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Author Topic: A CONCERNED CHRISTIAN  (Read 5919 times)

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« on: June 24, 2008, 09:59:06 PM »

Dear Marie:  Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You like to use a lot of exclamation points, don't you?
AND CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What a crock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mr. Smith,

    I come to you in total respect. I hope you will not get offended by what I’m about to say. But  I read your version of what you think about hell. And there is a true existence of hell sir. God created hell for the devil and his demons. God never intended for mankind to even step foot in that place, but for those who refused and chose not to believe in the creator who created them that is where they are. Murders, liars, deceivers, witches, people who practice sexual immorality, cowards, idolaters, ect and so forth are all taking their part in hell as we speak. I’m sorry but it is real. I have had too many people who have had supernatural experiences with hell. These people do not know each other and all of their experiences are similar. Being a man of God, you cannot follow the wisdom of the world which is foolish. Even God Himself has taken the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. ( I Corinthians 1:27) But read 18-26 first to get a clear understanding about God. God doesn’t think the way we think. His thoughts are higher than ours as well as His ways. (I’m pretty sure you are familiar with that scripture) We always want to bring God down to our level when we need to expand our minds and come up to His level. Hell is in the center of the earth period. Point blank whether people believe it or not. It’s a shame and it’s heartbreaking when people leave this 1st dimensional world thinking only heaven exists. God will not permit people into heaven who did not give their lives to Him. There will not be any murderers, drug dealers, witches, hypocrites (so called Christians or churchy folk), liars, thieves, child molesters, perverts, pedophiles, adulterers, fornicators, and so forth will not be in heaven period. If they did not repent and turn from their sins asking Jesus Christ to be Lord of their lives, they will all take part in hell. Does it break our Father’s heart? Yes, more than people could even comprehend. Some people feel like God is too kind and loving to create such a place, but He did create such a place, but He DID NOT CREATE HELL FOR MANKIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL WAS CREATED FOR SATAN AND HIS DEMONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND WHERE ARE SATAN AND HIS DEMONS GOING TO RESIDE AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN BOUND IN REVELATIONS CHAPTER 20:1-3 IF THERE IS NO HELL. IF GOD IS CREATING A NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH DO YOU REALLY THINK GOD IS GOING TO PERMIT SATAN AND HIS DEMONS TO RESIDE. NO! THEY WILL HAVE TO BE DESTROYED! AND THAT IS WHERE HELL PLAYS IT’S PART. WHERE DO YOU THINK A LOT OF EVIL ACTIVITY COME FROM HERE ON EARTH? IT CANNOT EXIST UNLESS THERE IS AN EVIL FORCE BEHIND IT. GOD IS STRATEGIC ENOUGH TO CREATE SUCH A PLACE FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS DISRUPT ED MANKIND FROM THE BEGINNING SUCH AS SATAN HIMSELF AND ANY WHO CHOOSES TO FOLLOW HIM WILL JOIN HIM THAT MEANS PEOPLE AND HIS DEMONS! HELL IS IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. EVEN THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC HAD A SEGMENT ON THE EARTH’S CORE AND HOW IT’S THE HOTTEST PLACE ON EARTH. THERE ARE GATEWAYS TO HELL ALSO. NO ONE CAN SEEM TO EXPLAIN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE AND IT’S STRANGE MAGNETIC FORCES AND HOW PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DISAPPEAR. THE WILL ALWAYS BE CONTROVERSY OVER GOD AND HIS CREATION AND HOW HE OPERATES. ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN LEAD YOU TO THE TRUTH. AND I KNOW THIS IS TRUE. IF IT WERE NOT SO, THE HOLY SPIRIT WOULD CONVICT ME AT THIS VERY MOMENT AND TELL ME TO STOP WRITING THIS EMAIL. I AM IN TUNE WITH GOD’S SPIRIT AND I KNOW GOD WILL NOT LIE ABOUT WHAT HE HAS SAID IN HIS OWN WORD PERIOD. WE ARE THE ONES WHO NEED TO SEEK THE TRUTH. GO SAID “STUDY, SHOW YOURSE LF APPROVED, LET NO WORKMAN BE ASHAMED, BUT RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH” ONLY GOD AND HIS PRECIOUS SPIRIT CAN SHOW YOU THE TRUTH, NO ONE ELSE.  HELL IS IN THE CENTER OF THE EARTH OR THE “HEART OF THE EARTH. WHEN GOD SPEAKS OF SOMEONE GOING DOWN INTO THE PIT HE IS NOT TALKING ABOUT A BURIAL PLOT OR A GRAVE AT A CEMETERY. HE IS TALKING ABOUT HELL WHICH HAS PIT(S)!  DO WE NEED TO GO BACK TO LUKE 16:19-31? (LAZURUS AND THE RICH MAN) SO HELL DOESN’T EXIST?  WHERE DO YOU THINK ALL THE EVIL PEOPLE ARE GOING? THOSE WHO REJECTED GOD?  MATTHEW 12:40 COMPARES JONAH’S STAY IN THE BELLY OF A FISH TO JESUS’ STAY IN HELL FOR THREE DAYS. WHERE DO YOU THINK JESUS WENT WHEN HE DIED AND WAS DEAD FOR THREE DAYS. HE WASN’T JUST SLEEP. HE WENT TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH (HELL) AND TOOK THE KEYS OF HELL AND DEATH FROM SATAN. HE DIDN’T DESTROY SATAN THEN BECAUSE TOO MUCH HAS TO BE FULFILLED FIRST BEFORE SATAN IS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE AND DES TROYED ALONG WITH HELL AND DEATH. WHERE DO YOU THINK THE LAKE OF FIRE IS?  THE DEVIL HAS DECEIVED TOO MANY PEOPLE INTO BELIEVING THAT HELL DOES NOT EXIST. LIKE THE OLD SAYING GOES “THE GREATEST TRICK THE DEVIL HAS  EVER PULLED WAS DECEIVING PEOPLE INTO BELIEVING THAT HE DOES NOT EXIST.” THAT SHOULD GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT RIGHT THERE. SATAN IS OUT FOR BLOOD!!!!! HE DOESN’T CARE WHO HE DESTROYS. HE IS ONLY TRYING TO GET BACK AT GOD BY DESTROYING GOD’S PEOPLE AND WE ARE HELPING SATAN BY SPREADING ALL THIS FALSEHOOD ABOUT HELL. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THAT HELL EXISTS. WE DON’T WANT TO BELIEVE GOD ALLOWS HIS PEOPLE TO HAVE SUPERNATURAL ENCOUNTERS AS WELL, BECAUSE I HAVE HAD THEM. I HAVE SEEN DEMONS, I HAVE FELT THEM, AND HAVE HEARD THEM. SO NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE CAN TELL ME ANYTHING DIFFERENT ABOUT HELL NOT EXISTING BECAUSE IT DOES. I HOPE YOU WILL NOT IGNORE THIS EMAIL. I PRAY GOD WILL CONVICT YOUR HEART AND EVEN ALLOW YOU TO GO TO HELL YOURSELF SO YOU CAN SEE THE ACTUAL EXISTENCE OF HELL. I’M NOT SAYING THIS TO BE SARCASTIC OR  TO SCARE YOU, BUT I BELIEVE YOU NEED TO ASK GOD TO SHOW YOU WHAT HELL IS LIKE AND I TRULY BELIEVE WITH ALL MY HEART YOU WILL HAVE A WHOLE NEW OUTLOOK ON GOD.


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