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Author Topic: Opposites Attract?  (Read 7968 times)

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Opposites Attract?
« on: June 03, 2008, 09:54:53 PM »

Ray –

        On the attached post:

        in the last but one sentence:

        Birds of a feather flock together, but then again opposites attract.

        I do not recollect that it is ‘Scripturally Correct’ to state that ‘opposites attract’.

        I know of a number of Proverbs which state ‘Like attracts Like’, (which I take as a Foundational Truth), but have not noticed that ‘opposites attract’.

        Have I missed something in the Scriptures.

        Thanks, Regards, George.

        Dear George: Yes, you have missed a LOT.  First, I did not say that the Scriptures teach that "opposites attract," did I?  Second, you are not a "people watcher," are you?  I'm talking real life here, George, those same proverbs have a LOT to say about witnessing the real things in real life.  Have you never noticed that many successful situation comedies are built around the humor found in "opposites that attract?"  Have you never seen "All In The Family?"

        God be with you,




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Re: Opposites Attract?
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 09:55:13 PM »

  Ray – Thanks for this.

        I know you did not say that the Scriptures teach that “opposites attract”.

        I am a “people watcher”, and I understand that most people believe that “opposites attract”, whereas the truth of the matter is that “like attracts like”.

        The way I see this is that if a person believes that opposites attract, they may start or stay in a relationship because of this; and the end result is likely to be a split because of their differences.

        Am I wrong if I correct people who believe “opposites attract” by telling them “actually, that is not true, like attracts like”.

        Regards, George.

        Dear George:  Give it up. Everybody wants to be a teacher, and everybody wants to prove me wrong. (Well, actually, only those who want to be teachers). That opposites attract is not only a fact of social behavior among men and women,   (witness in Scripture the hundreds and thousands of Israelite men who worshiped the One True God, who were, nonetheless, highly attracted to heathen women who worshiped many gods), but it is also the most fundamental of physical phenomenon in quantum mechanics, and is one of the most basic of all laws in the universe.

        So here:


        "Similar magnetic poles repel. Opposite magnetic poles ATTRACT. (Law of Magnetic Poles)"

        Your argument is no longer with me.

        God be with you,


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