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Author Topic: Fear God  (Read 6022 times)

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Fear God
« on: May 12, 2006, 06:18:28 PM »

While I was not raised Catholic I am a member of our local parish and have been attending retreat formation meetings over the past couple months.  During these meetings we have a set agenda and discuss many things from our daily lives to scripture and other faith based topics.
Anyway, last night one of the faithful had the scripture exercise and centered on the topic of "Fear of God".  Many scriptures were detailed and he stated how this was something drilled into him at a young age.  This topic was debated around the table but the end result, as usual is most were confused and didn't understand it.  I have my own interpretation but I was wondering what this "Fear of God" statement really means in the bible?  Is this another mis-translation or does "Fear" mean something else in Hebrew?
Here are some scriptures containing this statement or reference; Genesis 42:18, Exodus 20:20, Psalm 55:19, Psalm 61:5, Psalm 66:16 and Proverbs 2:5, other scriptures were produced.  I am not looking for a translation of them, I am only curious of this "Fear of God" statement found throughout the bible.
Thank you in advance,

Dear Chris:
In the Hebrew Old Testament we have the word "fear" often translated from three words which are virutally synonymous--Strong's #3372, #3373, and #3374.
According to context it can mean the emotion of being freightened or in the positive emotion of showing reverence.
Exodus 20:20 is a good example of both: "

"And Moses said unto the people, fear [don't be freightened] not: for God is come to prove you, and that his Fear [reverence] may be before your faces, that ye sin not. "

God be with you,

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