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Author Topic: An Old Email  (Read 6950 times)

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An Old Email
« on: June 06, 2008, 09:50:58 AM »


I like your site but I was wondering why you continue to use the name of Jesus?  What is your view on the name of Yahshua as the Messiah and Yahweh (YHWH) as the name of God?

I strive to know Them on a more personal basis.  I don't see how Jesus could have been the name God gave Him.  When Yahshua said I come in the name of the Father he meant it. The letter J was the last letter to be included in the alphabet (about 1500 ad).

If there is no other name under heaven by which you may be saved, we should get it right.  He also said He gave His Son a name above all other names.   The info is in any dictionary or encyclopedia.  Jesus is a Greek name.   Why would Hebrew speaking parents in a Hebrew speaking land give there son a Greek name?  Just curious, Eric

[Ray Replies]

Dear Eric:

Thank you for your email and comments.

I just refuse to get caught up in all this "Sacred Name Society" business.

You used the word, "Messiah" which is an Hebrew word. But the New Testament uses the word "Messia" which is the Greek form of the Hebrew, "messiah." Should we use and speak Greek or Hebrew. But "messiah" means "anointed." "Christ" also means "anointed." Which should we use, Messia or Christ? Should we call our Lord, Yahshua, Messia or Jesus Christ?

And there we have that word "Lord." In the Greek, Lord is "kurios" and it means supreme in authority or Lord. But in Hebrew, Lord is "Yehovah" and it means self-existent, the Jewish national name of God. But in Psalm 113:1 we read,

"Praise ye the Lord, Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the NAME OF THE LORD."

But "Lord" is "Yehovah/Yehwah/Jehovah" in Hebrew, yet you say "Yahweh is the NAME OF GOD" whereas the Scripture says "Praise the name OF the Lord," not "Praise the NAME LORD." Furthermore, Jehovah (YHWH) IS JESUS CHRIST, not God the Father!

Jesus also said that, "Before Abraham was, I AM."  Jesus Christ is the "I AM" of the Old Testament. Well, yes, of course, no man has ever seen God the Father, but Moses and others did see and hear "I AM" and "Jehovah." And God told Moses that "I AM" was His name. He told Moses to tell the Children of Israel that God's name is, "I AM."

And so, even those who make a virtual religion out of this Sacred name business have not a clue as that they are talking about.

It is not wrong to call our Lord, "Jesus Christ." Furthermore, the whole world knows Him as Jesus Christ, and they are already confused enough about religion and the Scriptures, that I don't think we need to add one more obstacle to their understanding.

God be with you,



carol v

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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2008, 12:54:15 PM »

Interesting stuff. People are alway trying to get that one detail that everyone else is missing to make themselves more righteous and special. Whether it's the SDA's believing that the mark of a true believer is Saturday Sabbath or the immersion only baptizers or Mel Gibson saying that only Catholics will be saved.

People miss the forest for the trees.



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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2008, 01:22:00 PM »

Hi Carol,

Mat 16:6  Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

You are so right in your observation!




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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2008, 01:30:42 PM »

That was a great post, Joe! Thanks for sharing it.
Its always good to review this information.
I don't think too many people realize that Jehovah is Jesus Christ.



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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2008, 11:06:11 PM »

That was a great post, Joe! Thanks for sharing it.
Its always good to review this information.
I don't think too many people realize that Jehovah is Jesus Christ.


Amen Iris. ;)

This was one of the subjects I studied before I found Bible-Truths but could never get it to work out. Ray made it seem so simple and easy to understand. I am so glad the Lord led me here. I have learned so much and continue to learn. Thank the Lord for eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand.

Peace to all,


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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 12:01:36 PM »

Hi Iris & Suzie,

Rereading the articles, emails and some threads can really open our eyes to so much spiritual treasure as long as we are verifying and searching the scriptures along side with them, I can't tell you how many eye opening moments  :o I have had as I have read the verses provided that back a particular point and then get led to incredible unrelated knowledge of our God.

His Peace to you,




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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2008, 03:11:51 PM »

Thanks for the post Joe,

My next door neighbor & friends have been spending time with a group called the "Twelve Tribes" don't know if you've heard of them?  They are a commune group with places all over the world that has adopted allot of the  OT ways, and also is big on the use of "Yahshua"  (They are trying to live the book of ACTs)  I've met them also, they are truly delightful people.

My neighbor commented to me "Don't you think that Jesus would pay more attention if you use his correct name"?  I responded back that I didn't believe God has an Ego like people do, and listens to all whom call on him!It's interesting to know Jesus Hebrew name, but not as enlightening as the mistranslation of the Greek words for "forever".  I learned even more from reading Rays email.

Hey Carol what does SDA stand for???

carol v

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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2008, 07:38:38 PM »

Hey Brenda,

SDA stands for Seventh Day Adventist. One of my very closest friends was an SDA and we had plenty of discussions in email that got pretty heated occasionally until we both gave up trying to change the other. But for all her false beliefs she was a true seeker of Christ and one of the kindest, wisest women I've ever known.

She was a huge propenent of the SDA's belief in vegetarianism and through her website counseled on the use of soy insteads of meat. She died a few months ago of breast cancer at the age of 52. She was always arguing that it was the introduction of meat after Noah that shortened the lifespan of man. Ironic isn't it.

I was always telling her that soy was connected to breast cancer. Too much estrogen.

I loved her dearly and miss her all the time. She truly loved Christ in the best way she knew how and wanted nothing more than to lovingly share Him and seek Him. Now I met some of her fellow SDA's though and I would not be quite so complimentary of all of them. One told me that no meat-eaters would ever be allowed to go to heaven.

That was right after my kids and I had snuck off for a hamburger during a Sabbath sojourn to the San Diego beach.

It always seemed to me that if the SDA's were going to make that argument about meat shortening lifespans then they should all be living hundreds of years. They don't.

My friend was greatly deceived by the legacy of Ellen White and at the same time, one of the most sincere believers in Christ I have ever known.

In some cases, this whole Babylon thing is SO confusing.




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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2008, 09:12:00 AM »

Thanks Carol,

I've heard of Seventh Day Adventist, but I have no understanding of their doctrine.  That's a new one on me about vegetarianism.  ???  ::)  That strikes me as bizarre, as does our belief to those in Babylon.  I'm so sorry you lost your friend.  And Praise God...........That's not the end of her Story!!! ;D
I am so grateful to be set free from the sorrow of our Loved Ones Being Tortured for all Eternity in Hell! (Me Included)

Thanks for taking the time to share with me,  I'm certainly going to be aware of Soy from now on.   I just looked at a protein drink I was drinking and it has a Soy/Whey Blend...uh oh........ 52 is much to young!

Sending a Hug Your Way!



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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2008, 03:36:46 PM »

But "Lord" is "Yehovah/Yehwah/Jehovah" in Hebrew, yet you say "Yahweh is the NAME OF GOD" whereas the Scripture says "Praise the name OF the Lord," not "Praise the NAME LORD."

Actually Psalm 113:1 in Hebrew is:

א  הַלְלוּ-יָהּ:
הַלְלוּ, עַבְדֵי יְהוָה;    הַלְלוּ, אֶת-שֵׁם יְהוָה.     Hallelujah. {N}
Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD. (1917 JPS Translation of the Masoretic Text)

Which translated properly reads in English, "Hallelujah, Praise you servants of Yahveh, Praise the name of Yahveh.

The use of the word Adonai, (Master or Lord) where יְהוָה (Yahveh) appears in Scripture  came into use after the Babylonian captivity as a
fence to the Scriptures to prevent bringing the name of Yahveh our Elohim to naught, (Third Commandment).  Lord is not Hebrew for Yahveh.  The Scripture is not translated correctly by the Jewish Publication Society or the other English translators.  The Hebrew above is correct.

Personally, I use Yahveh and Yeshua because that is the way I have been led by the Spirit of Yahveh and for me eliminates much confusion. Also, these are what I am comfortable with. How can you speak the difference between LORD, (substitution for Yahveh) and Lord substitution for Yeshua and lord for other people of authority.  Personally I do not let these differences get between my fellowshipping with other believers in the truth of the Scriptures who use the words God, Lord or Jesus.

Kitt Schilke


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Re: An Old Email
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2008, 12:40:05 PM »

Hi Kitt,

What Ray is stating and what I am in agreement with is there really isn't any strict guideline as to what we call our Lord and our God as long as it is done in reverence, looking at the Hebrew word translated "name" is actually the honor, authority and character that is to be praised not constenants, vowels (or lack of) and words.

With that being said there is nothing wrong with using a name we feel comfortable with and that shows the proper recognition of His sovereignty. It is what is in our hearts that matter as we call to Him not what passes through our mouths, pens or keyboards.

Psa 113:1  Praise ye the LORD. Praise, O ye servants of the LORD, praise the name8034 of the LORD.


A primitive word (perhaps rather from H7760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare H8064); an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character: -  + base, [in-] fame [-ous], name (-d), renown, report.



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