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Author Topic: Hagee Letter  (Read 6862 times)

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Hagee Letter
« on: June 07, 2008, 02:09:59 PM »

        Dear Ray
        I wrote to you a little while ago.  I had found your site cos I have been looking for the truth that I didnt feel was coming from churches I have attended over the years.
        Today I read your letter to Dr Hagee regarding The Seven Wonders of Hell.  I am not going to criticise him because he is just in a long line of people who are preaching the message they preach.  I want to say that I found your teaching riveting.  It took me a long time to read the letter as I have a disability but I could feel joy rising inside my heart.
        For many years I have been doing what Dr Hagee and others have been doing, preaching hell and eternal torment for non believers.  I have now repented and I believe that God has given you a key to hand to me to tell others the good news.  You are correct preaching hell fire and damnation is not good news.
        Bless you - I will plod along slowly through your site as I want to learn as much as I can.
        I wish I had known all this years ago - I have lived a lie for much too long.
        God bless you.

        Dear Ailish: I believe God reveals Himself to us at just the right time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime of deception to appreciate the truth.
        God be with you,
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