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Author Topic: Going to church?  (Read 16581 times)

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Going to church?
« on: July 13, 2008, 08:10:11 PM »

Does anyone attend a church service anymore?  I have been a Catholic all my life but I stopped going to church a few months ago (April, I think).

But now my daughter (17) is questioning me about Christmas and getting married.  She asked if we woud still celebrate Christmas I said yes.  She asked would we go to church on Christmas, I said no.  She asked where she would get married and who would officiate, I had no answer.  She asked me if I was Catholic, I said "well I was born and raised Catholic but I no longer (and kinda never did) believe all of their "own" teachings like not eating meat on fridays during lent".  Then she asked about lent, she said, "I don't have to give anything up for lent?" I said it's a nice sacrifice to make in gratefulness for Jesus' sacrifice on your behalf but you don't have to do anything. 

I am the only one who is seeking the truth in my home and I am feeling bad that now everyone else is not even getting any teaching except for what they hear me talk about.  I too feel bad that I am only fellowshipping here on the internet.  Somehow it doesn't seem demonstrative enough.  Save for the difference one can see in my actions.  But even then, I am not sure they notice.  They just think I relate everything they say and do to God and get mad at me.

I have two family weddings coming up in Sept and Oct. and people will notice when I don't go to communion and believe me, they are not ready to hear what I have to say especially since I am the youngest and never got the respect of my older siblings.  Besides, they are not seeking anything, they are set in their ways.  To tell the truth, I was not searching either, I just needed God to help me, and here is where I ended up.

I am just wondering if anyone else is having similar difficulties.


Chris R

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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 08:26:30 PM »

I think we can all relate to your situation, I have been to several services since discovering the truths written on . None were regular services, mostly funerals, weddings, and a communion service for a nephew, and neice.

The last service was at my Grandmothers funeral just a few months ago, i'll admit, it was all i could do to sit and listen to the heresy, my stomach was wrenching, i honeslty felt like somone was pricking me with needles.

Be the best Mom/Wife you can be, Love your family, let everything else take care of itself.

It aint gettin any easier


Chris R


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 12:43:35 AM »

Hi Eileen,

I can definitely relate. I feel a deeper void between me and my family growing and I haven't even told them everything I believe yet!!
They can't seem to get past the not going to church thing. So I get all kinds of advice on how to find a good church.
In the end, they just tell me no church is perfect. I just say yeah, thats the point! How can I go on to perfection being around imperfection. Honestly leaving the church was easy, I had been fed up for years before and my family new it but then we had all the same grips and concerns. Well a little different now.
Also if I could find a church where they teach this truths I would go! But thats highly doubtful.
I love this group and until God shows me otherwise I'll stick it out here! ;D
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile"
-Albert Einstein
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
- Jesus


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2008, 01:53:24 AM »

Our situation is a little unique because we moved into a close by small town 3 years ago and had moved to a new church in our old town just before that where we never were able to connect with anyone. So when we left several months ago, they never noticed (pretty sad) or cared (even sadder but most likely truer :-\).

My friends don't really know we've left church since they all go to different ones. And my sister and her husband (a preacher  :o) thankfully live 12 hours away.

Our only "problem" is the neighbors who attend 2 different local churches and tried now for 3 years to get us to switch who see that we no longer have our "excuse" of the old church as our cars are in the driveway as they leave and return on Sundays. I am sure they see us as backsliders when in fact we are studying more than ever! :D

I guess all this rambling is just that we have decided to ignore what others think about us. If they ask, we'll tell them as we feel led to-- or not. But it isn't our place to make sure everyone judges us justly. It is their problem. As long as we are pleasing our Heavenly Father, that is all we need to concern ourselves with.

We are just thrilled to be out of the church. I still listen to stuff on the radio and occasional TV to keep myself sharp. I am amazed at how they sneak in unscriptural garbage in with truth followed by a Scripture which only backs up one point. How often and how much stuff did I fall for before because of my ignorance and not seeing the sad doctrine they teach? It makes me so thankful to know the truth now.

And yes, funerals must be the worst. My dad's was so full of lies that I was very uncomfortable and my brother in law did the service.
Very hard to keep your mouth shut, especially having one as large as mine.  ;) But I have learned that it is pointless to throw my pearls to swine so I do it.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2008, 03:49:10 AM »

Eileen, my answer would be too long if I tried to squeeze it all out.  The short version is:  I've been out of church for 20 years or so.  To at least some degree, this was due to a limited understanding of what B-T is about. 

Would I ever make another visit?

Well, I look at it this way.  My mother is a good Christian woman.  She's in her 70's and in decent health and of sound mind.  If there were special times that I could 'make her happy' by going through some of the motions, I think my concience is strong enough and my faith in the real gospel deep enough that I could do it, and would.

If she were to insist, however, that I made a habit of it, then I would NOT be able to do that, and wouldn't.  I would do the same for my sisters to a lesser exent.

At this point, though, I'm NOT rooted enough to consider 'explaining' in detail what changes I've experienced since finding B-T.  Right now, I think all she (they) would be able to 'hear' is that I 'don't believe' this or that...not that 'I believe' this or that...and it wouldn't just be their spiritual blindness or delusion that would be the cause of that--it would be my own nascent undertanding unable to express it otherwise.

I may not be a babe in Christ...I think I'm more of an pre-adolescent.  LOL.  Full of impulses and enthusiasm, but lacking much real, applied, hard-won wisdom.

BUT...they already know I have been unhappy with orthodox Christianity, so at the least I have a foundation now for that...and it is a continuation of what began 20-25 years ago in many ways.



Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2008, 03:51:59 AM »

I was also raised Catholic and I have not been to church in months. It was not a huge deal when I stopped going because we as a family have only been attending occassionally. My grandmother was a bit upset that I'm no longer Catholic but it was no big deal. Many of my friends are Christians but not overly religous. When the subject comes up I talk about how the church is teaching lies and also about Usually when I explain they seem to consider some of the things but not really investigate for themselves.
So fortunately for me my close ones are rather tolerant.

To those who have trouble I'd like to offer some verses for encouragement and edification.

2 tim 3:12
12Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.

Matt 10
34"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
   " 'a man against his father,
      a daughter against her mother,
   a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law -
    36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'

 37"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

I would also like to add that I am much more content after reading bible-truths and disassociating from traditional churches. Sure there is some initial shock from family but I believe it is necessary to come out fully of Babylon and fully worth it.


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2008, 08:36:37 AM »

My local Cathedral is open all day, and so I often go in and just sit down in there when there are no services. You can just sit quietly on your own in relative silence. I don't go sundays for the service. Its a beautiful old place, and just a nice place to be. I find I can go there and not have to think about some of the stuff that's preached there on a Sunday, I can just sit and enjoy the building, walk around its huge walkways and admire the architecture, read all the inscriptions on the stones etc and learn about the history of the place. Also I occasionally go to the sunday evening Gregorian choir concerts because I just love ancient Gregorian music. I don't have a clue whats being said as most of it is in Latin, but its just glorious to listen to in the setting of an old Cathedral.
Luckily here in Britain and Europe visiting ancient Churches and Cathedrals doesn't have to be about all the false doctrines in the Church, as a visitor you can get so much more out of it.
So yes I go to Church, but No I do not attend services anymore. If its a family or friends wedding or Christening or confirmation that I'm invited to, off course I'll go and join in the service and celebration. I don't feel there's a conflict between attending a Church wedding etc, and coming out of the Babylonian Church system. After all, the modern Anglican Wedding ceremony and service has practically nothing to do with Biblical marriage anyway, its come down mainly from ancient Germanic pagan marriage rituals adopted by the early European Church (according to Encyclopedia Britanica and many other secular historical sources).
I think once we're out of Babylon spiritually, I don't see how physically being in a Church attending a wedding etc is going to taint our minds and hearts. If it does then we're probably not spiritually out of Babylon yet.     


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2008, 09:37:55 AM »

Hi Eileen,
I was wondering if your daughter or anyone else misses going to church and wants to still go?  Young Girls often dream of their wedding day, and plan and picture it in their minds.  I don't know how old your daughter is, but if this is a concern for her, maybe you can help her to see her Wedding Day with a fresh look.  Encourage her to be creative in the setting, and the ceremony. The foundation of a Marriage Ceremony is the exchanging of Vows in the presence of God, and he is everywhere.

I don't know if catholics still restrict the ceremony to inside a church? If so, it may be liberating for her to know she can now have it outside in a garden setting, or on a beach.

I also wouldn't have a problem with attending any church or temple for Weddings or Funerals, or even to see a Child's Christmas play.  When my Husband's parents come down to visit, we sometimes go to Mass with them.  It makes his Mom happy, and I focus on what we have in common in our faith.  When your family reacts to your not taking the sacrament at the upcoming Weddings, if questioned you may simply tell them that you are not at a place you feel comfortable talking about it yet, and to keep you in prayer!  Then when you feel led by God to do so, you can give answer with the armor of God.

It won't be easy, my family has reacted with distaste everytime I have brought things up about God's truth.  But at least they are out of the Church and aren't trying to drag me back in one.  I'm sure everyone here will pray and support you though these things.


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2008, 11:40:09 AM »

Why would you want to go to a church that isn't even remotely close to Ray's teachings?


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2008, 07:19:00 PM »

Why would you want to go to a church that isn't even remotely close to Ray's teachings?

I don't.  I just feel for the rest of my family(my husband and kids) that there is a lack of structured worship and so they don't do anything.  At least they used to hear a reading from the old testament and two from the new testament on Sundays.  But since I found BT, they don't do anything.


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2008, 08:07:07 PM »

I'm not facing this as a parent, so I sympathize more than empathize.  But is there a way you can lead a devotional?  Three verses a week shouldn't be too hard, if you can lead at least your kids to understand that scripture is more important to you than tradition. 

To bring Ray up in this thread:  Has he suggested that it is wrong to take communion?  I know he shares what the scriptures say about it being a physical ritual with no power to increase your 'holiness', but he's also said he has no problem with people who do it.  There might be something about Catholic belief that would make that more troublesome than it might be for me...I just don't know.  Just something to consider.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 08:15:37 PM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2008, 09:07:26 PM »

Dave-I just couldn't receive communion, it's so bogus to me now.  I actually feel bad saying that because truthfully, had I not been raised in faith, Catholic or otherwise, I sincerely believe I would not be here today or the person I am today. So I am somewhat grateful for the way my parents raised me.  I was married in the Catholic church and my husband and I took our vows before God seriously because of it.  I have a had time putting the Catholic church down.  After all, I have loved ones who are sincere in their faith and if I condemn Catholicism, I feel like I am condemning them and I would never want to do that.  They are all good people.  My family, immediate and extended, are very important to me. I've never really had or needed friends because I have a close family.  In fact 5 of 11 of us still vacation in NC every summer.  So I don't want to alienate them

As for reading scripture to my kids(22,20 and 17)......well, that'll never happen.  They don't listen to me as it is.  They are college students in the world and they are as carnal as they come.  I pray they seek God out some day and hopefully come to me.  My daughter is the only one who listens to me these days and up until April she and my husband and myself were the only one attending church on a regular basis anyway. I do, however, speak aloud of the things I am learning here so I am hoping seeds are being planted.  I just don't want them to stray so far from faith that they never return and seeing me attend mass was an outward sign of my faith and now they don't see that and it concerns me how this may or may not effect them. 

Sorry for being so long-winded and baring my soul here but I feel lonely in this newfound faith when my family isn't on the same page.  I am always working on my husband and he believes a lot but is not reading these things and not seeking the way I am and I feel he should.  I know, I know unless the Father drag (draw) him.....but still it's difficult.

Well thanks for listening once again. 




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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 09:36:38 PM »

Why would you want to go to a church that isn't even remotely close to Ray's teachings?

This is a very good question. I'll use this question to answer in a wisdom based way.

IMHO, the issue here is not a dilution of truth, but a matter of COMMUNITY. As our sons and daughters grow into adulthood, we carry the burden in not isolating them from ritual participation whilst still finding true faith toward God. Any reforming Christian faces many dilemmas.

If we go back to history, Martin Luther faced many things. The sheep of the fold the Catholic Church were scattered at this time of upheaval. Yet it was in the purpose of God to do so. The vice iron grip of Roman theology defaced the gospel for centuries as other entrenched traditional heretical beliefs have done down throughout the centuries.

Certain rituals remain - being married as a community declaration before God by faith. For this we have Celebrants, of which I myself am empowered by the state to do so here in Australia. The ceremony then can be as full of faith toward God as much as the ritual church ceremony. It can be in a secular community gathering. I seem absolutely no harm in partaking of Communion, subject to our heart faith toward God. It is ritual of remembrance of the Life, death and Resurrection hope found in Christ and by his blood and body of compassion at His cruxifiction. The spotless Lamb of God who TAKES AWAY the sins of WHAT? - the elect, the holy, NO! WHO TAKES away the sins of the SINS of the WORLD!    

That aside, please do NOT fall into the trap in being militant. For there are those we know as Jesus said who take the Kingdom of God by force and violence. Our doctrine is to shaped in the gospel of compassion and aiding those around us to come to the love of the truth. In Luther's day [see the new movie] - there were those who wanted to burn everything with fire. Any idol, any cross, any painting were to be burned in fire and the temples of the old torn down. This reminds of the Hellistic evangelists who threaten the world with their spiteful god and fire eternity. In that past history came genocide within ancient Germany. Was it the fault of Luther's doctrine? No a handful of leaders grasped the truths of papal heresies so violently that it led to violence, killing, destruction and death.

But we are to be of another mindset. Let the teachings of Ray and many others throughout the world [Australia] that are reformational "wash" over you. Allow the cleansing to be by new found faith discovery and not by fire or sword. Allow our fresh love of truth found in our Lord bring me and you into the light but let us take others with us on this journey of peace and discovery. Let's marvel at the Grace for us now and for the world whilst instilling the same journey of our faith into our sons and daughters.

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 10:29:07 PM by digitalwise »


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2008, 11:47:08 PM »

Hello Eileen,

                 Firstly, I want to make it clear that I have no desire to be Judgemental towards anyone that still goes to Church to any degree. Personally, I have no desire to attend any of the various Churches, I don't think I want to spiritually fellowship with anyone that teaches and supports the major falsehoods that are supported by the various denominations of Christendom. Insofar as attending someone's wedding or funeral, personally I don't have a problem with that, obviously when we attend a Funeral, we wouldn't support the notion that the individual that passed away, went to Heaven or something of that nature, but our conscience might lead us to attend out of respect for that person and to support the family members.

                After leaving the JW'S in 2003, I didn't have any desire or interest in going back to the Churches, through my research, I reasoned they had many errors as part of their belief structure and didn't see any sense in subjecting myself on a regular basis to any of these errors, the only exception would most likely be Weddings and Funerals. I spent most of the interim time from 2003-2008 researching my former beliefs, examining others and proceeding to discard whatever wasn't supported by Scripture or not being overly concerned with matters that were of a minor nature or where the Scriptures were essentially silent or not explicitly clear, so as not to be dogmatic about it. Of course this research eventually led me here at Bible-Truths. Attaining some type of Christian Fellowship was lacking in my life, but that need is satisfied at this Forum.

                        Hope this helps, but once again, this is my preference and is not intended or desired on my part form some Judgement towards you or any Forum member that chooses otherwise.

                                       My regards, Samson.


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2008, 12:28:48 AM »

Why would you want to go to a church that isn't even remotely close to Ray's teachings?

I don't.  I just feel for the rest of my family(my husband and kids) that there is a lack of structured worship and so they don't do anything.  At least they used to hear a reading from the old testament and two from the new testament on Sundays.  But since I found BT, they don't do anything.


They don't do anything?  That's terrible.  Well, football season is coming soon and then they will have plenty to do (while sitting on the couch, drinking beer, belching, etc.).  We must remember that when listening to a preacher reading scripture, that it is hard to cover ones ear when they start flapping off with their Babylonian fill ins.  Besides, who can listen to a sermon while their favorite team is at the 10 yard line?  Can't be done!!
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 12:30:42 AM by musicman »


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2008, 12:29:28 AM »

Here is a email that Ray mentions communion and it also has a mention of Martin Luther that I've heard mention a few times.,251.0.html ------

You know, I have kind of a rule of thumb: If the Church teaches it, it must be wrong.
Martin Luther and John Calvin were two of the most evil and vile heretics that have ever drawn breath on this earth. Disagree with heretic Calvin, and you just might end up being toasted over a low heat fire for maximum pain. Calvin is at the very bottom of the cesspool of humanity--what possible sin could top that?
There is no such thing as a "weekly Lord's day" in the Scriptures. Numerous physical rituals were performed in the early years of the Apostles' ministries until they came to a realization that it is the spirit that matters, not the physical. We are circumcized WITHOUT HANDS in our hear and spirit, and the same goes for communion, baptism, sabbath days, etc., etc., etc.

God be with you,



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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2008, 12:51:31 AM »

Hi again, Eileen,

                      In Kat's Post, she enters Ray's E-mail regarding John Calvin and Martin Luther. John Calvin stood by as Michael Servetus was being slowly roasted to death for not believing in the Trinity, aside from being a Medical Doctor discovering Pulmonary Resusitation Principle, he was Non-Trinitarian in belief. Martin Luther at the very least was a Spiritual compromiser(Augsburg Confession) and proceeded to persecute other Protestant Denominations that didn't agree with his views.



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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2008, 12:56:30 AM »

Here is a email that Ray mentions communion and it also has a mention of Martin Luther that I've heard mention a few times.,251.0.html ------

You know, I have kind of a rule of thumb: If the Church teaches it, it must be wrong.
Martin Luther and John Calvin were two of the most evil and vile heretics that have ever drawn breath on this earth. Disagree with heretic Calvin, and you just might end up being toasted over a low heat fire for maximum pain. Calvin is at the very bottom of the cesspool of humanity--what possible sin could top that?
There is no such thing as a "weekly Lord's day" in the Scriptures. Numerous physical rituals were performed in the early years of the Apostles' ministries until they came to a realization that it is the spirit that matters, not the physical. We are circumcized WITHOUT HANDS in our hear and spirit, and the same goes for communion, baptism, sabbath days, etc., etc., etc.

God be with you,

Whilst I do agree that Luther made many many mistakes, it would be helpful when any of these historical church leadership men are mentioned, a careful critic is done of them. They were only human coming out of the DARK ages of civilization and had many many flaws - just like you and me.

These men carried the light as far as they could in their time. The Lord understands them better then I. They held to the primitive DEVELOPMENT of NON-FREE WILL, UNIVERALISM and CARE for family as opposed to giving to church for blessing, buried men in santified grounds of the church who were not "Christian", established a social system for peasents so they did not starve by Church taxing the poor and stopped disease like black plague in cities through advancing of sanitation systems. Emphasis here is on PRIMITIVE doctrinal development.  I'll leave alternative positives concerning these mere men to you doing your own research.

All in all we must NOT follow mere men but learn from their mistakes - as unfortunately history has a bad habit of repeating into our present.

Above all we need wisdom and balance when speaking on such matters of history.

« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 12:58:52 AM by digitalwise »


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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2008, 02:52:15 AM »

 I do not attend any church. I find that the more I progress the more religion in all shapes and forms are being detached from inside me.

 2 Kings 10:27  Then they broke down the sacred pillar of Baal, and tore down the temple of Baal and made it a refuse dump to this day.

I'm so looking forward to becoming a dump.  ;)



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Re: Going to church?
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2008, 05:56:49 AM »

 I do not attend any church. I find that the more I progress the more religion in all shapes and forms are being detached from inside me.

 2 Kings 10:27  Then they broke down the sacred pillar of Baal, and tore down the temple of Baal and made it a refuse dump to this day.

I'm so looking forward to becoming a dump.  ;)

Why a dump? I can see where your coming from but...............

2 Corinthians Chapter 3 

16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect[a] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.  :D

a 2 Corinthians 3:18 Or contemplate

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