and ABSENCE of harm are from HIM. HE and HE alone is truly my protection. As He put His own children into the hands of the Chaldean's, so too He can do the same with me to teach, chastise, correct, humble and educate me.  Ref Habakkuk.

Just today I realised that I was in a peaceful time of joy. For the first time I was caused to ask the Lord  that during the next trial and test that He give me His Mercy, Forgiveness for my feeling abandoned by Him and His Pity and Compassion. What a gift to have been enabled to ask that! What a gift! The trials and tests must come and having been enabled by HIM to ask this, feels like rigging an anchor to hang onto during the next overwhelming test. I will be able to know also if this anchor endures or if it is going to be burnt up in the next test. That's if I remember! :D

Blessed Peace to you sister

Arcturus :)

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