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Author Topic: Hypnosis  (Read 7119 times)

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« on: April 14, 2008, 07:13:19 PM »

Hello everyone. There is something that has always been on my mind since I was a child. I loved to pretend that I was hypnotizing my brothers and friends and at that time I thought hypnosis was only to make people do silly things. But now I have noted the increasing search for hypnotic therapy to stop smoking, to deal with trauma and phobias and all other things. Here is my question. Is hypnosis really a bad thing? Should followers of Jesus try or exercise hypnosis to get help or to help someone? What does the Bible say about this?
Any help will be appreciate.
Be blessed you all.

PS, If you read this topic, please leave a comment, whether you are just curious or you do have an opinion, it doesn't matter what your opinion is, please comment. I want to know how many people who read the Bible wonder about hypnosis.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 11:22:41 PM by Fabio »


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 09:27:37 PM »

I know that the scientologists don't like it.  It produces those pesky engrams.


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 01:00:40 PM »

Yes Fabio, I too wonder about these things, not just hypnosis but NLP and EFT amongst a whole range of 'alternative' solutions.

I trained as a Life Coach and within this profession there are a lot of alternative solutions put about and it is something I struggle with. As I want to help clients and resource them with all I can so that they may change their perceptions of their lives so they can make fresh choices to gain a different effect. Essentially it is 'Cause and Effect' as all of life comprises of this. From what I can see a lot of alternative stuff, just uses some knowledge about how our minds work. Like NLP is aware that our memory has a pathway system and therefore tries to create a new pathway as way of overridding a bad memory that is a stumbling block to us.
( excuse my very simplistic way of explaining)

I am very keen in wanting to obey God and not participate in witchcraft! But unravelling these things are not easy. My limited knowledge about hypnosis is that somone is going into your subconscious and that you are unaware of what is happening. This is what concerns me, what could I be allowing someone to put into me whilst I am unaware in this hypnotic state. So for this reason I shy away from it.

But I too would be glad to hear what others think.



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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 01:23:17 PM »

Even if hypnosis works on an individual through suggestion, it has never had any lasting effects. Guess what, you're still going to have to overcome. Does scripture say, "He that avoids sin with hypnosis will be saved"? Nope.

When I quit smoking, I had to do it 'cold turkey', but i only did it with God making me do it. I learned like lots of people about a year ago that we had no free will. I knew God would make me quit eventually, so why not do it now.....and it was easy after that little revelation. However, Ray has a great point that you won't stop sinning until you absolutely hate what you're doing with every fiber of your being, and the only way to absolutely hate your sin is to know the full truth of why it's wrong. See, just because I don't smoke anymore, doesn't mean I'm not temped by it every now and then. When God brings me to hate it utterly and completely, I won't even be tempted.

But I'll tell you what I think about the matter of hypnosis. If you can't trust God to help you rid yourself of character flaws, you'll resort to other means that just don't work, such as hypnotism.


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2008, 11:18:22 PM »

Thank you for your thoughts Uncle Beau. You are probably right.

We should never substitute God in anywhere and even if we tried we couldn't. He is Bigger then anything.

I know I used the smoking example and that was a random one, because I don't even smoke but what makes me wonder about  hypnosis sometimes is that although its temporary, it must have a reason why we can hypnotize or get hypnotize, If not God wouldn't allow it.

What is the purpose of hypnosis. I am sure it can be used in the right way or for a purpose. I don't practice hypnosis and  never been hypnotized. I wrote about this because I am really curious to know Why we can do that. I know our Father wouldn't let it happen for no reason.

Many blame Satan for it. I was taught that being hypnotized would open door for demon possession. All I wanted to know is if that is true, and why and how is that possible. As many things that I was taught in sunday schools and by preaching turn out to be lies now I want to know the Truth about everything I was taught. Does it make sense?

I know hypnosis does not last, but does it help? And if it helps, is that wrong?

I see it like this: PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG. If we take an aspirin for our headache, Are we sinning because we didn't trust God to heal the headache? We know He can heal everything, don't we? Even when the headache insists we most of the times don't run to God and wait for his healing. We go to Doctors who will give us medicine or will take blood samples and all and most of the times "they" fix us (although I know is God allowing it to be healed through the remedies we take) Same thing happens if we break a leg or an arm. Do we wait it to fix by itself or we go to the doctors to get it temporally immobilized so it can mend again? Can God heal a break leg or arm instantaneously without doctors? YES. Does He do that every time with everyone? NO. Can doctors help EVERYONE with a broken leg or arm? most of the times YES, are we sinning for that? Wasn't God who created the Medicine?

When I asked about hypnosis I was not talking about avoiding sin through it, but maybe, just maybe, hypnosis could be an "aspirin" to the mind. Maybe God could use hypnosis to heal someone the same way he uses the doctors. Why is it that Hypnosis has to be so mystical and evil or should be treated it so strict with the BIBLE whereas doctors heals people everyday and we don't seem to really make a big deal of it. (I know doctors never heal anyone, It is our Father who does, but hope you get what I mean)

I read that we are hypnotized every day, mostly without our awareness but is it true?

I am so happy for you brother Uncle Beau for quitting smoking. Well done. I am sure it takes a lot of will to do it and I appreciate it. Keep it pressing on. If more people would have that hate for smoking.....

I didn't mean to sound sarcastic or rude or anything that may offend you or anyone.

I am genuine interested in getting an answer for that and I am sure many people are too. I know God has a purpose for this topic here or why would 152 look into it?

Please keep the comments coming.

God bless you Uncle Beau.



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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2008, 11:24:19 PM »

Thank you Karen and Musicman.


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2008, 02:12:26 AM »

Hi Fabio,

Interesting subject, but one I have no presonal experience in.  I have read some on it though. 
Hypnosis (from the Greek hypnos, "sleep") is a trance-like state that resembles sleep, and is induced by a person.  From the mental standpoint, my understanding is a person is relaxed yet alert and always aware at some level.

You know your conscious mind works to evaluate all your thoughts, makes decisions and puts certain ideas into action.   But when you're asleep your subconscious takes over and it also takes care of all the stuff you do automatically.
Hypnosis is like you absolutely convince somebody of something in their subconscious, they register this information as a fact. Like any fact, this information will take root in the subconscious mind. So, even if the hypnotic state is nothing more than a figment of the subject's imagination, this suggestions can still reform their deeply held beliefs.

The practiced of regression seems to me to be questionable, to say the least.  It is would be impossible to distinguish a true memory from something believed by suggestion or a false memory.  I put no credence in it at all.

The hypnotic behavioral modification is habit-control hypnotic treatment, and is what would be used to aid cigarette smokers in quitting.  By connecting a negative response with the bad habit or to build up willpower, suggesting to your subconscious that you don't need cigarettes, and you don't want them. Even if the treatment does yield positive results in the short term, there's a good chance that the subject will relapse eventually.

Think about how this could be likened to the placebo effect, people who are given ordinary sugar pills behaved and felt differently only because they thought they should. It's clear that the mind can influence all aspects of the physical body.

People also enter a trance like state doing many ordinary things, when you tune out most of the stimuli around you.  I would think meditation is a form of this. 
Also think about losing yourself in a book or movie.  I have a daughter that does this while watching TV, she becomes so engrossed it's hard to get her attention even when you call here name over and over.  As you get engrossed in the plot, the worries of the world fade away and you can even experience real fear, sadness or happiness, and you may even jolt in your seat if you are surprised by something (a monster leaping from the shadows).

So there is my very brief understanding of hypnosis.  I believe that it is applied in many ways that we are not aware of and we should be very carefully how we malnipulate and what we put in our minds. The mind is a complicated and wonderfully made, it is a mystery as to all it's functions.  My opinion is seeking God guidance is advisable over hypnosis  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2008, 11:32:56 AM »

Thank you for your thoughts Uncle Beau. You are probably right.

We should never substitute God in anywhere and even if we tried we couldn't. He is Bigger then anything.

I know I used the smoking example and that was a random one, because I don't even smoke but what makes me wonder about hypnosis sometimes is that although its temporary, it must have a reason why we can hypnotize or get hypnotize, If not God wouldn't allow it.

What is the purpose of hypnosis. I am sure it can be used in the right way or for a purpose. I don't practice hypnosis and never been hypnotized. I wrote about this because I am really curious to know Why we can do that. I know our Father wouldn't let it happen for no reason.

Many blame Satan for it. I was taught that being hypnotized would open door for demon possession. All I wanted to know is if that is true, and why and how is that possible. As many things that I was taught in sunday schools and by preaching turn out to be lies now I want to know the Truth about everything I was taught. Does it make sense?

I know hypnosis does not last, but does it help? And if it helps, is that wrong?

I see it like this: PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG. If we take an aspirin for our headache, Are we sinning because we didn't trust God to heal the headache? We know He can heal everything, don't we? Even when the headache insists we most of the times don't run to God and wait for his healing. We go to Doctors who will give us medicine or will take blood samples and all and most of the times "they" fix us (although I know is God allowing it to be healed through the remedies we take) Same thing happens if we break a leg or an arm. Do we wait it to fix by itself or we go to the doctors to get it temporally immobilized so it can mend again? Can God heal a break leg or arm instantaneously without doctors? YES. Does He do that every time with everyone? NO. Can doctors help EVERYONE with a broken leg or arm? most of the times YES, are we sinning for that? Wasn't God who created the Medicine?

When I asked about hypnosis I was not talking about avoiding sin through it, but maybe, just maybe, hypnosis could be an "aspirin" to the mind. Maybe God could use hypnosis to heal someone the same way he uses the doctors. Why is it that Hypnosis has to be so mystical and evil or should be treated it so strict with the BIBLE whereas doctors heals people everyday and we don't seem to really make a big deal of it. (I know doctors never heal anyone, It is our Father who does, but hope you get what I mean)

I read that we are hypnotized every day, mostly without our awareness but is it true?

I am so happy for you brother Uncle Beau for quitting smoking. Well done. I am sure it takes a lot of will to do it and I appreciate it. Keep it pressing on. If more people would have that hate for smoking.....

I didn't mean to sound sarcastic or rude or anything that may offend you or anyone.

I am genuine interested in getting an answer for that and I am sure many people are too. I know God has a purpose for this topic here or why would 152 look into it?

Please keep the comments coming.

God bless you Uncle Beau.

I realize your interest in this seems curious to the point you might be willing to look further into it and I doubt anyone could convince you otherwise, but be mindfull of your comparisons. You can't compare a personal interest, habit, lifestyle, etc. to a physical illness like a headache or a broken arm. For example, porn addiction is no doubt a character flaw; any addiction is. When you can't practice self control, it's a spiritual battle that needs spiritual healing. A headache, the flu, AIDS, down syndrome...these are physical things. Something is wrong with the body in any of these cases, some more serious than others.

1 Corinthians 2:12-14

 12.) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

 13.) Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

You can't compare physical matters with spiritual matters.
Still, seek the truth, you'll find it.



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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2008, 11:36:03 AM »

Thank you very much Kat
I couldn't agree more. We definitively need to look for God's guidance about this.
I wonder what Ray thinks about it. Any idea if he reads this forum? Is still possible to send him an email?
God Bless


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2008, 11:50:15 AM »

Hi Fabio,

I can't recall ever seeing anything mentioned by Ray on hypnosis. Ray does not visit this forum at all, but you could sent him and email at this link.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2008, 12:08:11 PM »

what makes me wonder about  hypnosis sometimes is that although its temporary, it must have a reason why we can hypnotize or get hypnotize, If not God wouldn't allow it.

1 Corinthians 10:23 Everything is permissible—but not everything is beneficial.

Just a thought


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2008, 02:28:05 PM »

what makes me wonder about  hypnosis sometimes is that although its temporary, it must have a reason why we can hypnotize or get hypnotize, If not God wouldn't allow it.

1 Corinthians 10:23 Everything is permissible—but not everything is beneficial.

Just a thought

Thank you Kweli, that is a very powerful verse. I will keep that in mind.

God bless


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2008, 02:46:50 PM »

Thanks Beau. I am very curious but I wouldn't dare trying anything like that unless I know God is with me. Hence asking here for God's people to put their insight.
And you are helping me a lot be sure of that.

One thing that you mention and I would like your view on that. Would traumas and phobias be categorized as character flaws? If so, how can we exercise self control over those things? Another thing is depression, is it a character flaw? if it is spiritual why people take remedy (physical) and get better (temporally)?

I only mentioned about headaches because you said we would be sinning if we didn't trust God to heal our flaws. But God also heals headaches and we don't feel like sinning when we take aspirins. We need Faith for one or for another. And you are right I can't compare physical matters with spiritual matters.

But my big question is, what does God says in the Scriptures about Hypnosis?

We will keep searching. God Bless Beau


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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2008, 06:20:10 PM »

Here's an article on hypnosis if anyone else cares to read, since we're on the subject.



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Re: Hypnosis
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2008, 08:04:45 PM »

I think as a fix all, it's probably not a good idea to start hoping in hypnosis,  but as maybe a part of a healing process it could be like any other medicine.

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