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Author Topic: Evolution  (Read 6572 times)

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« on: April 15, 2008, 09:18:05 PM »

Hey ray, i'm a bit confused about something. Do you, or do you not, believe in evolution?
You state this in your email about evolution.
Charles Darwin had a personal purpose for trying to find an explanation for the creation with a Creator. It was almost a 'vendetta' if you will. He despised the evil teachings of Christendom (as do I), believing what is taught by Christendom really IS the religion of the Scriptures. BOTH his theories were wrong!
However you continue with;
That there is 'evolution' going on in biology as well as in industry is not in question, not with me at least. It is EASY to see the evolution of the dog as well as the automobile. I believe that all honest thinking people can agree on that. The real philosophic al question, however, is WHAT DOES IT PROVE?
I must admit, I'm a bit confused now. I thought evolution was not true because it states that we evolved from micro bacteria into humans yet God tells us in genesis He created Adam of the dust of the earth, not that he came from ancient bacteria.
I'm really confused, if you could please clarify your words for me it would help alot.
The email can be found at this link;
Thanks and God bless,

        Dear Alex: The word "evolution" has many meanings and applications. It does not solely mean that humans came from bacteria by the law of blind chance. I said there is an "evolution" in the development of different breeds of dogs. I did not say dogs evolved from cats, or elephants evolved from field mice. Hardly anyone (not even Neo-Darwinism) believes that even the bacteria spontaneously generated over long eons of time. There are no long eons of time for this to happen. Almost immediately after there was water on earth there was LIFE ON EARTH. There were no billions of years that biological evolutionists needs to perpetuate their theory. The earth cooled; there was water; and there was LIFE.  There was no time for "evolution." God CREATED...

        God be with you,

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