I was asked where I was going to go when I died. Since I am a reader of the truths revealed to you I said I was going to the grave to await my change. This was through e-mail correspondance I was sent back these following scriptures and don't how to respond to them due to mylack of knowledge could you please help.
Matt-22:32, Mark 12:26,27, Luke 20:37,38. If you could i would be grayeful.
I know of your affliction and you are in my prayers daily for the Lords will be done
Dear Bud: Understand something up front: Those who worship the damnable heresies (II Pet. 2:1) of the pagan Greeks and Egyptians--immortal soul, depart to a heaven or an eternal hell at death, etc., will never admit error just because you show them the Scriptures that deny their false doctrines. And why is this? Because they despise the Word of God. The love their religion and its pagan doctrines, but they despise the Word of God. So that when you show them the Word of God they will deny that it is speaking an eternal truth. Christians worship the god of "context, context, context," but when you show them how something is used in "context," they then deny the whole "context" scenario. These Scriptures are so easily understood with a little of God's Spirit, that one wonders how any Christian theologian would have the gall to argue against what our Lord has said, but they do. Okay let's look at these verses IN CONTEXT:
Matt. 22:32--"I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is not the God of the dead, but of the LIVING.
Mark 12:27--"...He is not the God of the dead, but the God of he living: ye therefore do greatly err."
Luke 20:38--"For He is not a God of the dead, but of the LIVING: for all live unto Him."
Now then, what have we read? God is not the God of the dead. Why not? Because there is zero response to God from dead people. "...for the living know that they shall die, but the DEAD KNOW NOT ANYTHING" (Ecc. 9;5).
Ecc 9:10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
But will an orthodox Christian believe this verse? OF COURSE NOT. What happens to a person's thoughts when he dies?
Psa 146:4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
Will an orthodox Christian believe and accept this verse, that dead people are dead and have no knowledge or thoughts of any kind? OF COURSE NOT.
Now then, did Jesus say that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are NOT dead? Did he actually say that? No, He did not. But He did say that "God is the God of the LIVING," didn't He? So how can God be the God of Abraham when God is God of the living, but Abraham is DEAD? Just read the verse before and it is clear as the noon day sun:
"But as TOUCHING THE R-E-S-U-R-R-E-C-T-I-O-N OF THE D-E-A-D ...God is the God of the LIVING" (Matt. 22:31)!
"And as TOUCHING THE DEAD, THAT THEY RISE: have ye not read....God [is] the God of the LIVING..." (Mark 12:26).
"...being the children of the RESURRECTION. Now that the DEAD ARE RAISED [RESURRECTION], even Moses showed...God [is] the God of the LIVING" (Luke 20:36-38).
So just exactly, precisely, doctrinally, Scripturally, truthfully, is "God the God of the Living" to people who are still DEAD? THROUGH THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, by BRINGING BACK THE DEAD, by RAISING UP THE DEAD, so that they may again have "thoughts" of praise and "know" Who the True God is.
Now then, will your Christian friend see how they "GREATLY ER" (Mark 12:27)? I think not, but it would be great if I were wrong and your friend believed this simple Scriptural truth and repented of his heresy and idols of the heart.
God be with you,