> Dear Mr Smith,
> I have been strongly advised to read some of your papers. Before doing
> so, in order to establish your Christian presence in your community
> would you please provide me with the name and address of the local church.
> Yours in Christ
> Robert
Dear Robert: Unless you are interested in the Truths of God, I don't think you should bother to read the material on my site. It is straight from the Scriptures, and for that reason, it is most offensive to most Christians.
There is no "local church." I do not belong to any local church or institutionalized denomination of men. No such group would ever tolerate anyone teaching the Truths of God. I am not here to parrot the "damnable heresies" (I Pet. 2:1) of some "local church."
My site is not for religious hobbyists. On this site you will learn the plan and purpose of God, which involves changing one's life completely and living godly and righteously according to the teachings of Jesus. Not many people are interested in changing or living godly lives. If you want "religion," go to church--ANY church. If you are interested in the Truths of God, start with the first article at the top of our home page: "YOU FOOLS! YOU HYPOCRITES! YOU SNAKES"--Meet the Jesus that most hate.
Did Jesus "establish His Christian presence in His community?" Wait....His community....wasn't it His "community" that CRUCIFIED HIM? Wasn't it the religious leaders of God's Church and Temple that CRUCIFIED HIM? Are you wanting to find such a religious man as that? One who is "established in his community?" One whom everyone "speaks well of?" I assure you that you are at the wrong web site. Read my first article.
God be with you,