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Author Topic: How did you leave Babylon?  (Read 8307 times)

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Roy Coates

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How did you leave Babylon?
« on: June 03, 2008, 12:22:39 PM »

Just curious how others left their local church. Did you just stop going? Did the Pastor or others from the congregation call? Did you sit with the leadership and advise them of your decision ahead of time? Did you have responsibilities in the house such as Deacon, Elder or Usher? How did you deal with those responsibilities?

Thanks for sharing...


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 01:40:40 PM »

Hi Roy!I know your question is directed  at those who went to a building, however i thought i would put in my 2 cents worth.
Basically i turned off t.b.n. i started watching t.b.n. july the 4th 2003 and from the independence day programming i realized the awsome gift of our indepence that Christ gave.
 I was unable to go to a church for many yrs due to my illness [m.s.,I was physically healed thanks giving day 2006.]And in march of this year i read L.Ray Smiths papers on the lake of fires- tithing etc..However i was purged of many bad [habits]sins during that time- i quit,cussing /swearing,smoking-drinking alcohol,prescrition drugs, negative thoughts, get the picture.
I  didnt go to church before that.Hope i didnt bore you.
May our Father continue to bless you
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 02:33:48 PM by jaguar »


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 01:48:12 PM »

Hi Roy,
Well, to cut a long story short, the last man-made temple we frequented, was Calvary Church in Westminster. We flound we were frequently coming away frustrated and dare i say angry, at the lack of substance in "sermon" and the treatment of people downstairs in the "tea room". (Although i have to say music was brill). So, basically we started to study as a small group (3 of us). Thats when the Holy spirit started to reveal all the lies to us. Very shortly after this my husband was led (by God) To the bibletruths site.   We have never crossed the churches threshold since.

God Bless
Walk in the Spirit


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 03:54:59 PM »

Hello Roy,

I, myself, used to go to a word-of-faith church (prosperity gospel) called 'Word of Faith' (some coincidence?) in Atlanta, GA. I was a volunteer with the youth services as well as the faith groups for couples (this is when couples in a geographical area take turns hosting a 'bible study').

At the end of 2006, the Lord led me to the BT website and Ray's paper on tithing. He had already been revealing parts of this truth to me so when I read Ray's paper, I was overjoyed. I wrote my former pastor a letter stating why I left and copied the other members of the couples faith group. I was not as well versed then at stating what I was following in His Word but I knew that I was following the truth. None of the other members (who all still attend as I know from the email invites to the group that my wife and I still receive) have attempted to speak with me to understand why. That don't care as they also do not care for the Word of God. Hope this helps




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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 04:47:28 PM »

Hello Roy,
I praise GOD for drawing me out of the Babylonian Church System. However, I feel HE put me in the system to open my eyes to HIS truths. I was raised in a very legalistic church in which I was never able to,as they teach,"be baptized and saved". In my mid 40's I was baptized in a Southern Baptist Church that my wife and family attended. I remained in this church and took on leadership roles including becoming a deacon. I tried hard to find GOD but never really did. I wanted to so very much but the more involved I became the more distressed I found myself. However, being in the system taught me much about the Bible and my interest in finding the real GOD led me into deep study, prayerful searching and an even greater awareness that the Babylonian Church System was not of GOD.
I continued my search for several years and became more and more disillusioned with the church system
and the lies and deception I found. I thank my LORD that HE led me to and L. Ray Smith.
I was finding it harder and harder to attend church and finally made my break when the pastor started the Purpose Driven Life program. I had planned on returning after the Purpose Driven Life program but could never get the desire to return. I would spend all day Sunday in Bible-Truths along with study, prayer and really getting into a personal relationship with GOD. Leaving the Babylonian System has been very hard in my relationship with my wife and family but after 3 years I do feel they can see the bondage of the institutional church system and my prayer is that they will eventually come out.
Prayerfully, many others will see the bondage of the Babylonian System and come out of same. I do know that it is only GOD who can draw each of us to HIM in HIS time and in HIS way. I apologize for the length of this reply but hope it is of some help.

Roy Coates

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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 09:41:45 PM »

Thanks, I appreciate the heart felt responses.


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2008, 10:30:01 PM »

I moved to a small mountain community and went to the church there. The pastor of the church started teaching series of bible studies that God used to teach me truth. The pastor was teaching a lot of correct information although he didn't believe what he was teaching in the same way I received it. I learned to rest and that the work of God was God's work and not my work. God started healing me and teaching me a new truth about every 3 months. I've never been so scared in my life. I was slowly becoming detached from any teachings anywhere I looked. I searched very hard.

I tried to talk to the pastor about my new beliefs and he rejected me and my brother when we went in for a meeting. He got angry and told me my beliefs would only lead to despair. At the time we were discussing that God was sovereign and there was no free will. That's all I knew up to that point.

The JWs came to the door and talked me into a bible study. I thought I could share with them what I knew at the time. It turned out that God used that bible study to bring scriptures to me that clearly showed me the "beast". I saw that I wasn't saved (past tense). I was scared to death and had no where to turn for answers. I still tried to compromise and go to church. I tried talking to others. I was treated poorly and like I had gone astray. The black sheep. God continued to heal me and free me with new truth. My brother would get one half and I would get the other half. We would discuss it for hours and hours and hours on the phone. When the truth clicked we were overjoyed and moved to the next truth.

God finally dragged me out of the church for good. I watched a movie that was perfect at the time to show me that the church was teaching lies and living as hypocrites. I couldn't go back. I had this book I often read and opened the book and saw the words "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues". I knew then that God was giving me a command to leave the church. The other portion of the writing was don't worry I will gather you together with others. I forget the exact words.

I thought I was crazy. How could my brother and I be right and everyone else in the world be wrong. God hadn't taught me yet that there was no hell so I was in great fear that I was deceived. We couldn't find anyone who believed the way we did. God kept teaching us and kept dragging us. We had the free will series down and then the teaching stopped for 10 years. No word from God for 10 years. Again I was so scared. The words of the pastor kept haunting me. My beliefs would only lead to despair.

I was so desperate I begged God for a teacher. God if you have a teacher anywhere in this world please lead me to him. I was crying in despair and desperate. I was hungry and thirsty for God and felt like I was dying. 2 weeks later I found Ray's writings and the first thing I read was the free will series. I cried and laughed with joy. It was the same thing God taught me and my brother. Even using some of the same phrases. I knew God taught that to Ray so I was able to trust him with the rest of the teachings. I was a lot afraid for a couple of weeks over the trinity teaching, but God got me past it. What a joy it was to finally see the proof that there is no hell. I was trying to prove that wrong for over 30 years and couldn't do it.

I am so glad God dragged me out of the church and blessed me with Ray's teachings and everyone here.

Sorry this was long. :)


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2008, 10:46:49 PM »

Hi Roy,

As an Adult my experience within "Babylon" was at first very exciting, as I as able to learn the scriptures in the Bible, in a new and relevant way than those of my youth "catholic".  My younger Sister first introduced me to a "Charismatic Experience" which later I found myself in the "Word of Faith" or better known as "Name it and Claim it" churches.

Over the years I found myself placed as a Deacon, also a Home Group Leader.  About 12 years ago a couple of things happened that "Woke Me Up"  First was a Statement from the church of my tithes given through out the year.  (I was a single parent, working two jobs & going to college)  I looked at the amount I had given and I was shocked that I had given that much, when my daughter and I did without somethings that the Pastor and his family didn't do without.  The scripture came to my mind, about religion being filthy rags if you didn't take care of Widows & Orphans.

Although I wasn't exactly a widow or my child a literal orphan the math wasn't adding up!
I won't bore you with every revelation, except to admit I found I didn't like myself, or God very much.
What seemed to make sense and bring Joy, was completely dead and ugly to me.  About six months ago
I stumbled on Rays Web Site...Thank You God!...and as many here, returned to their first love.

I have allot to learn still, and would like to know how you came out of Babylon?

Your Friend,



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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2008, 11:10:09 PM »

Hi Roy!

I use to attend Mt. Vernon Baptist Church here in Atlanta, GA. I mainly sung in the adult choir, men's choir, mass choir and played saxophone too.
I was assistant Sunday school teacher for the singles class. I also was looking to getting into the recovery ministry and feed the homeless ministry. I wanted to do a lot!! I left the church after reading a lot of the papers by Ray.

A lot of things the church was doing never sat well with me anyway so I just didn't show up for anything anymore. My heart left the church long before I found Rays papers. I never tithe anyway, just didn't make sense and of course never had enough to tithe ten percent. anyway...............After a few months the pastor calls me and told me that the spirit led him to call me.
I really believe it did!! He asked why I didn't come any more, I basically told him that I didn't agree with a few practices of the church and that God was calling me out of church. Well, he said I had some other spirit speaking through me and that some body or some group has gotten hold on me.

I tried to engage him with a few scriptures but he no longer wanted to talk with me.
I actually pleaded with him to help me in that time of my life but he had to go pick up his daughter.
That was the last I heard from him. I don't expect to hear from him again.

I was contacted a few times by a couple members, I later told them of my new found knowledge and understanding and they pretty much shrugged at it with a "huh" and I never heard from them again.

I did bump into a member at the hospital one time and she told me how much everyone missed me. Of course I didn't believe her, nobody cares in a baptist church! Members come and go! If your not a contributor to the vision of the pastor no one will care. I did expect a lot of people to call me mind you! I was surprised by the couple who did because we don't speak that much.

I have visited other churches with friends but only because I was invited. Its so hard to sit there now, sometimes I feel like crying.
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2008, 12:42:14 PM »

When God commanded me to come out of Mystery Babylon I advised my sister that I was no longer going to attend the church I went to.  Her reaction was priceless....I discussed this with someone who's opinion I trusted....I was advised that it would not hurt me to still attend, just to keep the good things that came from the sermon (remembering that the shadow is not evil).  However, I attended the service the very next Sunday...even sat next to my sister but I felt out of place...uncomfortable....I have never returned and am blessed by it.  Since coming out of the church system I have been set free...the truth will set you free  :D

Love in Christ

Roy Monis

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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2008, 01:53:41 PM »

Just curious how others left their local church. Did you just stop going? Did the Pastor or others from the congregation call? Did you sit with the leadership and advise them of your decision ahead of time? Did you have responsibilities in the house such as Deacon, Elder or Usher? How did you deal with those responsibilities?

Thanks for sharing...

Hello! Roy

This is Roy UK to avoid confusion.

Yes indeed I would like to share this with you.

I was in the Elim Pentecostal Church for some time and got on fairly well as I thought. Then we had a change of pastors and the new one had new ideas. He was as was the previous one a believer in tithing which at the time was OK because it was the accepted thing to do. Then he asked us how we'd feel about holding home fellowship meetings to which we all agreed wholeheartedly.

The first meeting started perfectly and progressed till the it came to saying a closing prayer. To my surprise he asked each person in turn to pray out aloud, which to me seemed a shambles because it was like everyone waiting for their name to be mentioned and nothing more. Well when my turn came I asked to be excused and be allowed to pray in silence.

Well to my surprise the meeting erupted and he nearly hit me with his Bible, "Silence smacks something of secrecy, intrigue, something you want to hide, underhanded and much more. When he finally finished I opened my Bible and read: “When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him." Matt.6:5-8).

Before I finished reading that passage, he burst out with: "Are you trying to teach me? I know what it says in there, but this is what I have been taught and this is what I believe." That was enough for me, I fetched my wife's coat and we left, surprisingly no one else left with us. Was that not enough for them? I will never know.

Yes, sir, that was the moment I came out of Babylon, and that was quite a while before I happened on to Ray's site. I like to believe that it was the hand of my God in answer to my prayer for fellowship.

By the way Roy regarding your need for credentials to minister in prisons I see no difference between the one you can purchase and the one you have to work and also pay for as they are both bogus and not worth the paper they are written on. Your purpose is a noble one, your calling is of God for that purpose, your knowledge of the Scriptures is founded in the truth so God bless you, brother, and help you fulfill His calling. The lucky prisoners will be receiving The True Gospel Of Jesus Christ and the TRUTH for a change.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2008, 04:28:52 PM »

Remember that Bablyon is also within.  You will always be coming out of Bablyon.  Religion, the church system, politics, etc are all a physical shadow of the bablyon within.  It is to remind us not to "reason with our own understanding" which is man's way, but to "trust God with all of your heart".  When we start reasoning out something in our lives remember that "God's ways are not our ways", so just "cast your cares on Him because he cares for you".

That ol man, that first Adam, that Essau in us will continue to make us want to go back into Bablyon all the days of this age.

"Don't be afraid.  Only believe."



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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 10:09:56 PM »

Remember that Bablyon is also within.  You will always be coming out of Bablyon.  Religion, the church system, politics, etc are all a physical shadow of the bablyon within.  It is to remind us not to "reason with our own understanding" which is man's way, but to "trust God with all of your heart".  When we start reasoning out something in our lives remember that "God's ways are not our ways", so just "cast your cares on Him because he cares for you".

That ol man, that first Adam, that Essau in us will continue to make us want to go back into Bablyon all the days of this age.

"Don't be afraid.  Only believe."


Great point CIY

I was listening to Ray's teaching from the Sept. '06 conference and he made mention of people who once came to the conferences and fellowshipped but eventually fell away. They left the shadow or type of Babylon, the church, but they did not leave the one within. Great point again and something to keep in mind and in heart.


Roy Coates

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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2008, 01:34:18 AM »

For me It is a wonderful journey in progress. I want to be civil and complete my promises with the church as they were made unto God. We are a small group 45 to 100 members. I am an usher/deacon. I also lead a prayer group early Sunday morning. Some time ago I started noticing some problems that disturbed me. I confided in my friend ( a leader and assoc pastor) about them and he actually confirmed many of the issues. But nothing was changing. My friend would some time point me towards the truth and then say "carefull who you show this to" I am not sure if he believed or not. I do know that to suppress the truth is wrong. I stopped confiding in him. I started going to bible college about the same time I started studying with Ray. The Pastor, the assoc Pastors and several leaders were graduates of the same college. Many of them were teaching still. As I questioned their doctrine I was met with more and more negativity. Things started jumping out at me as the Spirit was reveling to me. My time and efforts was spent dispelling the false doctrines. I got good grades, but was told I was deceived, ignorant, or just wrong. I was singled out as a detractor by some. The pastors at our church were often quoting Kim Clement, Joel Os teen, Hagee, Hagin, Benny Hinn, etc. It made me wonder. I thought God and led me to that church for a reason(which He did) I thought it was because they were part of the few. The more I learned the more I came to understand they were indeed part of the many. This group did take me in and love me. They fed me milk and were vessels used to help bring my fiance out of the Catholic religion and myself out of the world. We have our wedding planned at this church 6-21-8. This poses a bit of a dilemma. I can't just stop out right. I feel the need to at least give a notice so that they can get some one to fill my spot. So I am still attending reluctantly. I like to spend my time there in the nursery or the prayer room with my grand daughter. What a great gift from God, a beautiful little baby that occupies my time during the sermon. I am no longer attending the Bible college, considering the mail order ordination to satisfy the worldly requirement for certain areas of ministry. I am withdrawing from any further commitments. Soon I plan to advise the senior Pastor I am unable to grasp his vision. At that point the lawn mowing will be the only commitment I have left. In spirit I am out, and soon to be out in the natural. Of coarse I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Like I said a wonderful (sometimes hard) journey
Thanks to all

Roy Monis

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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2008, 09:40:58 AM »

For me It is a wonderful journey in progress. I want to be civil and complete my promises with the church as they were made unto God. We are a small group 45 to 100 members. I am an usher/deacon. I also lead a prayer group early Sunday morning. Some time ago I started noticing some problems that disturbed me. I confided in my friend ( a leader and assoc pastor) about them and he actually confirmed many of the issues. But nothing was changing. My friend would some time point me towards the truth and then say "carefull who you show this to" I am not sure if he believed or not. I do know that to suppress the truth is wrong. I stopped confiding in him. I started going to bible college about the same time I started studying with Ray. The Pastor, the assoc Pastors and several leaders were graduates of the same college. Many of them were teaching still. As I questioned their doctrine I was met with more and more negativity. Things started jumping out at me as the Spirit was reveling to me. My time and efforts was spent dispelling the false doctrines. I got good grades, but was told I was deceived, ignorant, or just wrong. I was singled out as a detractor by some. The pastors at our church were often quoting Kim Clement, Joel Os teen, Hagee, Hagin, Benny Hinn, etc. It made me wonder. I thought God and led me to that church for a reason(which He did) I thought it was because they were part of the few. The more I learned the more I came to understand they were indeed part of the many. This group did take me in and love me. They fed me milk and were vessels used to help bring my fiance out of the Catholic religion and myself out of the world. We have our wedding planned at this church 6-21-8. This poses a bit of a dilemma. I can't just stop out right. I feel the need to at least give a notice so that they can get some one to fill my spot. So I am still attending reluctantly. I like to spend my time there in the nursery or the prayer room with my grand daughter. What a great gift from God, a beautiful little baby that occupies my time during the sermon. I am no longer attending the Bible college, considering the mail order ordination to satisfy the worldly requirement for certain areas of ministry. I am withdrawing from any further commitments. Soon I plan to advise the senior Pastor I am unable to grasp his vision. At that point the lawn mowing will be the only commitment I have left. In spirit I am out, and soon to be out in the natural. Of coarse I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Like I said a wonderful (sometimes hard) journey
Thanks to all

Hi! Roy

I gather from your testimony that you have been with the church a very long time, and I can only express admiration for your brave decision to eventually leave and "Come Out" completely. That requires a lot of courage but when the truth has to be faced head on it is the only way out as difficult as it is.

I feel truly humbled by this disclosure and wish you God's speed in your journey with Him. My prayers are with you dear brother and I'll have to leave it at that as words just fail me.

May the good Lord help you along every step of the way.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2008, 12:48:30 PM »

Thank you for sharing your situation, with us.  I was wondering if there was more than curiosty in your question.  When leaving the church it's not just a building, it's leaving people who we care about, and have cared for us.  It's leaving the dream you had for your purpose in life.  So in losing your LIFE in this church, you will find true LIFE with Christ.   The process in which to leave I believe is with Love in your Heart, you will know the right time, God will reveal it to you!

Warm Hugs,

I also have a Grand daughter 3 years old, did you ever imagine how much Joy they bring?


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Re: How did you leave Babylon?
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2008, 05:43:08 PM »


Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I sent my physical resignation letter two weeks ago.  I spiritually began my seperation in 2005 upon reading bibletruths.  I am luckier than you because my former pastor, a  real likable man, left our congregation and his replacement is an in your face zealot.  It is so much easier to leave a hard---  than someone I like.

I bet you will look  back at your decision to seperate and consider it a turning point, a marker in time, reflecting well on your spiritual progression.

Ray's revelations and Kat's summations are continuing to feed me, most recently the hints about paradise and also judgment of the aborted, of children and of the mentally challenged.


Charles O
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