Ray, thank you for your invitation for me to ask you the question; so here it is: Some take the position that one can be married to another but not be bound. This argument comes from a position of a re-marriage that is not the result of or coming from a divorce other than adultry.
What are your thoughts on this point.
Oh yes! I will not challenge you on your answer. I'm asking for your thoughts on this point.
Thank you.
Dear Max: There are a hundred good reasons why I don't get involved in counseling people in divorce and remarriage situations and other legal matters. One ends up in the same situation as Paul called "endless genealogies." I assume you may be referring to your own marriage with this question? Okay, so you marry a woman who was not legally divorced based on her husband committing adultery. They just divorced for whatever reasons. Now then, are you legally married to her and is she legally married to you? Well........has her husband remarried? Cause if he did, then he IS committing adultery, seeing that your divorce was apparently not legal in God's eyes. So now that he is married (legal or not) to another and having sex (adultery) with another woman, she could not legally divorce him on grounds of adultery. But you are already divorced, he is now married, and she now married. Okay, suppose her husband is not remarried and is not committing adultery, then what? Should she legally divorce you according to the laws of the law, and remarry her old husband if he will have her? What if he really does WANT HER? And what if she really decides that she did love him and wants to divorce you now and remarry her old husband? Can they do that? (In "God's" eyes?)
What if you die, and your present wife who is not legally divorced because there was no adultery in her first marriage, wants to remarry a third man, and the third man is legally divorced because his wife did commit adultery, can she marry him if her first husband will not take her back, even though he never did commit adultery on her when they were married? But what if your wife really did commit adultery in her first marriage, but her first husband forgave her and didn't want to divorce her, but she wanted to divorce him, because she felt guilty for betraying him? Can she divorce him if it was her who committed the adultery, and then marry you? I could go on like this for hours and hours.
It's just more "endless genealogy," and I won't get involved in it. Furthermore, NO ONE will divorce their mate if they love them, no matter WHAT I would say, so this whole conversation is pretty close to pointless. Furthermore, I don't believe that I have ever had anyone tell me the absolute truth when asking me to "settle" such convoluted marital situations.
Listen: You cannot UN-ring a bell. Sometimes it is not possible to go back and straighten out all of the convoluted mistakes we made in life and such things as marriage and remarriage. Repent for what you have done and for what you are and GO ON with you life. If a husband BEATS his wife, or ABUSES the children, or does NOT PROVIDE food and shelter for his family, or is totally IMMORAL, or DESERTS his wife, or DIES, then the wife is not expected to remained married to such a man if she does not desire, and the same is true she the wife commit these crimes. Almost all other things are just excuses to have one's cake and eat it too. I hope this has been a little helpful to you.
God be with you,