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Author Topic: Some of you know  (Read 5639 times)

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Some of you know
« on: April 09, 2008, 03:44:34 PM »

Some of you know that I have been studying the Scriptures.

I want to share with you what and how I have been doing this.

This came up for me today. I have called it THOUGHFULLY LOOKING. I do not do these studies or research for the purpose of publishing them or even writing a book. On the contrary, they are simply alone time with the Lord searching for His Spirit to guide me and teach me.

I hope you like what I am sharing so here goes..... :).


I have been comparing Matt 24 : 1,2  / Mark 13 : 1,2 / Luke 21 : 5, 6 Here is what came up for me.

Luke. I find that there is no record of Jesus being either AWAY or going OUT of the temple.

Matt. I noticed that Matthew reports Jesus is GOING AWAY from the Temple and the Disciples (Plural) come up to Jesus. They do not address Him as “Teacher”. They are in fellowship with Him and are able to address Him after coming up to Him.
The Disciples SHOW Jesus the buildings of the Temple. I see this as an indication of the nature of the first Disciples.

In the Mark Gospel ONE Disciple addresses Jesus as TEACHER as He is going OUT of the Temple. This one Disciple ASKS what kind of buildings and stones with no mention of the Temple at all and no recognition of either the temple or what the stones or building is. .
I see this as an indication of the nature of the one and only Disciple that betrayed Jesus.

Luke records that “some speaking about the temple” are not identified either as Disciples or as asking Jesus any questions or even addressing Him.  Instead Jesus HEARING THEM directs, guides and edifies them. He is IN THE TEMPLE when He does this.
I see this as an identification as THESE who ARE THE SOME LOOKING THOUGHTFULLY AND SPEAKING TOGETHER RECOGNISING THAT THE STONES AND GIFTS ARE DECORATIONS,  as we here in BT who do not elevate Ray to the status of a God but we recognise the Spirit of Truth through Ray and likewise we do not elevate each other to be above or below but we are brethren one to another both newbies and Hero Members Mods and Administrators each with their own appointments, responsiblilites and accountabilities.

Let US therefore be not stopping at looking thoughtfully into the Word of God and be speaking together for He is with US.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


brandon h

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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2008, 10:42:44 PM »

Interesting. I've never looked at those scriptures detailed like that, but I see what you're saying. Yet, it's those small details that can make a world of difference between the truth and false interprtations. Ray is gifted at pointing out those details. I'm studying one book at a time. Right now I'm in 1 Corinthians. I've looked up how the culture was back than just to get insight on what Paul and the church delt with back then. But like you it's just for personal knowledge and time with God. I'm also reading Thomas B Thayer's "Doctrines on Eternal Punishment" which is a blessing to read. I'm sure you know Ray has quoted from his book, which is what inspired me to read it in the first place. My desire is to be ready in season and out of season. This fellowship inspires me as well. It's a blessing to be a part of it.

God Bless


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2008, 01:12:55 AM »

Arcturus: Man, I have no clue to what that meant. It just shows me I have a very, very long way to go. But that's what it's all about. Searching and studying the word of God. I find it very interesting what people know, and how they chose to relate it to others.

                                            Peace to you and yours



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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2008, 03:50:27 PM »

Hello brandon h

Yes we are most privileged to have Ray as our Teacher. He is a gift and we sure are some lively stones here in the BT Forum! It is wonderful to have been able to express how I am presently studying the Gospels. It is so amazing to have the opportunity to sit and ponder, think and study what God is saying through each Gospel. It is a real search, think and study exercise! Ray's teachings certainly require the same effort to concentrate, assimilate and meditate on the Truths so freely given.

Hey Darren

I have to admit, it is like being thrown in the deep end when I began to look at what each Disciple said and wrote. I found out that it was no good trying to be like a Lawyer and assess who is right and who is wrong. That way of seeing things is a guarantee to sink anyone who is getting out of the boat! That leads only to chaos! Like any literal interpretation leads towards error not illumination.

Peace to you
Arcturus :)


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2008, 06:15:06 AM »

Hello Arcturus

Hmm, I smell a scholar/theologian here ... but then again, I have a flu so I wouldn't trust my sense of smell. Somebody should have told me that a flu vaccine is nothing but speeding up the process of getting a flu. Anyway,

Keep studying. And may He grant you (and all) greater understanding.

All Glory to Him

BTW, I recently learned that Arcturus is (supposedly) the fifteenth largest star. Just wondering what that means to you...


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2008, 07:19:28 PM »

Hi Kweli

I do not think I am a scholar or a theologian. I just love studying the Scriptures especially now that I have a new way of comparing the Words of God. It is wonderful.  The Word of God is the only endorsement required.

You ask if Arcturus being the fifteenth largest star means anything to it doesn't. I love the stars and that is why, when I joined the Forum,  I chose the name of a star to be my Avatar name. Arcturus was just right.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2008, 08:23:43 PM »

Hi Arc!  Keep it coming girl!  Great meat to chew on, thanks! ;D  Very interesting, I never saw that comparison before! 8) :o


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2008, 01:52:11 PM »

I am glad you are not a theologian and just a seeker. Theologians scare me and most are liars, deceitful and know not the real truths of GOD. I always enjoy and profit from your posts and find your closeness to our LORD to be a real joy. I was just reading in Luke 1:37 and was made most happy with the truth that with GOD nothing shall be impossible. What a comforting thought as our GOD was preparing to send to all mankind a SAVIOR. Thank you again for your enlightening posts.


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2008, 04:10:59 PM »

Thank you for your encouraging words Phil 3 : 10.

We know from Ray's insights and teaching that the scriptures do not contradict and when they appear to do so then we can realise we are up against a carnal veil that does not let us see into the spiritual truth. The scriptures also verify this.

1 Cor 2 : 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know because they are SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED.

Few ponder the differences in the scriptures. Others make assumptions and invent false teachings based on their nonspiritual beliefs. Example. Take for instance  the belief in the Rapture as taught by Christiandom. Ray does an exceptional expose on how this erroneous teaching is based on carnal thinking. Ray takes head on these differences that do appear in the Scripture to show exactly how the false teaching of the Rapture is invented out of human carnal assumptions and imagination.

We know that God Himself is the author of the scriptures. What is written in them and how they are written is not without deeper meaning but most people ascribe the differences in the Scriptures to be either due to men seeing the same things differently or worse, they invent a false teaching like the Rapture.

2 Tim 3 : 16 EVERY Scripture is given by inspiration of God. ALL Scripture is God breathed.....

To say or even believe that the differences are due to mans perceptions is to reveal having no knowledge of God's Power or the Scriptures. Sadly and most pitifully many are wretched blind and naked and do not know it yet. At least we here in BT know this much about ourselves. That is a good start down the path of humility before our All Powerful and Wise God our Loving Father.

Peace be to you brother



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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2008, 04:27:51 AM »

BTW, I recently learned that Arcturus is (supposedly) the fifteenth largest star. Just wondering what that means to you...

and here i am thinking arcturus was your real name.  it is truly a fascinating name nonetheless.

your sister,


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 07:52:13 AM »

Theologians scare me and most are liars, deceitful and know not the real truths of GOD.

Was only kidding Arc. I wouldn't dare assume that about you. None of that in bold suit you anyway. Keep 'em coming...


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Re: Some of you know
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2008, 03:16:11 PM »

Hey Claudia

That is so cute! My name is Deborah. I have enjoyed the Avatar name Arcturus. The first time I was shown a picture comparison of how big Arcturus is, I nearly fell off my chair I was so embarrassed. :o :D ;D ::) ;D

Hey Kweli

I am happy you do not think of me as a Theologian. Those guys have to be real smart and I am not the sharpest pencil in the box! :D

Peace to you

Arcturus :)
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