Hi Ray,
> God bless you in your
> work!
> I cannot remember if you have
> touched on Matthew 27:52 before? Modern Theology believes this is speaking about
> dead saints walking around just after Jesus died. (People that have lived twice
> and presumably died twice)
> However, the verse only mentions bodies not people. THAT'S freaky! Just a bit of humor but did we have zombies walking around appearing to people? It does not indicate whether it was an illusion, more a statement of fact. We can only assume the bodies of the dead saints were without spirits as they return to God upon death.
> Your
> thoughts?
> Mark
Dear Mark: No, bodies can't walk around without their spirit. It is the spirit that gives LIFE to the body. There is more that we can learn from some of the words used in relation to these resurrected saints' bodies:
Mat 27:53 And2532 came1831 out of1537 the3588 graves3419 after3326 his846 resurrection,1454 and went1525 into1519 the3588 holy40 city,4172 and2532 appeared1718 unto many.4183
Notice that they "appeared" to many. That word is from Strong's #1718, emphanizao, and it means, "to exhibit (in person) or disclose (by words): - appear, declare (plainly), inform, (will) manifest, shew, signify."
And so to "emphanizao" means to exhibit IN PERSON, to disclose BY WORDS, etc. This can also be seen in other verses of Scripture in which this word is used to describe sentient communication. Example: In Heb. 11:4 "emphanizao" is translated "declare plainly." Clearly this is a real live "person" and not some walking zombie as you suggest. Hope this helps your understanding a little.
God be with you,