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Author Topic: New Job  (Read 4101 times)

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New Job
« on: June 19, 2008, 05:21:56 PM »

Last May I quit my job to get my home in order.  I had so much going on and wasn't able to keep up.  My former employer called to tell me there was an opening in the same dept I had worked in before.  I had expressed an interest a few months back in returning to work.  Ideally, I wanted part-time but this is full time.  My husband gets a pension check and inflation is eating it up so we could use the extra money. 

Anyway, my problem is this: the people I worked with were not very moral, and I am not the same person I was before I left.  I am afraid the way they talk and the things they do will drag me down.  Like, I am not strong enough to preach to them that their ways are immoral.  I don't  know if I am obligated to say something or not.  I don't want to gossip like I was doing before, or condone gossip or unsavory jokes etc.  But I don't want to seem like I am no fun anymore either.  I am caught between a rock and a hard place.  Also, I feel guilty that I am just doing it for the extra money. We are  Finally out from underneath debt and I just don't want to go back to being unable to pay bills ever again.  It's too stressful and causes so much tension at home.  Is it wrong for me to want to live comfortably?

I just wanted to know what some of you think.  Thanks.


Roy Monis

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Re: New Job
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 03:57:09 PM »

Dear Eileen

87 years has given me some valuable experience that may be helpful if you'll let me share it. Now I'm glad you accepted, so I'll tell you a true story nearer home anyway.

My brother and his circle of friends had pads of their own and used to spend their hard earned money on partying. Every Saturday evening one of the lads and lasses in turn had to use their pad for the party and each one was obliged to bring a bottle of undiluted hard stuff. This to the annoyance of the neighbours became a regular Saturday night get together until, that is, brother Bernie got the call. He first joined the JWs and was with them for a few months but didn't like so he fell from the frying pan into the fire and joined the A.O.G a Pentecostal movement.

The partying carried on for quite sometime after, then, low and behold one Saturday evening Bernie turns up with a Book in a black leather case under his arm and no bottle. To everyones horror the party seemed to die before it had started each one glancing at the other wondering what on earth was happening, till someone had the courage to ask what that little Book was and no bottle. That was the moment when the true Pentecostal spirit was unleashed and they got the full blast of the Babylonian trash and lies. But it never stopped there, like Billy Graham's Crusades slowly but surely all the party goers became Pentecostals and brother Bernie was elevated to an elder, whether it was due to the number of conversions or not I don't know, but it was the death of the partying and peace returned for the neighbourhood.

What all that has to do with your case, Eileen, I've no idea but there has to be a lesson to be learned from some of it somewhere such as going headlong into the enemy and getting them totally confused to the extent that they jump into your camp and become members of the Body of Christ, without preaching just pure shock. The shock treatment they call it. Hope it helps, it didn't do me much good but there again I wasn't a member of that elite group of party goers, was I?

God bless you sister in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     




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Re: New Job
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2008, 04:21:24 PM »

Don't you know, I accepted the position this morning.  They were very happy but I am losing my mind.  I just flew off the handle in anger at my husband because we have five drivers in my house and three cars.  Not too big a deal right now (although the nearest store is 6 miles away from us and we do not have public transportation). However, come september, my daughter and son will both be commuting to school and with me at work and my husband working a couple of times a week, the car situation could be a problem.  Anyway, maybe God is telling me this is not a good idea?  I don't know.  Just when I was thinking about calling them back and saying I can't accept the position, the mail came and my oil bill (budget) will be going up $120.00 a month.  I don't know what I should or shouldn't do.  HELP!!!



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Re: New Job
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2008, 04:53:15 PM »

Take the job, if God has opened the door then that is where you should be.... Perhaps it is for your monitary needs perhaps it is for others.  Despite all the past bead behavior you saw there, try not judge what your fellow workers, theire eyes are not open...rather be an example.

Try to be kind and in a nice way tell them...when they say something or do something ......I am not into that anymore, or I am trying to.......point to what you are doing and do not point to them. 

If they something "babyloneon' that you can witness it...but in a pleasant and kind way, not a holier than than thou. You need to study nd be prepared if asked.  Just give short answes. If they ask for more, I would recommend not preaching or teaching at it after hours...if you want to give them something to read do it at the end of the day, or end of he week.   Let your light shine by example anywhere and at anytime.

Regarding the car, perhaps someone at home who is working can drive you and pick you up, or you can alternate this.  Perhaps you can share a ride with someone at work if any of them live near you.

Is there anyway you could work part time in the future? Is there a part of work you could do at home. If you have good productivity, your boss will always negotiate. Right now make that your productivity...Do all of your on to God...

Right now I support myself and I am making just enough to meet my basic bills. (I am working on reducing my expences too) I am only working three days right now (Tue Wed and Thur) and the place where I work is going to have extended hours later this summer so in late october I may go full time and work 4 (10 hour) days so I can get vacation and other benefits.

I had worked for them for 2 years and then quit and then about 6 months later I offered to come back but only part time, I got a raise and they are paying my health benefis. The reason why they did this....I had the highest productivity and ran a tight ship. They never have never paid heath benefits to anyone else.

Work may be the best place for God to work on you and your habits and is very stressful but I know I need pruning in many areas.



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Re: New Job
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2008, 05:01:09 PM »

Hi Eileen,

To do, or not do something should not be based on fear only.
It is only through the fire that we become purified.  Don't be afraid of screwing up.  You can get into gossip having coffee with our own Kids at your own Home.  I work in a "Dysfunctional Pit" myself.  Somedays I do better than others, with Gods will I know I have gotten better.

If your family needs you to be a finacial Blessing, thats your purpose for you to work.  Ask God for decernment when and when not to share him.  It's hard to tell when your planting seeds, or throwing your pearls to the swine! ;D  It's not your Job to convert them or save them, only to be a light and an expression of the love of Christ.

Your family may also have a greater need for you to stay home, and trust God to provide!  The right answer is there inside you & your husband.

And you have great support from us slobs here at BT ;D



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Re: New Job
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2008, 06:00:24 PM »

Thanks you guys, I guess the worst that could happen is I have to quit.  I would feel foolish but if that's what I have to do that's what I have to do. 

Unfortunately part-time is out of the question because it's working for a bank and due to the privacy act, it would not be feasible to have people's information on a personal computer or bring their paperwork home.

I am really trying to conserve on gas/oil use so having someone drive me and pick me up would be wasteful and no one that I work with lives near me.  I am looking into a hybrid to take to work.

Anyway, thanks for responding.  I will miss being here everyday though. 

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