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Author Topic: Jezebel Spirit  (Read 5834 times)

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Jezebel Spirit
« on: June 03, 2008, 09:56:06 PM »

I cast out your Jezebel Spirit in Jesus name Amen! "Many will come in my name saying...Depart from me I know you not!" You may have scriptural knowledge but no wisdom. You have legalism without faith, You have a powerful sword (God's word) without love. You are a noisy gong, a clanging symbol. You are void of love and you add nothing to His kingdom, but chaos and strife--you are not of God. God is apposed to the proud, but give grace to the humble!" "Humble yourself under His mightily hand that He may exalt you at the proper time." You are exalting yourself. Your critical spirit is not prophsy or word of knowledge. It is from the father of lies. You have no clue how to translate scripture because you ar void of the Holy Spirit. I have not read all your writings, but hte few I did read such as your discussion on aions vs. forever and ever was like a child trying to teach the professor on quamtum p hysics. In simple terms words have different meanings by inspiration of the Holy Spirti without which the bible we have would be just words and no power. You have no power in your life because you are a false teacher and prophet and you will be consumed by the words you espouse. There is still time to repent and give Jesus first place in your life. (Matt 6:33). Oh and by the way the poor will inherit the earth. We are joint hers with Christ 4ever, Dave Isaiah 9 He will reign forever and there will be no end to the increase in His goverement and to peace. He is also called Everlasting Father

Dear David:  But you don't mean that "words have different meanings" when you argue my teaching on "aionios." What you mean is that these words have CONTRADICTING meanings, as Christendom is a religion of contradictions.  Example: When believers die, they go directly to live in heaven, even though all Scripture and especially Paul teaches that unless we are resurrected FROM THE DEAD, we are of all men more miserable and have hope   of life in this life only. That is one giant heretical contradiction for which the Church will be called into Judgment. And you need to hang on to this email, David, as you will be reading it again in Judgment.  You cannot attribute my teachings to "the father of lies" and get away with it. Your holier-than-thou, mean spirited, slander will be deeply repented of one day. And you can take that to the Lake!



PS   You wouldn't know who  or what "Jezebel" is if you were having lunch with her!  You can't cast out the plank that is in your own eye, yet alone "Jezebel."
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