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Author Topic: Lottery  (Read 8012 times)

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« on: April 12, 2008, 07:22:32 PM »

Hi Ray,
> Is it alright to play lottery?
> God bless.
> Nate

Dear Nate:  You decide. There are millions of things and situations that will confront you in life, and you will not have a pastor or rabbi at your side to tell you every single thing that they think is right or wrong. If you don't know enough about God, the Scriptures, morality, etc., to make up you own mind on these things in life, I doubt that my telling you what I think would change your mind if you desire to play the lottery anyway.  WHY do you want to play the lottery?  HOW MUCH money are you willing to gamble that could be used for more beneficial uses. Yes, I know that the money is supposed to go to "our schools."  Oh really?  I lived in Miami (one of the lottery capitals of the world), and most elementary schools and high schools I've seen in Florida have what they call "portables" for classrooms. If the lottery money collected so far in Florida went to "our schools," every single child in the State could get a better than Harvard schooling on a campus that would put most 5 Star Resort Hotels to shame, and all FREE OF CHARGE.
You might also consider this:  You would have to buy something like 50 lottery tickets a week for 245,000 years in order to have a statistical chance of willing the lottery. We need to learn to use your God-given minds on such matters.
God be with you,

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