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Author Topic: Miracles today  (Read 16440 times)

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Miracles today
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2006, 10:34:42 AM »

Miracle or not?

when my son was young and probably from birth he had an astigmatism in his left eye that cause the muscle in his eye to atrophy and it turned inward. It was discovered when he was 6. The eye Dr (who also treated his father) said it was genetic as it matched the location and configuation of his father's astigmatism. We had him fitted for glasses and the eye patched. the muscles recovered (cause and effect) and he wore glasses for 2 more years until they were giving him headaches. We returned for a 2 year visit to the Dr who was baffled at the disappearance of the former defect. My son is now 23 yrs old and has perfect vision with no astigmatism. medical misdiagnosis or miracle? We did not ask for anything from the Lord regarding this thing. But we are still blessed to this day by the mercy shown and His great Love. and Yes, his father still wears glasses!

Miracle or not? ( warning: medically graphic)

my other son had his finger slammed in a door when he was 12 months old. and like anyone else, he immediately tried to pull his finger out and so stripped the muscle, nail bed and everything else from the top of his finger so just the bone remained. medical consult resulted in the reccommendation to amputate to the next joint and reconstruct a nail bed-so he would have a short finger but it would still function. Our reaction was "can't deal with this now- because my mother was dying of cancer". so we put it off until things were resolved with  my mom. ( which means she died). They warned us of high infection risk with a 12 month old with exposed bone etc.... we were so stressed all we could do was trust that God would prevail somehow. After 2 months, the big ugly black scab fell off one night in the bath and there was a new finger underneath. wow. they said there was no way skin could ever grow over bare bone.
miracle or not- we are thankful to the Lord that we are so fearfully and wonderfully made that he was healed. Today is he is police officer and he never would have made it if he had an amputated finger. God is good.  


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Miracles today
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2006, 10:41:13 AM »

We never went to any faith healers or even prayed fervently for these things they were never put on display for others to see or did we ever brag on such things in our lives.......these little every day miracles were to be treasured in our hearts as an intimate exchange between The Father and us.

I am so sickened by those who try to make merchandise of God's goodness and love. Those are certainly the ones who will hear the fateful words "depart from me, I never knew you". and even now it saddens me that they are deceived and do not know the real Truth

I believe the real miracle of God are happening all around the world for the benefit of those who are calling on His name. and they are done quietly w/o TV cameras or gandstanding.



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Miracles today
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2006, 10:44:08 AM »

I believe that healing miracles still happen today. only not in circus shows like
Benny Hinn's. but rather behind the scenes like hart4god was saying the scab just feel off one night in bed and there was a new finger underneath.
Jesus never rented out a place and called people to be healed for fame and fortune like these phony hypocrites do. and God still doesn't perform miracles in the spotlight. if He did, who wouldn't believe? that's the way I see it atleast.

Mark J.

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Miracles today
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2006, 02:14:03 PM »

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to that mountain,"be ye moved", and it will rise up and be cast into the sea.

Obviously, this would be some miracle, however,we know He was refering to a spiritual mountain in this verse. Otherwise we'd have mountains flying everywhere which wouldn't be a good look, and it would drive topographical map makers insane with Christs faithful throwing them all over the place.

Secondly, He was pointing out again that our own faith is non existent. The only faith we have is God given.

I've had little things happen to me that one might call miracles, and others would call them coincidence.

Example: many years ago while touring with a Christian band out in the bush, it was nealy showtime when I suddenly came down with a monster headache. I couldn't even think let alone play. It knocked me flat. Anyway, the band leader came in and saw me stretched out and saw me in obvious pain. Before I could even say, "I have a thumping headache", he started praying over me, and as soon as he started I could literally feel the thing being dragged out of the top of my head.

God's intervention or a coincidence? I chose to believe the former. But as stated in other threads, there was no "grandstanding" about  it. I sat up, grabbed my guitar and went to work. I thanked God of course for freeing me from it.

I am grateful for all things in God, naturally, but here's one that I consider a huge miracle, and one of the "greater things" that Christ spoke of. This was a mountain mover.

I was selling vacume cleaners door to door at the time. We do what we need to do to survive. :wink:

Anyway, I went to this house to do a demonstration. I walk inside and there are statues of the Virgin Mary, pictures of the saints, and of course Christ nailed to a cross everywhere you look. Obviously it didn't take a revelation from God to work out that I'd walked into a Catholic stronghold here, and surprise, surprise, the lady I was doing the demonstration for was Italian.

Now in my job, we weren't allowed to do demonstrations to engineers as it was considered a commercial demonstratoin, and we had other more technically trained guys to do that.

As a born again Christian, performing a conversion in a hardcore Roman Catholic household could be viewed in a similar way. These people are heavily entrenched in their doctrine and shaking them from that requires a real spiritual awakening that is indeed miraculous. That veil is on TIGHT.

Anyway, I got into the demo with this lady, but soon into it something came up and the subject turned to religion. not by me, but by her. She was telling me about some problems in her family and that she'd been praying faithfully to the Vigin Mary and the Saints, but it wasn't doing any good. I just casually suggested, "Have you tried praying to God?"

Words don't do justice in describing the near horrified look on her face.

All she'd say was, "We are not worthy to come before God. We must pray to the blessed Virgin so she can intercede on our behalf. We must pray to the Saints. We aren't good enough." etc, etc.

I replied, " here's the smallest part of your problem. The Saints you pray to are dead and buried as is Mary. You first need someone who is alive to intercede for you. I would suggest the risen Lord Jesus Christ."

The tears welled up in her eyes. I could see the battle that had begun to rage inside her and my heart was breaking for her so I began to pray silently on her behalf that the Lord would set his peace upon this poor woman and calm her spirit that she may hear what He wanted to say to her at that point.

Her lifetime of indoctrination into that false religion needed to be lifted up and cast into the sea.

Guess what?

I swear, less than 30 seconds it took before she wanted to know everything I could tell her about Jesus and salvation by His name.

I arrived at that house at 7pm. She would not allow me to leave until 2am After I had met and sat and shared the gospel with her whole family. There was much coffee consumed and many tears of joy shed that night.

But now here's the kicker...

They didn't buy a vacume cleaner!

A miracle? oh yeah...Big time!


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Miracles today
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2006, 03:09:11 PM »

Mark that was an excellent post.
Would you call that raising the dead? I would


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Miracles today
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2006, 03:27:00 PM »

I agree with Kevin, that was indeed an excellent post Mark. I'm glad that you
were able ( well not you, but through you, God was able) to make her/them realize how wrong and decietful the Catholic teachings are. but they didn't even buy a vacuum? man, what a kicker! :lol:


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Miracles today
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2006, 04:19:47 PM »

Hi you guys,

First I just want to say that you all bless me beyond words!! :wink:
I cannot even begin to tell you how this fellowship is such an encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

I looked up miracle in Strong's 4592, neut. of a presumed der. of the base of 4591; and indication, espec. cerem. or supernat.:-miracle, sign, token, wonder.

So, what constitutes a miracle? How big does a miracle have to be or how small before it is not considered a miracle? Is a miracle relative to the person it happens to? Does a miracle have to be raising the dead, or growing a limb back instantaneously? Seriously, I'm asking.  :)

Here's my experience that I consider a miracle. Quite some years ago now, I had a very good friend called Mich (as in Michelob Lite). Mich & I went everywhere. No gathering was complete unless Mich was invited. And with my family you could be darn sure he received a golden invitation.

Even after I had been "born again", Mich was still my constant companion.  Why my cousin & I would finish off a case in no time, then we would talk about God "things". (Actually, it was way easier to get my Catholic cousin to open up-that's another story). It drove my husband nuts.

Then one weekend in July, I set about to re-wallpaper my kitchen. Yep, you guessed it-me & Mich. I cracked that cold bottle open & took one swig. I stopped & looked at the bottle & wanted the Lord to take this addiction away from me. I'm talkin' about my whole being feeling as if I was actually turning inside out with desire to be set free. (Did ya ever feel like your insides were your outsides & your outsides were your insides? -It's weird, I'll tell ya.  :shock: ) In that instant, I walked over to the sink & dumped the whole thing down the drain; never, I mean NEVER again having even the least little desire to keep Mich's company again.  "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!" Jn 8:36

That's my miracle. My husband believed it to be a miracle, too. He never thought he would see the day. It certainly is a wonder & a token of His supreme love.  But God is able & He does most graciously answer prayers.

Bless you guys,


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« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2006, 10:44:33 PM »

Wow this is great.  Anymore out there???  Thank you for sharing what Ray has said.  I had read it before, but needed reminded.  I didn't see any legalism there, did you??Always pray & trust God, but you never know what the answer may be, if there is an answer--you know, the teacher is always silent during a test.


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Miracles today
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2006, 01:54:54 AM »

Some very interesting, and encouraging responses, thanks again for all the feedback, given in a clear spirit of Godly comradery.

I agree completely that the spiritual things that happen defy natural cause and effect explaination, you'll hear no argument from me on the matter, but just to keep the spirit of my original question in mind, what I'd love to hear more about are those natural miracles, that even the enemies of God and Jesus did not deny, but could only try to discredit the source.

I have experienced gross headaches for years, that when in full force take me out of any functional use, as our Australian brother also experienced. I have such a history with them, I know they like to hangout for at least an hour or two per visit, so the time or two that they seemed to release fairly quickly seems an answer to prayer, and to me personally maybe a miracle, but no self-loving pharisee is going to agree it was a miracle, much less acknowledge there was even a headache in the first place.

Maybe the physical miracles I'm polling for just don't exist, but if you hear of any, all of us here would love to hear about it.


BTW I'm not trying to discourage sharing of spiritual miracles, just keep driving the focus of this thread.


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Miracles today
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2006, 02:18:44 AM »

Okay Cy,
About 10 yrs ago my wife went to the doctor. They found a cyst the size of a tennis ball on her ovaries. He scheduled an ultrasound for her. A couple of days later she went for this test and the cyst was completely gone.
My middle daughter had a clogged tear duct that wouldnt clear up. They were gonna have to medically treat it. But God healed her before she had to go through that.
My oldest daughter has been healed of asthma.
My youngest daughter was born with a hernia, God has healed her completely.
And me, well Im alive and breathing. If you would have seen me and my life growing up, you would agree that its a miracle that Im here now.
I could go on and on with these physical healings, and I am truly thankful for God for all He has done. For He has healed me physically and spiritually. For He deserves all the glory


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #30 on: July 23, 2006, 08:40:46 PM »

I realize this is an old thread, but. . . .I am new to the forum and feel compelled to anwer.I am sure each of us has probably witnessed a miracle, I know I have been saved from near or certain death several times in my life, and maybe many more that I am not aware of.

     My husband and I had been a member of a church whom many of you are familiar. One September we were at a feast site in Virginia beach with our 3 children. We had just arrived in the early afternoon, and decided to take our boys down to the beach to see the dolphins. Our oldest was about 4 (Breck), middle son(Matt) was 2 and youngest(Tim) was 1month old. We were taking photos of the dolphins when the film ran out-yes this was in the pre-digital age. We decided to change the film in the camera under my wool cape. We asked Breck to stay still while we did this, Matt held my hand and Tim was asleep in the jeri-pouch on my hip.. Unfortunately Breck disobeyed, and while our attention was on the camera, he was caught in the tide and rolled in a wave.
     As it was early autumn and a little chilly and we were all fully clothed in warm attire. He was brought back to us by 2 teenage girls, soaking wet, sandy, cold and miserable. My husband cheerfully offered to take him back to the hotel a block away and get him changed. he told me to stay put he would be right back.
     I stood on the beach with Matt holding my hand and Tim still asleep in the jeri-pouch, now around the front of me. We walked in the ankle deep tide and Matt and I  played a game we called "toe sharks" to the tune of "Jaws" and pretended the water was a shark we needed to jump back from. We were alone on the beach.
    What we did not know, was that there was a hurricane some miles out to sea which had churned the tides to a fury. It had caused a severe rip-tide, which in one fell swoop grabbed me from ankle deep water and pulled me into knee deep and then immediately to waist deep. I grasped Matt's hand and began to panic. Tim slept soundly in front in the carrier, and over my shoulder was a large diaper bag, filled with those insidious gel type diapers, all our money, ID's, 2 cameras and everything of value we had brought with us.I guarded it with my life as it began to swell with water.
      The cuurent was so strong that it dragged me and the boys about 30 feet from the beach in a matter of seconds. I could feel the sand being ripped from under my feet as I struggled to stay upright. I felt my life and the boys' lives were over. This struggle seemed to go on forever while I wrestled with the now saturated diaperbag, which I dare not let go of. I don't know how long I struggled, but I managed to get myself turned around to face the beach. Matt kept threatening to float away from me and the waves were hitting me in the back of the head. I knew Tim must be soaking wet and cold, but could not see him anymore as he was slumped in front of me in the jeri-carrier, and I did not have a free hand to check him.
      I am a very good swimmer, swam water ballet and syncronized swimming in high school, but with all these odds against me, and one further fact that I had just had Tim one month earlier by C-Section- Iwas not in a position to save myself or my children. I began to shout and scream at the direction of the beach, there was no one to be seen. Not a jogger or even an old couple strolling in the afternoon sun. NO-ONE at all. I cried, I wailed and then I screamed at God to help me, begged him to save us. I was hoarse from screaming.
      Out of nowhere, a fully clothed "man" walked up to the water's edge and stretched out his hand to me. He walked into the tide with no effort. He calmly told me to "let go of the child, and I will save him". I argued that if I let his hand go that he would drown. He told me again, and maybe a third time, to let go. I finally let go of Matt's hand, and he rescued Matt and dragged him to the beach and set him on dry sand. He calmly walked back into this raging riptide and took my hand and led me out of the water to safety. I immediately ripped the jericarrier from my neck to check on Tim, I fell to my knees and saw that he was okay, alive, warm and still asleep. Matt was fine, we were shaken up. I stood up to thank the "man" who had rescued us, and he was gone. Not a shred of evidence that he had been there, not a footprint, or a puddle. He did not remain long enough for me to thank him or to see if my one month old baby was yet alive- he knew.
      So there is our story, yes, it as a miracle or 3. And it did and has increased my faith to this day.Still when I recall that day it moves me deeply. All three of our sons are alive and well today at 22, 24, and 26.


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #31 on: July 23, 2006, 09:44:21 PM »

Wow! What a story Ames.  I got goose-bumps reading it, and I praise God for his awesome goodness - His very present help in time of need!
Thanks for sharing.


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #32 on: July 24, 2006, 12:02:57 AM »

This a wonderful thread CY :)

I have a couple of miracles for you. This time last year, my wife was very sick, her lungs had almost totally solidified because of continued fluid on the lungs. Countless X-Rays indicated that much of the lung tissue had dissolved and she would be on a ventilator for the rest of here possibly short life. She was ready to die.

She had an experience while in hospital and two weeks later, walked out with perfect lungs, she has not needed oxygen once since leaving and we have returned all of the respirators and oxygen tanks. For all that knew her before will attest to the obvious miracle. :)

The other miracle had to do with me and is a little gruesome so be warned. I was in a motorcycle accident with severe head and other injuries. Apparently I lost all my blood for I stopped bleeding and was as white as a sheet by the time the medics arrived. My head swelled to the size of a basket ball due to trauma to the brain; against all odds, I did not die and have no side affects except for double vision (things look "twice" as good)

The unusual thing is that I am a different person that before, and I certainly see things through a different pair of eyes (no pun intended)

I feel privileged to have been part of two miracles; however, I am convinced there are 1000's of stories just like these every day.



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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #33 on: July 24, 2006, 01:05:33 PM »

Thanks for the responses, I thank God constantly for his interventions in our lives. Not just for the physical blessings and helps, but mostly for the fact that he called me and my husband together, and recently our two older sons as well. I pray and wait for the day that Tim sees the light. The truth is the greatest blessing we have, it is the the best motivation to get out of bed in the morning!!! We had recently prayed that we would have fellowship again,and lo and behold I happened quite accidently upon ray's page. After more than 7 years of being alone out here, it is refreshing to find others who are on the same page.


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2006, 02:49:12 PM »

Hi.  Goosebumps all over!!!  Been gone a week so it was great to re read this thread.  Just getting thru my son's wedding and move to Florida,and back safe and sound is a miracle to me.  I thank the Lord for it!


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2006, 08:52:45 PM »

Hi! cy I think I have a simple answer,Have'nt you been resurected from the dead and all those on this forum that has died and been reborn in Him,thats the greatest miricle of all .Is'nt that the wonderful works of God? just pondering on what you posted...........jerry


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #36 on: July 25, 2006, 06:25:06 PM »

Hello to all,

Miracles of spiritual healing are "miracles"...are they not?

If someone told you about a young man who went from working in his own small company (landscape contractor), living the "simple life" of disregard for Gods plan for him...being a "good" person, one year later being a pre medical student with a 3.7 GPA at a major university in one of the largest cities in the US, to working in the neurosurgery department (molecular neurobiology lab.) at one of the top ten medical schools in the world, to working on a technique to implant DNA  into specific ventricles of the brain , to being offered a paid internship that would guarantee his acceptance into medical other words...LIVING HIS LIFES DREAM...all within two years. Would THAT be a miracle?

What about this:

Within the next two years seeing it all fall apart. Losing everything. Bankruptcy. Dropping out of school. Marriage falling apart. Sick, depressed...miserable...all the way to putting a shotgun against his head to stop the endless pain of living as a failure...but yet not pulling the trigger. Would THAT be a miracle?

No, they were not miracles...they were just leading up to the real miracle.

That young man was truly saved, his whole life turned around...his marriage saved, his income returned, he's back in school ( different major but almost finished) Gods love is a miracle.

I know that this may not qualify for a "physical" miracle, but maybe he just works a little different these days. I know I've seen a miracle. I AM that young man (well 44 IS young...haha)

I just wanted to add this to the discussion since I love to talk about things I actually know something about, which isn't much  :)
It's my first post so please be tolerant of my content.

God bless all,



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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2006, 07:34:49 PM »


Welcome to the forum Chuck!

My friend, if that is not a miracle then none that were mentioned prior, were either. :)

Thank you so much for sharing and thank God for his plan for you.

Who can ever know that pain and suffereing that another has seen and or felt. It is truly a sobering thought.

Many Thanks,



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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #38 on: July 25, 2006, 07:47:50 PM »

Sounds like a miracle to me...praise God for His saving love!
I'm sure you'll enjoy the forum, Chuck..welcome.


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Re: Miracles today
« Reply #39 on: July 25, 2006, 08:32:13 PM »

Oh Chuck, ..I wept when i read about the miracle in your life. This is what i feel John was talking about in revelation, the looking back, the recognising the beast in us. Most of the testimonys i read in here are not from people who have led a lovely pleasant spoilt life...they are those who have been through tribulation ......God making them recognise we need Him, because we cant do it ourselves. Whatever it is. What an awesome God. He loves us so much and His will...will be done in our lives. A men
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