Dear Ray.I don't wish to take up your time as I know that you must be very busy.My name is Danny ....... I am 61years old and have been searching for the truth for a very long time. I found your site a couple of months ago and I cannot get enough.I am about half through reading your fine work and will start over when I finish.I know you may not remember but I am the person that told you that I have just about worn out my printer.I can't thank you enough for your help.I don't go to church any more because I could not ever accept the things that were taught. I was raised in the south by a baptist mother and was required to go to church without exception.The pastor scared me to death many times when I was a boy and the fear of eternal hell fire played on my mind constantly but I could not understand why a loving god would do such a terrible thing to anyone.I tried and tried to read and understand the bible over the years but always became very frustrated.I prayed and preyed for help and I know that God has answered and sent you and every day I thank him andI thank you. Now for my question.When every one is saved and Jesus turns the kingdom over to God what happens next? If you don't have the time to answer I will very much understand.Again thank you so much for your help and may God bless you. very truly Danny
Dear Danny: I have only been asked that question a couple of times in nine years, but believe it or not the very email I just answered before yours asked the same question. This sort of thing happens maybe once every few years, so maybe God is showing me that it is time to talk about it. We have but three Scriptures which speak directly on things that endure the consummation of the ages, and continue throughout the Kingdom of God, and are stated to "have no end," or suggest "no end." I will not speculate at this time beyond what the Scriptures specifically tell us, although I believe there is move to be gleaned from them, but I will reserve my thoughts on that till a later date.
[1] Luk 1:33-- And He [Jesus] shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever [Gk: 'eons'--plural]; and OF His kingdom [His 'kingdom,' not His 'reign'] there shall be no end.
COMMENT: Jesus' "reign" lasts "for the eons," or "a thousand years." I will explain the spiritual meaning of "a thousand years" in future Installments of my "Lake of Fire" series. So the reign of Jesus ends (I Cor. 15:25), but what was accomplished through His reign (that which is "OF" His Kingdom), will have "NO end."
[2] (KJV) Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end
(ASV) Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end
(Bishops) He shall make no ende to encrease the rule & peace
(CLV) To the increase of the chieftainship, and to the welfare shall be no end
(Rotherham) Of the increase of dominion, and of prosperity, There shall be no end—
(YLT) To the increase of the princely power, And of peace, there is no end
COMMENT: So these things will not only continue into eternity, they will increase: "government & peace," "rule & peace," "chieftain ship & welfare," "dominion & prosperity," "princely power & peace."
[3] "That God may be ALL in all" (I Cor. 15:28).
COMMENT: I believe that the "may be" in this verse carries the connotation that after all the things that go before (Jesus bringing ALL enemies into subjection and death abolished) that the next phase of God's purpose is now read to BEGIN. I do not believe that God being "All in all" is the "end" but the "beginning" of a whole new world! I may have more to say on this in future studies.
God be with you,