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Author Topic: A More True Revelation  (Read 6284 times)

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A More True Revelation
« on: May 13, 2006, 12:53:32 AM »

Hey everyone... you won't believe what i've been going threw lately in my studies.i can't tell you some of the stuff i've discovered lately becuase i'm probly not aloud to it take to much for you all to comprehend.some of you remember when i first joined i posted a large amount of info that was to much for this place that i had to remove it but the fact is that was only a small piece a info i have.i've probly got about 350 to 500 pages of information.i'm not even sure i'm aloud to post this but since revelation seemed really important to be taken for its every word i thought you people would like to read it in its most original form,i say most orginal becuase we will probly never have it 100%'s a piece of what i can give you:

Here is a partial listing of King James Version translation errors:

 Revelation 14:4 should be "a firstfruits", because the 144,000 are not all the firstfruits.

Revelation 20:4-5 in the KJV is a little confusing until you realize that the sentence "This is the first resurrection." in verse five refers back to "they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" in verse four.

Revelation 20:10, "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are [correction: should be 'were cast' because the beast and false prophet were mortal human beings who were burned up in the lake of fire 1,000 years previous to this time, Revelation 19:20], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." The point is that Satan will be cast into the same lake of fire into which the beast and false prophet were cast a thousand years previously.

Revelation 22:2 should be "health" rather than "healing."

These additions should be omitted from the KJV:

Revelation 1:8
"the beginning and the ending"
Revelation 1:11
"I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and . . . which are in Asia"
Revelation 1:20
"which thou sawest"
Revelation 2:17
"to eat of"
Revelation 5:4
"and to read"
Revelation 5:14
"four and twenty . . . him that lives forever and ever"
Revelation 11:1
"and the angel stood"
Revelation 12:12
"the inhabiters of"
Revelation 14:5
"before the throne of God"
Revelation 15:2
"over his mark"
Revelation 16:7
"another out of"
Revelation 16:14
"of the earth and"
Revelation 21:3
"and be their God"

Items Wrongly Substituted or Left Out of the KJV, Should be Reinstated

Revelation 2:21
Should be " . . . and she wills not to repent of her fornication."
Revelation 6:12
Should be " . . . and the whole moon became blood . . . ."
Revelation 8:7
Should be " . . . and the third part of the land was burnt up, and the third part of the trees . . . ."
Revelation 8:13
"eagle" rather than "angel."
Revelation 11:18
"nations" instead of "dead."
Revelation 12:6
Should read, "And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place prepared of God . . . ."
Revelation 13:5
Should read, " . . . and power was given it to make war forty-two months . . . ."
Revelation 14:1
Should read, "having His name and the name of His Father written on their foreheads . . . ."
Revelation 15:3
"nations" instead of "saints."
Revelation 17:8
Should read, " . . . when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and shall be present . . . ."
Revelation 18:17
Should read, " . . . everyone who sails to any place . . . " instead of "and all the company in ships."
Revelation 18:20
Should read, " . . . ye holy saints and apostles and prophets."
Revelation 19:12
Should read, " . . . and on his head were many crowns, having names written, and a name written that no man knew . . . ."
Revelation 19:17
Should read, " . . . gather yourselves together unto the great supper of God . . . ", not "supper of the great God."
Revelation 21:24
Should read, "And the nations shall walk by means of its light."
Revelation 22:19
Should read, "tree of life" instead of "book of life."
Revelation 22:21
Should close with "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all of the saints. Amen."

credit for the below goes to don't worry i checked most of the material to confirm it but it is possible i missed a thing or two

the letters next to the verses stand for the people that dicovered them

 S Stephens 1550 (Estienne 1550)
E Elzevir 1624
G Griesbach 1805
L Lachmann 1842
T Tischendorf 1869
Tr Tregelles 1857
A Alford 1849 as revised in 1871
W Wordsworth 1856 as revised in 1870
WH  Westcott & Hort 1881
NA Nestle-Aland 1979 (Aland et al. 1979)
HF Hodges & Farstad 1982 as corrected in 1985

Rev Title. Omit "Saint" before "John". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev Title. Omit "the Divine" after "John". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:2. Omit "and" before "of all things". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:3. Read "the word" instead of "the words". T

Rev 1:4. Add "God" before "him which is". HF

Rev 1:5. Read "loveth" instead of "loved". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:5. Read "freed" instead of "washed". L T Tr Am WH N NA

Rev 1:5. Omit "our" before "sins". Am WHm

Rev 1:6. Read "made for us" instead of "made us". L Tr WHm

Rev 1:6. Read "a kingdom, priests" instead of "kings and priests". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:6. Omit "and ever" after "for ever". A WH NAm

Rev 1:8. Omit "the beginning and the ending" after "Omega". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:8. Add "God" after "the Lord". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:9. Omit "also" after "who". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:9. Omit "in the" before "kingdom". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:9. Add "in" after "patience" and render 'patience in Jesus'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:9. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus" twice. L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 1:9. Transpose "Jesus Christ" to "Christ Jesus" (first occurrence). W HF

Rev 1:9. Omit "for" before "the testimony". L Tr Am WH NA

Rev 1:11. Omit "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:11. Omit "seven" before "churches". S B E

Rev 1:11. Omit "which are in Asia" after "churches". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:12. Add "there" before "I turned". HF

Rev 1:13. Omit "seven" before "candlesticks". L T Trm Am WH N NA

Rev 1:15. Read "it burned" instead of "they burned". L T Tr WHt N NA

Rev 1:17. Omit "unto me" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:18. Omit "Amen" after "alive for evermore". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 1:18. Transpose "of hell and of death" to "of death and of hell". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:19. Add "therefore" after "write". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 1:20. Omit "which thou sawest" before "are the seven churches". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:1. Read "[the] church, who" instead of "the church". L Tr WH

Rev 2:1. Read "in Ephesus" instead of "of Ephesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:2. Omit "thy" before "labour". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 2:3. Transpose "hast borne, and hast patience" to "hast patience, and hast borne". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:3. Omit "and" before "for my name's sake". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:3. Read "and hast not grown weary" instead of "hast laboured, and hast not fainted". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 2:3. Read "and didst not weary" instead of "hast laboured, and hast not fainted". G W HF

Rev 2:5. Omit "quickly" after "come unto thee". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 2:7. Omit "the midst of" before "the paradise". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:7. Add "my" before "God". G At W WHm HF

Rev 2:8. Read "[the] church, who" instead of "the church". L WH

Rev 2:9. Omit "works, and" before "tribulation". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 2:10. Read "not" instead of "not at all" (KJV 'none of'). L Tr A W WHt

Rev 2:10. Add "indeed" before "shall cast". At W HF

Rev 2:10. Read "and may have tribulation" instead of "and ye shall have tribulation". L WHt

Rev 2:10. Read "and ye have tribulation" instead of "and ye shall have tribulation". WHm

Rev 2:13. Omit "thy works, and" before "where thou dwellest". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 2:13. Omit "even" before "in those days". T Trm Am HF

Rev 2:13. Omit "wherein" and perhaps render 'in the days [of] Antipas, my'. L T Tr Am WH N NA

Rev 2:13. Add "my" and render 'my martyr, my faithful [one]'. L T Trt At W WHt N NA

Rev 2:14. Omit "because" before "thou hast". WHm

Rev 2:14. Add "through" before "Balac". S

Rev 2:14. Add "both" before "to eat". HF

Rev 2:15. Omit "the" before "Nicolaitanes". L Trm A W WH NAm HF

Rev 2:15. Read "in like manner" instead of "which thing I hate". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:16. Add "therefore" after "Repent". G L Tr At W WH NA HF

Rev 2:17. Omit "to eat of" before "the hidden manna". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:18. Read "[the] church, who" instead of "the church". L WH

Rev 2:18. Omit "his" before "eyes". L WHm

Rev 2:19. Transpose "charity, and service, and faith" to "faith, and charity, and service". Tr

Rev 2:19. Transpose "charity, and service, and faith" to "charity, and faith, and service". G L T A WH N NA HF

Rev 2:19. Omit "thy" before "patience". T

Rev 2:19. Omit "and" before "the last" and render 'and that thy last works are more than the first'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:20. Omit "a few things" and render 'I have [this] against thee, that'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:20. Add "thy" before "that woman" and render 'thy wife'. G L At W WHm HF

Rev 2:20. Read "and she teacheth and seduceth" instead of "to teach and to seduce". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:21. Read "to repent, and she willeth not to repent of her fornication" instead of "to repent of her fornication; and she repented not". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:22. Read "her deeds" instead of "their deeds". G L T Tr A W WHt N NA HF

Rev 2:24. Omit "and" before "unto the rest". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:24. Omit "and" before "which have not known". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 2:24. Read "I put" instead of "I will put". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:1. Omit "seven" before "spirits". S

Rev 3:1. Read "and thou livest" instead of "that thou livest". HF

Rev 3:2. Read "keep" instead of "strengthen". HF

Rev 3:2. Read "were ready to be cast away" instead of "are ready to die". HF

Rev 3:2. Read "were ready to die" instead of "are ready to die". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 3:2. Read "have not found works of thine" instead of "have not found thy works". L Trm Am WHt

Rev 3:2. Add "my" before "God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:3. Omit "on thee" before "as a thief". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 3:4. Add "But" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:4. Omit "even" before "in Sardis". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:5. Read "shall thus be clothed" instead of "the same shall be clothed". L T Tr WH N NA

Rev 3:7. Transpose "he that is holy, he that is true" to "he that is true, he that is holy". A WHm

Rev 3:7. Read "no man shall shut" instead of "no man shutteth". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:7. Read "except he that openeth" instead of "and shutteth". HF

Rev 3:7. Read "no man shall open" instead of "no man openeth". T Tr A W HF

Rev 3:8. Read "which no man can shut" instead of "and no man can shut it". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:11. Omit "Behold" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:14. Read "in Laodicea" instead of "of the Laodiceans". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:16. Transpose "cold nor hot" to "hot nor cold". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 3:17. Add "the" before "miserable". G L At WHm HF

Rev 3:18. Read "and eyesalve to anoint thine eyes" instead of "and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve". L A WH NA

Rev 3:18. Read "and eyesalve, that thou mayest anoint thine eyes" instead of "and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve". HF

Rev 3:20. Add "both" before "come in". T At W WHm NAt HF

Rev 4:1. Read "one saying" (masculine) instead of "which said" (feminine, as 'voice'). G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:2. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:3. Omit "And he that sat was" and render 'in appearance [it was] like a jasper'. HF

Rev 4:3. Read "likewise [it had] the appearance of emeralds" instead of "in sight like unto an emerald". HF

Rev 4:4. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. HF

Rev 4:4. Omit "I saw" after "upon the seats". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:4. Omit "they had" before "on their heads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:5. Transpose "thunderings and voices" to "voices and thunderings". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:5. Add "his" and render 'burning before his throne'. At HF

Rev 4:6. Add "as it were" before "a sea of glass". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:7. Omit "as" after "a face". G Am W HF

Rev 4:7. Read "of a man" instead of "a man". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:7. Omit "beast" after "fourth". HF

Rev 4:8. Omit "of them" after "each". HF

Rev 4:8. Read "are full" instead of "[were] full". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:8. Add "holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy" after "Holy, holy, holy". HF

Rev 4:10. Read "shall worship him" instead of "worship him". B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:10. Read "shall cast their crowns" instead of "cast their crowns". B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:11. Read "our Lord" instead of "O Lord". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:11. Add "and our God" after "Lord". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 4:11. Add "and our God, the Holy One" after "Lord". HF

Rev 4:11. Read "they were" instead of "they are". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:1. Read "within and without" instead of "within and on the backside". HF

Rev 5:3. Add "above" after "heaven". HF

Rev 5:4. Omit "and to read" after "to open". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:5. Read "who openeth" instead of "to open". HF

Rev 5:5. Omit "to loose" before "the seven seals". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:6. Omit "and" after "beheld". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:6. Omit "lo" before "in the midst of the throne". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:6. Omit "seven" before "Spirits". L WHm NAm

Rev 5:6. Read "being sent forth" instead of "which have been sent forth" (KJV 'sent forth'). W HF

Rev 5:7. Omit "the book" and render 'took [it]'. L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 5:8. Read "a harp" instead of "harps". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:9. Omit "us" after "redeemed". L T A W WH N NA

Rev 5:10. Read "made them" instead of "made us". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:10. Omit "unto our God" after "made them". A

Rev 5:10. Read "a kingdom" instead of "kings". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 5:10. Read "they shall reign" instead of "we shall reign". G T NA HF

Rev 5:10. Read "they reign" instead of "we shall reign". L Tr A W WH

Rev 5:11. Add "as it were" after "I heard". T Tr At WHm HF

Rev 5:11. Omit "and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand" after "elders". S

Rev 5:13. Omit "such as" before "are in the sea". L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 5:13. Omit "are" before "in the sea". T Tr WHm NA

Rev 5:13. Add "also" after "heard I". T

Rev 5:13. Add "Amen" at end of verse. HF

Rev 5:14. Add "the" before "Amen". W HF

Rev 5:14. Omit "four [and] twenty" before "elders". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 5:14. Omit "him that liveth for ever and ever" after "worshipped". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:1. Read "I saw that" instead of "I saw when". HF

Rev 6:1. Add "seven" before "seals". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:1. Omit "and see" after "Come". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 6:2. Omit "And I saw" at beginning of verse. HF

Rev 6:3. Omit "and see" after "Come". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:4. Read "horse of fire" instead of "horse [that was] red". HF

Rev 6:4. Omit "from" before "the earth" and render 'take the peace of the earth'. WHm

Rev 6:4. Omit "and" after "earth". HF

Rev 6:5. Omit "and see" after "Come". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 6:5. Omit "And I beheld" before "and lo". HF

Rev 6:6. Add "as it were" after "I heard". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 6:7. Omit "the voice of" before "the fourth beast". G Trm W HF

Rev 6:7. Omit "and see" after "Come". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 6:8. Omit "And I looked" at beginning of verse. HF

Rev 6:8. Omit "with" after "followed". HF

Rev 6:8. Read "given unto him" instead of "given unto them". C G HF

Rev 6:9. Omit "for" before "the testimony". L Am

Rev 6:9. Add "of the Lamb" after "testimony". HF

Rev 6:11. Read "a white robe was given" instead of "white robes were given". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:11. Read "given unto them" instead of "given unto every one of them". G W HF

Rev 6:11. Read "given unto them, to each one of them" instead of "given unto every one of them". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 6:11. Omit "little" before "season". G HF

Rev 6:11. Add "and" after "brethren" and render 'and those that should be killed'. HF

Rev 6:11. Read "should have fulfilled [their course]" instead of "should be fulfilled". G T Tr A WHm HF

Rev 6:12. Omit "lo" before "there was a great earthquake". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:12. Add "whole" before "moon". B G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:13. Read "casting" instead of "casteth". T HF

Rev 6:14. Read "the heaven, rolled together, departed as a scroll" instead of "the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together". WHm HF

Rev 6:15. Transpose "the rich men, and the chief captains" to "the chief captains, and the rich men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:15. Read "the strong" instead of "the mighty men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:15. Omit "every" before "free man". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 6:17. Read "their wrath" instead of "his wrath". T Tr WH N NA

Rev 7:1. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L Trm Am WHt NA

Rev 7:1. Read "this" instead of "these things". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:2. Read "having ascended" instead of "ascending". S B E

Rev 7:3. Read "and the sea" instead of "neither the sea". WHm

Rev 7:5. Omit "[were] sealed" after "Reuben" and after "Gad". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:6. Omit "[were] sealed" 3 times. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:7. Omit "[were] sealed" 3 times. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:8. Omit "[were] sealed" after "Zabulon" and after "Joseph". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:10. Read "they cry" instead of "cried". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:10. Read "Salvation to him which sitteth upon the throne of our God, even unto the Lamb" instead of "Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb". S

Rev 7:11. Add "his" and render 'fell before his throne'. HF

Rev 7:12. Omit "Amen" at end of verse. L WHm

Rev 7:14. Add "my" before "Sir" and render 'my Lord'. G Lt T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 7:14. Read "and made their robes white" instead of "and made them white". S B E

Rev 7:17. Read "feedeth them, and leadeth them" instead of "shall feed them, and shall lead them". HF

Rev 7:17. Read "fountains of waters of life" instead of "living fountains of waters". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 8:2. Read "was given" instead of "were given". WHm

Rev 8:3. Read "over the altar" instead of "at the altar". T Tr A WHt N NA HF

Rev 8:5. Transpose "voices and thunderings and lightnings" to "thunderings and voices and lightnings". T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 8:5. Transpose "voices and thunderings and lightnings" to "thunderings and lightnings and voices". L WHm

Rev 8:6. Read "angels, having the seven" instead of "angels which had the seven". S B E

Rev 8:7. Omit "angel" after "first". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 8:7. Add "and the third part of the earth was burnt up" after "earth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 8:8. Omit "with fire" after "burning". HF

Rev 8:9. Omit "which were" before "in the sea". HF

Rev 8:11. Omit "of the waters" after "third part". S

Rev 8:13. Read "eagle" instead of "angel". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:2. Read "a burning furnace" instead of "a great furnace". HF

Rev 9:4. Omit "only" before "those men". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:5. Read "to them" (masc. i.e., the men) instead of "to them" (fem. i.e., the locusts). L T WHm NA

Rev 9:6. Read "fleeth" instead of "shall flee". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 9:7. Read "golden crowns" instead of "crowns like gold". HF

Rev 9:10. Read "and stings; and in their tails is their power to hurt" instead of "and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 9:10. Read "and stings; and in their tails they have power to hurt" instead of "and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt". HF

Rev 9:11. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:13. Omit "four" before "horns". L Tr Am WH NAm

Rev 9:14. Read "One saying" (masculine) instead of "Saying" (feminine, as 'voice'). L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:15. Add "for the" before "a day" and render 'for the day'. HF

Rev 9:16. Read "horse" instead of "horsemen". HF

Rev 9:16. Omit "two" and render 'an hundred'. HF

Rev 9:16. Read "twenty thousands of ten thousands" instead of "two ten thousands of ten thousands" (KJV 'two hundred thousand thousand'). L T A

Rev 9:16. Omit "and" before "I heard". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:18. Read "From" instead of "By" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:18. Add "plagues" after "three". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 9:19. Read "the power of the horses" instead of "their power". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 9:19. Omit "and in their tails" after "mouth". S B E

Rev 9:20. Omit "yet" before "repented not". G W WHt HF

Rev 10:1. Omit "another" before "mighty angel". HF

Rev 10:1. Add "the" before "rainbow" and render 'the rainbow'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:2. Read "a book" instead of "a little book". HF

Rev 10:4. Omit "their voices" after "when the seven thunders had uttered". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:4. Omit "unto me" after "a voice from heaven saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:5. Add "right" before "hand". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:6. Omit "and the sea, and the things which are therein" after "earth, and the things that therein are". Lm WHm

Rev 10:7. Add "even [then]" before "the mystery". S E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:7. Read "was finished" instead of "should be finished". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:8. Read "book" instead of "little book". L Tr A WH NA

Rev 10:9. Read "told him to give" instead of "said unto him, Give". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 10:10. Read "the book" instead of "the little book". HF

Rev 10:11. Read "they say" instead of "he said". L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 10:11. Add "before" after "peoples, and". T HF

Rev 11:1. Omit "and the angel stood" before "saying" (ERV renders 'and one said'). S G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:2. Read "within" instead of "without". S

Rev 11:4. Read "Lord" instead of "God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:8. Read "dead body" instead of "dead bodies". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:8. Read "their Lord" instead of "our Lord". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:9. Read "see" instead of "shall see". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:9. Read "see their dead body" instead of "see their dead bodies". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:9. Read "suffer not" instead of "shall not suffer". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 11:9. Read "a grave" instead of "graves". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:10. Read "rejoice" instead of "shall rejoice". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:10. Read "they make merry" instead of "(they shall) make merry". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 11:10. Read "send" instead of "shall send". T

Rev 11:10. Read "shall give" instead of "shall send". HF

Rev 11:12. Read "I heard" instead of "they heard". HF

Rev 11:13. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. HF

Rev 11:13. Read "day" instead of "hour". HF

Rev 11:14. Add "and" before "behold" and render without italics. B

Rev 11:15. Read "The kingdom of this world is" instead of "The kingdoms of this world are". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:16. Add "the throne of" after "which sat before". HF

Rev 11:17. Omit "and art to come" after "and wast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 11:17. Add "and" before "because". T WHm

Rev 11:19. Add "that [is]" before "in heaven" and render 'there was opened the temple of God that [is] in heaven'. L T Tr WH N NA

Rev 11:19. Read "the testament of the Lord" instead of "his testament". G HF

Rev 11:19. Omit "and an earthquake" after "thunderings". HF

Rev 12:2. Add "and" before "cried" and render 'was with child, and cried'. L T At WHt N NA

Rev 12:3. Read "dragon of fire" instead of "red dragon". HF

Rev 12:5. Add "unto" after "God and". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 12:6. Add "there" before "a place". G T A W WH N NA HF

Rev 12:6. Read "they feed" instead of "they should feed". T Tr WHm

Rev 12:7. Read "with" instead of "against". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 12:8. Read "he prevailed" instead of "(they) prevailed". G WHt NA HF

Rev 12:8. Read "a place for him" instead of "their place". HF

Rev 12:10. Read "cast out" instead of "cast down". L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 12:12. Omit "the inhabiters of" and render 'Woe to the earth and to the sea'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 12:14. Read "that she might be nourished" instead of "where she is nourished". HF

Rev 12:17. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:1. Read "he stood" instead of "I stood" and render 'and he stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw'. L Tr A WH NA

Rev 13:1. Transpose "seven heads and ten horns" to "ten horns and seven heads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:1. Read "names" instead of "the name". C G L T Tr W WHt N NAt HF

Rev 13:2. Read "of lions" instead of "of a lion". T WHm

Rev 13:3. Omit "I saw" before "one of his heads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:3. Read "there was wonder in all the world" instead of "all the world wondered". S Tr

Rev 13:4. Read "because he gave the power" instead of "which gave power". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 13:4. Read "which had given the power" instead of "which gave power". HF

Rev 13:4. Add "and" before "who is able". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 13:5. Read "great and blasphemous things" instead of "great things and blasphemies". L A

Rev 13:5. Read "blasphemy" instead of "blasphemies". HF

Rev 13:5. Add "war" after "continue" and render 'to make war'. C E HF

Rev 13:6. Read "blasphemies" instead of "blasphemy". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 13:6. Omit "and" before "them that dwell" and render '[even] them that dwell'. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:7. Omit "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them" at beginning of verse. L WHm

Rev 13:7. Add "and people" after "kindreds". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:8. Read "[all] of whom have not been written the name" instead of "whose names are not written". G W HF

Rev 13:8. Read "[everyone] of whom has not been written his name" instead of "whose names are not written". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 13:8. Add "which was" before "slain". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:10. Read "If any man" instead of "He that". S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:10. Omit "leadeth into captivity" and render 'If any man [is] for captivity, he goeth'. Tr

Rev 13:10. Omit "leadeth" and render 'If any man [is] for captivity, into captivity he goeth'. L T A W WH N NA

Rev 13:10. Read "If any man hath captivity [in store], he goeth" instead of "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity". HF

Rev 13:10. Read "[is] to be killed" instead of "killeth". A NA

Rev 13:10. Omit "killeth" and omit "with the sword" (second occurrence) and render 'he that [is found] with the sword must be killed'. HF

Rev 13:10. Omit "must" and render 'shall be killed'. A NA

Rev 13:13. Read "even fire that should come down" instead of "so that he maketh fire come down". G W HF

Rev 13:14. Add "of mine" after "deceiveth them". HF

Rev 13:14. Read "who had the wound" instead of "which had the wound" (masculine instead of neuter). L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 13:14. Read "had a wound, and did live, by the sword" instead of "had the wound by a sword, and did live". HF

Rev 13:15. Read "he shall cause" instead of "(he should) cause" and render 'that even the image of the beast should speak; and he shall cause'. WHm

Rev 13:16. Read "that they should give them a mark" instead of "that he should give them a mark" (KJV 'to receive a mark'). G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:16. Read "that he shall give them a mark" instead of "that he should give them a mark" (KJV 'to receive a mark'). WHm

Rev 13:16. Read "marks" instead of "a mark". HF

Rev 13:16. Read "forehead" instead of "foreheads". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:17. Omit "and" at beginning of verse. L T Am WHm

Rev 13:17. Omit "or" before "the name of the beast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 13:17. Read "of the name of the beast" instead of "the name of the beast". L

Rev 13:18. Omit "and" before "his number". HF

Rev 13:18. Read "Six hundred and sixteen" instead of "Six hundred threescore [and] six". Lm

Rev 14:1. Read "the Lamb" instead of "a Lamb". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:1. Add "a number" before "an hundred". HF

Rev 14:1. Add "his name and" before "his Father's name". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:2. Read "the voice which I heard [was] as [the voice] of harpers" instead of "I heard the voice of harpers". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:3. Omit "as it were" before "a new song". G T Trm Am NAm HF

Rev 14:4. Omit "These are" at beginning of verse. WHm

Rev 14:4. Add "by Jesus" after "redeemed". HF

Rev 14:5. Read "falsehood" instead of "guile". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:5. Omit "for" before "they are without fault". L A WH NA

Rev 14:5. Omit "before the throne of God" after "they are without fault". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:6. Omit "another" before "angel". Am HF

Rev 14:6. Read "sit" instead of "dwell". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:7. Read "the Lord" instead of "God". HF

Rev 14:8. Add "a second" after "another". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:8. Omit "angel" after "another". WHm

Rev 14:8. Omit "is fallen" after "is fallen". Am HF

Rev 14:8. Omit "city" and render 'Babylon the great'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:8. Read "which hath made" instead of "because she made". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 14:8. Omit "because" before "she made". HF

Rev 14:9. Add "another" before "the third angel". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:10. Omit "holy" before "angels". A WHm

Rev 14:12. Omit "here [are]" before "they that keep". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:13. Omit "unto me" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:13. Read "for their works" instead of "and their works". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 14:15. Omit "for thee" after "the time is come". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 14:18. Omit "came" before "out from". L WHm NAm

Rev 14:18. Read "loud voice" instead of "loud cry". L T Tr WH N NA

Rev 14:18. Omit "of the vine" after "clusters". S

Rev 14:18. Read "the grape of the earth" instead of "her grapes". HF

Rev 15:2. Omit "over his mark [and]" before "over the number". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 15:3. Read "nations" instead of "saints". C G L T Tr A W WHm NA HF

Rev 15:3. Read "ages" instead of "saints". WH

Rev 15:4. Omit "thee" after "fear". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 15:4. Omit "nations" after "all". HF

Rev 15:5. Omit "behold" before "the temple". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 15:6. Omit "of the temple" after "came out". HF

Rev 15:6. Add "those" before "having the seven plagues". G L T Tr At W WHt N NAt HF

Rev 15:6. Add "who were" before "clothed". HF

Rev 15:6. Omit "and" before "white". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 15:6. Read "stone" instead of "linen". L Tr WH

Rev 16:1. Add "seven" before "vials". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:3. Omit "angel" after "second". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 16:3. Omit "living" before "soul". HF

Rev 16:4. Omit "angel" after "third". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:4. Read "it became blood" (or 'there came blood') instead of "they became blood". S B E G T Tr A W WHt N NA HF

Rev 16:5. Omit "O Lord" after "righteous". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:5. Read "and the holy one" instead of "and shalt be". S E

Rev 16:5. Read "the holy one" (perhaps render 'thou Holy One') instead of "and shalt be". G T WH N NA

Rev 16:5. Read "holy" instead of "and shalt be". L Tr A W WHm HF

Rev 16:6. Omit "for" before "they are worthy". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:7. Omit "another out of" and render 'I heard the altar say'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:8. Omit "angel" after "fourth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:9. Add "men" before "blasphemed". HF

Rev 16:10. Omit "angel" after "fifth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:12. Omit "angel" after "sixth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:13. Read "as" instead of "like". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:14. Read "miracles, to go forth" instead of "miracles, which go forth". S

Rev 16:14. Omit "of the earth and" after "kings". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:14. Omit "that" and render 'the great day'. L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 16:16. Read "Magedon" instead of "Armageddon". HF

Rev 16:17. Omit "angel" after "seventh". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:17. Read "upon the air" instead of "into the air". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 16:17. Omit "great" before "voice". L A

Rev 16:17. Omit "of heaven" after "the temple". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 16:18. Transpose "voices, and thunders, and lightnings" to "lightnings, and voices, and thunders". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 16:18. Transpose "voices, and thunders, and lightnings" to "lightnings, and thunders, and voices". HF

Rev 16:18. Omit "there was" before "a great earthquake". HF

Rev 16:18. Read "man was" instead of "men were". L T Tr A W WHm NA

Rev 16:21. Read "this plague" instead of "the plague thereof". HF

Rev 17:1. Omit "unto me" after "saying". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:1. Add "the" before "many". S B E G At W HF

Rev 17:3. Read "(they being) full of names" or "names being full" instead of "(it being) full of names". L T A WH N NAt

Rev 17:3. Add "the" before "names". Tr

Rev 17:4. Omit "was" after "woman". S B E

Rev 17:4. Read "unclean things" instead of "filthiness". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:4. Read "the fornication of the earth" instead of "her fornication". HF

Rev 17:5. Read "fornications" instead of "harlots". none

Rev 17:6. Omit "and" after "saints". HF

Rev 17:8. Read "and is about to ascend out of the bottomless pit, and he goeth" instead of "and is about to ascend out of the bottomless pit, and to go" (KJV 'and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go'). L A W WHt NA

Rev 17:8. Read "[they] whose name hath not been written" instead of "whose names were not written". L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 17:8. Read "when they behold the beast, how that he was, and" instead of "when they behold the beast that was, and". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 17:8. Read "when they behold that the beast was, and" instead of "when they behold the beast that was, and". HF

Rev 17:8. Read "and shall be present" instead of "and yet is". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:9. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. S B E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:10. Omit "and" before "one is". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:11. Read "this is the eighth" instead of "he is the eighth". Tr HF

Rev 17:13. Read "give" instead of "shall give". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:16. Read "and the beast" instead of "upon the beast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 17:16. Add "shall make her" before "naked". HF

Rev 18:1. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:1. Omit "another" after "I saw". S B E

Rev 18:2. Read "with a mighty voice" instead of "mightily with a strong voice". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:2. Omit "is fallen" after "is fallen". Tr Am HF

Rev 18:2. Add "and a cage of every unclean beast" and render 'every unclean bird, and a cage of every unclean and hateful beast'. NAt

Rev 18:3. Read "have fallen by" instead of "have drunk of". Tr At WHt

Rev 18:3. Omit "the wine of" before "the wrath". L Trm A WHm

Rev 18:5. Read "sins followed" instead of "sins have reached". S B E

Rev 18:5. Add "her" and render 'remembered her [for] her iniquities'. HF

Rev 18:6. Omit "you" after "she rewarded". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:6. Omit "unto her" after "and double". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 18:6. Read "double the double as also she [did], even according to her works" instead of "double unto her double according to her works". HF

Rev 18:6. Add "her" and render 'her cup'. HF

Rev 18:8. Omit "and" before "mourning". HF

Rev 18:8. Omit "the Lord" before "God". Am WHm

Rev 18:8. Read "judged" instead of "judgeth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:9. Omit "her" after "bewail". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:13. Add "and amomum" after "cinnamon". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 18:13. Transpose "beasts and sheep" to "sheep and beasts". HF

Rev 18:14. Read "lusted after are destroyed" instead of "lusted after are departed". W

Rev 18:14. Read "goodly are destroyed" instead of "goodly are departed". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:14. Read "they shall find" instead of "thou shalt find". L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 18:15. Add "both" before "weeping". HF

Rev 18:16. Omit "and" at beginning of verse. L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 18:16. Read "pearl" instead of "pearls". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 18:17. Read "every one that saileth to [any] place" instead of "all the company in ships". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:19. Add "and" before "saying". HF

Rev 18:20. Read "[ye] saints and [ye] apostles" instead of "[ye] holy apostles". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 18:22. Omit "of whatsoever craft [he be]" after "craftsman". WHm

Rev 18:23. Omit "for" before "thy merchants". HF

Rev 18:23. Read "merchants of thine were" instead of "thy merchants were". L WHm

Rev 18:24. Read "bloods" instead of "blood". G T W HF

Rev 19:1. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:1. Add "as it were" after "I heard". E G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:1. Omit "and honour" after "glory". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:1. Transpose "glory" and "power". HF

Rev 19:1. Read "belong to our God" instead of "unto the Lord our God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:2. Read "did throughly corrupt" instead of "did corrupt". HF

Rev 19:3. Read "a second one said" instead of "again they said". HF

Rev 19:5. Read "from the throne" instead of "out of the throne". L Tr A W WH NA HF

Rev 19:5. Omit "and" before "ye that fear him". T Trm Am WH N NAm

Rev 19:5. Omit "both" before "small". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:6. Add "our" before "God". G T Tr W WHt N NAt HF

Rev 19:7. Read "and we will give" instead of "and (let us) give". L A WHt

Rev 19:8. Transpose "clean and white" to "white and clean". G HF

Rev 19:8. Read "white [and] clean" instead of "clean and white". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 19:11. Omit "[was] called" before "Faithful". Am WHm NAm

Rev 19:12. Omit "as" before "a flame of fire". T Tr Am WHt N NAm HF

Rev 19:12. Add "names written and" before "a name written". At HF

Rev 19:13. Read "sprinkled with" instead of "dipped in". WH

Rev 19:13. Read "sprinkled round with" instead of "dipped in". T

Rev 19:14. Omit "which were" after "armies". S T Tr Am NAm

Rev 19:14. Omit "and" after "white" and render 'clean white fine linen'. G L T A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:15. Add "two edged" before "sword". HF

Rev 19:15. Omit "and" after "fierceness" and render 'fierceness of the wrath'. G L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 19:17. Omit "and" after "Come". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:17. Read "great supper of God" instead of "supper of the great God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:18. Add "both" before "free" and render without italics. C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 19:18. Add "and" before "both small". W HF

Rev 19:19. Read "his armies, gathered" instead of "their armies, gathered". L

Rev 19:20. Add "the" before "with him" and render 'and the one with him, the'. WHm

Rev 20:2. Add "which deceiveth the whole world" after "Satan". HF

Rev 20:3. Omit "him" after "shut" and render 'and shut [it], and sealed [it] over him'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 20:3. Omit "and" before "after that". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 20:4. Add "the" before "thousand" and render 'the thousand years'. S B E G HF

Rev 20:5. Omit "But" at beginning of verse. L T A W WH N NA

Rev 20:5. Read "And" instead of "But" at beginning of verse. Tr WHm HF

Rev 20:5. Read "lived not" instead of "lived not again". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 20:6. Add "the" before "thousand" and render 'the thousand years'. T Tr At WHt N NAt

Rev 20:7. Read "after the thousand years" instead of "when the thousand years are expired". HF

Rev 20:9. Omit "from God" before "out of heaven". L T A W WHt N NA

Rev 20:10. Add "both" before "the beast". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 20:12. Transpose "small and great" to "the great and the small". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 20:12. Read "before the throne" instead of "before God". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 20:12. Read "they opened the books" instead of "the books were opened". HF

Rev 20:13. Read "his works" instead of "their works". HF

Rev 20:14. Add "[even] the lake of fire" after "the second death". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:2. Omit "I John" and render 'And I saw'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:3. Read "out of the throne" instead of "out of heaven". L T A WH N NA

Rev 21:3. Read "his people" instead of "his peoples" (KJV 'his people'). G W WHm HF

Rev 21:3. Omit "[and be] their God" at end of verse. T Tr WHt N NAm HF

Rev 21:4. Omit "God" and render 'he shall wipe away'. G T Tr Am W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:4. Add "from them" after "wipe away". HF

Rev 21:4. Omit "for" before "the former things". L Trm Am WHt NAm

Rev 21:5. Omit "unto me" after "And he said". L T Trm Am W WHt N NA HF

Rev 21:5. Transpose "true and faithful" to "faithful and true". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:5. Add "[words] of God" at end of verse. HF

Rev 21:6. Read "They are done" instead of "It is done". L T Tr At W WH N NA

Rev 21:6. Read "I am become" instead of "It is done. I". Am HF

Rev 21:6. Omit "am" before "Alpha". T Am WH N NAm HF

Rev 21:6. Add "and" before "the beginning". HF

Rev 21:7. Read "to him I will give" instead of "shall inherit". HF

Rev 21:7. Read "these things" instead of "all things". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:8. Add "and sinners" after "unbelieving". W HF

Rev 21:9. Omit "unto me" after "there came". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:9. Read "vials, which [angels] were full" instead of "vials full". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 21:9. Transpose "the bride, the Lamb's wife" to "the wife, the Lamb's bride". HF

Rev 21:10. Omit "great" before "city" and render 'the holy city, Jerusalem'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:11. Omit "and" before "her light". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:12. Omit "and" before "had" and render 'having'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:12. Omit "and at the gates twelve angels" after "twelve gates". L

Rev 21:12. Add "the names" after "which are". L Trt At NAt HF

Rev 21:13. Add "and" before "on the north" and before "on the south". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:13. Omit "and" before "on the west". S B E G

Rev 21:14. Read "on them twelve names" instead of "in them the names". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:15. Add "a measure" before "a golden reed". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 21:16. Omit "is as large" after "length". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:16. Add "[and] twelve" after "twelve thousand". HF

Rev 21:17. Omit "he measured" before "the wall". HF

Rev 21:19. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. L T A WH N NA HF

Rev 21:23. Omit "in" and render 'shine for it'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 21:23. Read "to shine: for the glory itself of God" instead of "to shine in it: for the glory of God". HF

Rev 21:24. Omit "of them which are saved" after "nations". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:24. Read "by the light" instead of "in the light". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:24. Omit "and honour" after "glory". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 21:24. Read "the glory and honour of the nations" instead of "their glory and honour". HF

Rev 21:26. Add "that they may enter in" at end of verse. HF

Rev 21:27. Read "common" instead of "that defileth". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 21:27. Read "he that worketh" instead of "[whatsoever] worketh". L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:1. Omit "pure" before "river". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:5. Read "night no more" instead of "no night there". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 22:5. Omit "there" after "night". HF

Rev 22:5. Add "light of a" before "candle". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 22:5. Omit "of the sun" after "neither light". W HF

Rev 22:5. Read "shall give them light" instead of "giveth them light". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:6. Read "spirits of the prophets" instead of "holy prophets". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:7. Add "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:8. Transpose "saw these things, and heard [them]" to "heard and saw these things". G L Tr A W WH NA HF

Rev 22:8. Add "when I had" before "seen". HF

Rev 22:9. Omit "for" before "I am". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:11. Read "let him be made filthy" instead of "let him be filthy". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:11. Read "let him do righteousness" instead of "let him be righteous". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:12. Omit "And" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:12. Read "his work is" instead of "his work shall be". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 22:13. Transpose "the beginning and the end, the first and the last" to "the first and the last, the beginning and the end". G L T Tr A WH N NA HF

Rev 22:14. Read "wash their robes" instead of "do his commandments". L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev 22:15. Omit "For" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:15. Transpose "loveth and maketh" to "maketh and loveth". T

Rev 22:16. Read "in the churches" instead of "over the churches" (KJV 'in the churches'). L WHm

Rev 22:16. Read "the bright, the morning star" instead of "the bright and morning star". G T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:17. Omit "And" before "whosoever will, let him take". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:18. Omit "For" at beginning of verse. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:18. Read "them" instead of "these things". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:18. Read "may God add" instead of "God shall add". HF

Rev 22:19. Read "may God take away" instead of "God shall take away". HF

Rev 22:19. Read "from the tree of life" instead of "out of the book of life". C G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:19. Omit "out of" before "the holy city". L Trm Am

Rev 22:19. Omit "and [from]" before "the things which are written". G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:20. Omit "Even so" after "Amen". G L T Tr A W WH N NA

Rev 22:20. Read "and" instead of "Even so". B

Rev 22:21. Omit "our" and render 'the Lord'. G L T Tr A W WH N NA HF

Rev 22:21. Omit "Christ" after "Jesus". L T Tr A WHm NA

Rev 22:21. Read "with the saints" instead of "with you all". Tr A WH

Rev 22:21. Read "with all the saints" instead of "with you all". G W HF

Rev 22:21. Read "with all" instead of "with you all". L T NA

Rev 22:21. Omit "Amen" at end of verse. G L T Tr A WH N NA

Rev Sub. Add "The Revelation of John". A

If anyone finds this offensive and wants me to remove this i'll be more than happy to.

NOTE: i put this down becuase a good bit of it changes the way we would interpit most of the passages in the book


  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 01:20:28 AM »

No...I'm not offended. Nor am I surprised.

Have a look at the Concordant Literal Translation. It has many of these changes already in place.


  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2006, 01:38:41 AM »

Quote from: Mickyd
No...I'm not offended. Nor am I surprised.

Have a look at the Concordant Literal Translation. It has many of these changes already in place.

yeah i know but if you look there is some that it doesn't even have

i put this down for all so some bible may have already corrected it but i don't think every bible has all the corrections i put up

nightmare sasuke

  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2006, 05:20:47 AM »

I’m so glad you joined bible-truths! :) Your posts are helpful.


  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2006, 12:54:28 PM »

Quote from: nightmare sasuke
I’m so glad you joined bible-truths! :) Your posts are helpful.

thanks but i might be leaving soon,personal issues

nightmare sasuke

  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2006, 05:40:58 PM »

Quote from: alucard
Quote from: nightmare sasuke
I’m so glad you joined bible-truths! :) Your posts are helpful.

thanks but i might be leaving soon,personal issues

Can you tell me why?...


  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2006, 07:17:44 PM »


Not trying to be jerk but I'd prefer to keep it to myself thats the way i've always been

nightmare sasuke

  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2006, 08:13:20 PM »

Quote from: alucard

Not trying to be jerk but I'd prefer to keep it to myself thats the way i've always been

Nothing we can do to convince you to stay?


  • Guest
A More True Revelation
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2006, 08:56:36 PM »

lets just drop it for now.ok

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