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Author Topic: pray for me please  (Read 9273 times)

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pray for me please
« on: June 21, 2008, 03:08:08 PM »

Hi everyone-i too am in need of somone to pray with me to our Father,that he will manifest his will in my life quickly!I am feeling an anger growing within me and i dont like it i have prayed just awhile ago for him to take my anger and frustrations away from me as they are not pleasing to me[ and i doubt that they are pleasing to him,?] >:(
I have become painfully aware that i am unemployable and i have been unable to pay my mom rent as i usually do and she is mad about that-and the fact that she is now also having to buy food as my savings are all gone!
And as i have read here he is exposing something in me [again] and i just dont see a way out of this box he has put me in. i havent even been able to sell anything for money i know he is preventing me -for some unseen reason.
I just want this to end.


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2008, 04:10:41 PM »

why are you unemployable?  do you mean you will never be able to work again?  i dont know where you live.  i am in the uk.  i am disabled and received disability payments, so is this possible for you if you are unwell.
i will pray for you regarding your situation.  i will also pray for your mum, cos she is in need too.
god bless you both.
trust in the lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path!
incidentally, how old are you?  i was thinking maybe being unemployable is something to do with your age.
god bless


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2008, 06:04:10 PM »

Hi ailish-thank you for offering to pray for me.
It is a loong story however with our lords help i will make it consise and clear.8 years ago i lost my soul mate and i lost my car,truck ,animalsand my health and couldnt walk or do much of anything phisically due to multiple sclerosis.I had to move in with my mom- she relucktently[sp?}allowed me to be here as long as i pay rent , buy food and helped with bills.
I was on disability until 1/08 the Father decided that it is time for me to no longer recieve this money as he has been healing me-it is an ongoeing process I tried to explain it too her but she doesnt want to hear.So i am now on pins and needles wondering how much longer i will be here.I know this is all the Fathers doing-----! ;)
And someone out there has gotten our Fathers attention as he has spoken to me about my anger-he explained to me that he is doing this on purpose for a purpose in my life.Thanks i know you guys are praying and will pray!Thank you!!! :o ;) :)[And yes  Ailish at my age without a work history and bad credit you are unemployable]
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 11:30:12 PM by jaguar »


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2008, 08:24:46 PM »

I don't understand something.  Why aren't you still receiving disability?  Are you really unemployable or is it just difficult to find work right now?

Anyways, hope things get better.


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2008, 09:02:12 PM »

They are begging for people to care for seniors if you can physically handle that. The pay is not great, but the job is pretty easy. I'm sure there are positions you can get where you don't need a car. Women over 50 are the prime target for caregivers and they allow flexible hours. It might be something you can start with. They do background checks, but they don't do credit checks. They even have live-in positions that would help with your living situation. It might be worth looking into.



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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2008, 11:23:32 AM »

Hi there -i feel like i had gone to sleep one day and woke up in the twilight zone.With employers checking my medical records, credit, drivers license etc etc... it use to be if you drove for them they needed to know if one had a drivers license and that sort of thing is reasonable-but my credit and medical records???Why arent people upset about this?
I am a decendant of puritans and pilgrims one of my ancestors signed the declaration of independence and he risked everything for this very gospel and for the freedom it speaks about.
The so called freedom in this country is an ILLUSION.
I had a long night- i have been given an understanding that i am being tried
I am not above my Lord& master they persecuted him,they hated him they will do the same to me.It is the Lords doing.May you all me blessed!


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2008, 06:13:05 PM »

Hi Jaguar,
I will pray for you. I sympathize with your situation and I agree with what you said about our freedom. I feel powerless sometimes. But its when we realize that we are weak and rely on God that we can be strong. I am encouraged that you seem to be handling this trial well. Please know that you are in my prayers.


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2008, 06:21:43 PM »

ThankYou stevernator!!
I realise now our Father is completly reasponsible for this mess!!! i did not choose to have m.s. which started to affect me when i was young.So all i can do now is wait.May the grace and love of our Lord be to you and yours,my brother!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 06:25:15 PM by jaguar »


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2008, 01:53:57 AM »

Bless Your Heart.

You will be in my prayers.  I have a dear friend who has MS and he gets home care and I don't think he pays for it.  Do you have 211 yet in your area?  You can call it to get info about services that can help.  You should have an "omsbudman" in your state to help w/ that.  check out in the phonebook.

Beloved, isn't that right? Do you know anything else about this?

Jag, I don't understand your mom, I will be praying for her too!



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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2008, 12:08:16 PM »

HI GMIK-I used to get home care /pcp, i no longer need it, all this spinning of my wheels trying to figure out why our father has healed me is the reason i wrote in another post that i had been wondering why i was healed, it is amazing in many ways i am stronger than i ever was like Caleb i am as somone who is half my age- however i have a thorn in my flesh my ears are hard of hearing and that  my mom mad as i dont hear her so she screams and walks off -i ask the Lord to bless her ,-she doesnt make me angry
  i love her though.
I know there have been prayers on my behalf we have bombarded our Father in stereo ;)and i have recieved my answer although i do not completly understand it yet.Thanks ALL.May our Lord guide you in all truth. ;D ;D
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 11:25:26 PM by jaguar »


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2008, 01:37:59 PM »

It sounds like you are able to work. God wants us to serve. Many of us work and it not an bad thing. Earning a living is part of life. It is also what allows us to give to others.

You should think about what kind of job your talents and desires are suited to. You have to be be very realistic about this, many people want to be famous singers or atheletes but do not have the talent or build..They can still find work in these fields though, business managers, photography, sound mixers etc.   It seems to me that having had a serious illness that you would be a shining ray of hope for others in the health field. It is hard though to see others suffer. .

I worked at a regular job while I attended high school, then  college and even in medical school I worked in the library at night and weekends  . It is hard and you have to discipline yourself and your time.

Your mother may not be entirely childish she may be frustrated because you have not attained independency...the goal of all parents. She probably has dreams and hopes that she has put aside while helping you. Do not look at everything from your point try to see what others are seeing....even if you feel what they are seeing is wrong. It is possible that it is you that is the thorn in the side.

There are many jobs out there,  pick a field  where you would like to work in and find some way to volunteer a few days a week....if your work is good you make contacts who can lead you to a job. It will get you out of the house and show your mother that you are trying to do something. .

I think MG had a good suggestion but it would depend on where you lived , do you live in a large city or is it rural?

Many of us went through hard times looking for a job even I had a dry spell.
In the past I worked as a salesperson, giftwrapper waitress, hotel maid and dishwasher(science glassware) and numerous other jobs. I got my present job after voluntering for katrina.




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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2008, 02:42:24 PM »

Beloved- i was married for 21 years!The answer i have recieved is ---i am not Supposed to stay here!So back off!


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2008, 03:19:43 PM »

You have given us all limited knowledge of your situation so we try our best to address what we think you are struggling with here is a good reply in the same vain from L. Ray Smth.

Hi Ray,
    I will keep this very simply and short. Does GOD have a plan and destiny (specific) to each person? If so, how do you fnd or fulfill that specific plan?
    Or is GOD's plan general to all but not specific to each person. Example: HE wants us all to know HIM, Love HIM. etc. Or is there some specific plan for each person. (Example: HE wants you to be a computer programmer).
    I ofter read Jer 29:11-13 and wonder about a specific plan.
    Thank you.

    Dear Julie:  We are all far from understanding Who and What God really is, but there are at least a few things we can know for SURE about Him, and whatever we know for sure, if it is true, it will always be true seeing that God does not change.

    Now then, I have taught most of the last 40 years of my life in vain according to the perceived results of my teaching.  Here are a couple of Truths regarding God that ALL Christians agree are true and that they believe, but just about everything else in their life, philosophy, theology, etc.,contradicts totally these basic truths.

    [1] God is SOVEREIGN

    [2] God is LOVE

    [3] God is ALL-KNOWING

    [4] God has a MASTER PLAN

    Now then, what are the implications of those truths?  We need to meditate and think about these because most do NOT base their lives and their beliefs upon these truths.

    We all want to know exactly what it is that God wants of us, how we should live, where, with whom, doing what work, for what end or purpose, etc.  Few of us are ever content to realize that we are right at this very moment EXACTLY where we are suppose to be, doing exactly what God has had foreknowledge of us doing from before the foundation of the world. Your entire PAST consisted of exactly what was determined you would go through up until this moment.  But what about tomorrow?  We all want to know what will be in our lives TOMORROW?  Unfortunately, this is not for us to know:  "Whereas ye know NOT what shall be on the morrow"  (James 4:14).

    Not even James the great Apostle knew what each day would bring in his life.  Did the other Apostles all know what God had planned for their lives?

    (CLV) Verily, verily, I am saying to you, When you were younger you girded yourself and walked where you would; yet whenever you may be growing decrepit, you will stretch out your hands, and another shall be girding you and carrying you WHERE YOU WOULD NOT" (John 21:18).

    God does not tell us  exactly what He has planned for our lives. Yes, Jeremiah declared that the time would come that His people would cry out to God with all their heart and God would hear them, but even then, it is up to God, not you, to know when He will put it into your heart to cry out to Him, and up to Him as to how He will rescue you and save you. I know that this is not the kind of thing that people want to hear, but it is the Scriptural truth.

    You can go to the Churches of this world, and they will tell you that you need to dream your dreams and if they are good ones, God will honor your every wish and cause you to be totally successful in whatever job, career, or endeavor you set your heart on.  And some even foolishly believe that they have caused their own dreams to come true.

If God gives you the desire to please Him, then God will not deceive or forsake you, and you will be the success that God desires you to be. But.....BUT, there is no guarantee that He will ever tell you what that will be, specifically.

God be with you,     Ray

Hope this helps.



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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2008, 05:23:24 PM »

Hi beloved yes that is what i am learning right now -the fact that he is not being specific!I do not understand why i had to part with my soul mate and lose everything, i must except it as part of our Fathers plan so that i will grow up spiritually, . it took me months to learn to walk again as i said earlier it is an on going process.
Yes my mom wants me independent and on my own--- I DO TOOvery badly!!

I have tried to apply at many places most especially those i have had experience at before i was unable to work!The rules have changed they see i have had M.S they are not able to understand that it is gone,i have unpaid medical bills-that makes for bad credit  i cannot hear etc etc etc.I even applied at a hamburger place.
Right now my mom is very angry this was the reason i  asked for prayer- now i have said more here than i have to anyone in many many years -i do not like having to explain myself especially when things are out of my control!!!!

Our father has a plan for me he is just being slow[in my opinion].Yes that too is part of the lesson.Now please read all i have said and listen.The health field is not for me i know that much!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 05:44:22 PM by jaguar »

Roy Monis

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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2008, 05:28:49 PM »

It sounds like you are able to work. God wants us to serve. Many of us work and it not an bad thing. Earning a living is part of life. It is also what allows us to give to others.

You should think about what kind of job your talents and desires are suited to. You have to be be very realistic about this, many people want to be famous singers or atheletes but do not have the talent or build..They can still find work in these fields though, business managers, photography, sound mixers etc.   It seems to me that having had a serious illness that you would be a shining ray of hope for others in the health field. It is hard though to see others suffer. .

I worked at a regular job while I attended high school, then  college and even in medical school I worked in the library at night and weekends  . It is hard and you have to discipline yourself and your time.

Your mother may not be entirely childish she may be frustrated because you have not attained independency...the goal of all parents. She probably has dreams and hopes that she has put aside while helping you. Do not look at everything from your point try to see what others are seeing....even if you feel what they are seeing is wrong. It is possible that it is you that is the thorn in the side.

There are many jobs out there,  pick a field  where you would like to work in and find some way to volunteer a few days a week....if your work is good you make contacts who can lead you to a job. It will get you out of the house and show your mother that you are trying to do something. .

I think MG had a good suggestion but it would depend on where you lived , do you live in a large city or is it rural?

Many of us went through hard times looking for a job even I had a dry spell.
In the past I worked as a salesperson, giftwrapper waitress, hotel maid and dishwasher(science glassware) and numerous other jobs. I got my present job after voluntering for katrina.


Good advice Beloved, I never looked at it in that way. There are always two sides to every story, we are only hearing one.

Thanks, I'm learning.

God bless you sister in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2008, 07:22:55 PM »

Hey everyone this conversation reminded me of Job-and i have been led to chapters 38-42-and especially this'42,2 I know that thou canst do every thing and that no thought can be withholden from thee
3who is he that hideth counsel without knowledege?Therefore i have utterd that i understood not; things too wonderfull for me which i knew not
4Hear I beseech thee and i will speak: i wll demand of thee and declare thou unto me.5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the the ear; but now mine eye seeth thee.
Wherefore i aboreth myself and repent in dust and ashes.

I am not even able to comprehend his majesty or plans for my life- i feel very humbled.
And you guys helped me to get here --Thankyou

Roy Monis

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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2008, 08:03:54 AM »

Dear Jaguar

Hello! Sister, I'm sure glad you're getting the message. This is what Paul writes and if ever any person suffered he did; " Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content. 12I know how to be abased, and I know also how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want. 13I can do all things in him that strengtheneth me. 14Howbeit ye did well that ye had fellowship with my affliction." (Phil.4:11-14).

You have been cured of a disastrous disease so please be thankful and take full advantage of that, and do as Paul did. My prayers are with you sister but you can't have jam on both sides of your bread. Either you keep your disabling disease and receive state benefit or be cured and lose it. Which would you choose? The good Lord has been truly gracious with you, don't kick Him in the teeth please with ingratitude, glorify Him instead in the cure He has bestowed upon you by letting it be seen by the world through your positive actions and not self pity.

Please understand I am trying to be helpful and by no means judgmental, as I can assure you that I am fully aware of the fact that the log in my eye  is much larger than the twig in yours.

You and many more are constantly in my prayers.

God bless you sister in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2008, 10:08:26 AM »

Hi Lorie--
Sometimes....a person's life becomes so "weird", if I may use that term, that their story becomes "unbelievable." And to retell all of draining. You obviously are in that situation, having lost nearly everything that is familiar to you. Maybe what is happening to you is what happens to all of us at some point, however.....and that is simply to stand and trust God, no matter what we see around us!

1 Timothy 6:7-8   
 7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.


1 John 4:17
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

The truth of the matter is: He had no place to lay His head.
He could feed the thousands, but on occasion, gleaned the fields for himself and his disciples.  And when He hung on the cross, He was jeered at by people with "physician, heal thyself!"

I like having my refrigerator full and my computer up and running.  When and if He leads me to the place where those things are gone....what will I do then?




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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2008, 10:58:29 AM »

I see Lorrie/Jaguar has left us and has delected her membership.  I think things were not adding up there.  I always tell my girls if you bite it off, you've got to be willing to chew it  ;)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: pray for me please
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2008, 12:54:36 PM »

That's too bad, Kat.....I came back on to add an additional note of encouragement....that when you begin to see things really stacking up against you....

1 Peter 4:12-13

12Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

 13But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

it's probably not what anyone wants to hear....but in the end....we either believe it or we don't.....right? And just about the time you think you can do what it asks of seems that God tends to take you up another notch and REALLY let you see what you are incapable of.....apart from Him!  ;)

In the end, regardless of how long it takes....we will ALL learn righteousness!
Praying for hope and comfort in Lorrie's life and in all the lives of those who are reading this!

Joyce :)

« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 12:57:12 PM by joyful1 »
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