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Author Topic: My Apolgy  (Read 7527 times)

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My Apolgy
« on: May 13, 2006, 10:55:47 AM »


I have to appolagize to you, I completely misinterpreted a response you sent, the last time I corresponded with you. I had just watched my 35 yr old wife go through heart surgey, my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer, with only a 6-12 months to live, and other assorted, high impact situations coalescing simultaneously, and my emotions were so unstable that I couldn't see what you were saying, until I recently re-read you email. So I genuinely appologize.

I have been back at reading through your lengthy papers and found something that I've been quizzing my fundamental friends on for awhile, I was so glad to see that I was not alone. This regards the real "Lord's Prayer" as you denoted it.

I have been asking the following questions of my friends to either gain fresh understanding myself, or begin opening their cliche fundamentalist minds:

1. Is there a difference between being saved by God or God forgiving someone of their sins? In other words, if God has forgiven your sins, would you still be doomed to hell?

2. Would Jesus ever pray amiss, or out of the Will of the Father?

3. When Jesus prayed on the cross and said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"; did the Father ignore that prayer?

4. Were "them" therefore forgiven against their will?

5. Were they saved against their will?

6. Or is possible that the premise of our understanding of salvation is the
foolish wisdom ("they know not what they do"), referred to so many times in the bible?

7. Who were "them"; just the Roman soldiers or all humanity?

Based o n the "bible-truths" of hell I understand that Q#1 is problematic but, but too much at once and they meltdown and leave the conversation, physically or intelligently.

Well, Thanks for all your hard work and study, I'm one person that has been profoundly impacted by your efforts.

One last thing, you might want to suggest to your website team that they use and forward to wherever is convenient for you, then you won't have to change your email address if you personally change Internet Service Providers. Just a thought.

Peace and Best Regards,

Dear David:

The truth is that some who were responsible for Christ's death (which is everyone, but I am referring to those present at the event itself), bitterly repented. Thousands repented a few weeks later when Peter preached to the masses. Some, however, did not repent. Those who repented were forgiven THEN.  Those who have not yet repented are forgiven inasmuch as God counts things that are not as yet, as if they were. But remember that if one doesn't forigve others for their sins, God will not forgive him for his.  The penalty for sin (all sin) has already been paid, however, paying the penalty does not get the sin out of the sinner. Here is where judgment comes in. That is why there is a resurrection to life with Christ in His kingdom and a second resurrection to judgment.

God be with you,

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