Ray have you commented on Gen:6, 5 6 & 7 ?
Seems that GOD created the adversary to do
a job, an he has done a perfect job to date,
Sooooooo why was GOD sorry he created man at
at that time?
I really do appreciate,an THANK YOU for sharing
your knowledge an dedication, to the world.
Thank you again
Amarillo, Texas
Dear Don: Don't misunderstand the meaning of "sorry" as it was used in archaic English. He was not "sorry" as in "I made a mistake that I now wish I hadn't made." That is nonsense. It is translated "grieved," and that is the proper word. Also the word for "repented" can mean to "pity." And these are proper emotional statements coming from God that do not insinuate that He didn't know what He was doing. God says he takes "no delight in the death of the wicked." But that doesn't mean He is sorry that He ever created humanity which is mostly wicked. And so when they death was to come, God felt pity and was grieved for the destruction that He brought upon them as a part of His original plan from the beginning. Hope this helps your understanding.
God be with you,