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Author Topic: Church of Christ?  (Read 6138 times)

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Church of Christ?
« on: May 16, 2006, 09:35:17 AM »

Dear Akin:
I will make a few COMMENTS in your email...............

    Dear Ray,

    I am very happy to know your site “bible-truths.comâ€?. I must tell you, I’ve been blessed by some of the articles I read on the site. I live in Nigeria , West Africa .

    However, I have some questions and I will be grateful to receive your reply on them as soon as possible.

       1. Here in Nigeria we have many churches or can I simply say many denominational churches (which I believe there will be no much different in any other country of the world). During my research, I came across a church named Church of Christ, the very church that owns and controls the Word Bible School WBS (I believe you would have heard about that before). I took some courses with them and among numerous things that I was thought, I was frankly thought and told that it is only through one church (that is Church of Christ ) that one can reign with Jesus in heaven. They made me to understand that people in other churches like Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Deeper Life, etc are going no where. I must tell you, I’m totally confused andmy questions are these: (i) Is one church not as good as the other?

    COMMENT:  Yes, or you could say, "One church is as BAD as the other."

       1. (ii) Which church can someone (precisely, can I) go to be saved or reign with Him?

    COMMENT:  NO church can save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you.

       1.  (iii) Or can we only be saved through the church we attend?

    COMMENT:  Virtually all of the Christian Churches of the world are part of a system of religion which the Bible calls MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT (Rev. 17:5), and God is has always been calling His True Believers OUT of that worldwide church system (Rev. 18:4).  Read the rest of the material on our site for all the details.

       1. I can’t understand the following scriptures Tim. 2:9 “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;â€? I Peter 3:3 “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;â€? Did Paul really condemn using of gold, pearls, etc for women here? Or did he stop them from plaiting their hair or from the use of ear rings and so on. Why I’m asking this question is that, in many churches here in Nigeria there are people preaching against using of thos e thing while some preach that they can be used but not in excess. Even, those who preach against these always say that those who support these are going to hell fire. Please, I want you to enlighten me on this issue.

    COMMENT:  These verses do not condemn the use of gold or jewelry. In fact Paul says that a woman IS to "adorn" herself. Adorn means to "decorate." But her decorations are not to be very expensive decorations, but rather modest decorations, which will allow the modesty and self-control of the woman to show through.    

    God be with you,


    I shall be very happy and grateful to earliest reply while I believe that you welcome any question I may again.

    Yours in Christ,

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