Hello Ray,
I hope this email finds you in good health and that you are fairing well by God's mercy and Grace. Anyways, recently I was having a discussion with a friend concerning Elijah being transported to another location so he wouldn't see death as scriptures say. I presented to him scriptures which conclusively shows that Elijah is not in heaven and also his "disappearances" was of normal occurrence whenever his life was in jepoardy.
Most people belived Elijah is in heaven including my friend - which is of course a conjecture because scriptures never said he died nor went to heaven to be with God. One of my friends arguement was God does what He pleases (Jacob i love, Esau I hated) and no man can question Him - which is scripture and my response to him is that God does so many things which pleases Him but at the end of it all, those actions harmonizes with scriptures as it is written and that it will not contradict. For example, Go d can kill but at the end of the day, those killed would be redeemed after judgement.
Now scriptures say it is appointed unto man to die once and after that judgement - paraphrased. Now consider Matt 27:52, some saints arose from the grave after Christ resurrection. So does it seems these saints lived twice and died twice? And it dawned on me that God does what He pleases and so can one safely say then Elijah could be in heaven even though scriptures say No man has ascended in heaven except the son of man and also flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Could you please shed some light God willing? Thank you again and God richly bless you. Oh I see someone also asked the same question on your site
God bless
Dear Abed: Good to hear from you again. Yes, I understand, and I was aware when I wrote my last Hell Installment (actually many years ago) that some would question those who have died MORE than twice. The answer is, we need to be careful about putting restrictions or limitations on a verse that does not itself suggest a limitation. For example, I have explained many times now that God is the "God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." But who would put a limitation on that statement? Who would suggest that since it mentions only those three, that God therefore, is not the God of David, Joseph, and Moses ALSO?
The statement in Hebrew 9:27 is that it is appointed "ONCE to die, and after this [the] Judgment." The word "the" is added by the translated, as it is not in the original Greek. It should read: "...and after this Judgment."
Notice that it doesn't say, "And as it is appointed unto men, once to die ONLY, and after this Judgment." No, it does not limit dying to only "one" dying, but it does state that dying ONCE is necessary before one will enter judging. So there is no contradiction in this verse with those stating that no one has gone to heaven or that "ALL THESE DIED [including Enoch, verses 5-6, and Elijah, who was one of the "prophets," vese 32] in faith, NOT having received the promises..." (Heb. 11:13).
Hope this helps your understanding.
God be with you,