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Author Topic: "Jesus" Dream  (Read 11739 times)

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"Jesus" Dream
« on: May 16, 2006, 04:21:48 PM »

I posted my testimony awhile ago, but something just occurred to me.

About 25-30 years ago I had a dream. In it, my family and I came home and found the front door open. Everyone stayed in the car, but I decided to go in and check it out. There was one man inside--he looked skeletal and demonic, sort of like the images of death depicted in photos and movies. This "man" told me he was Jesus and to not be afraid. Although I could clearly see what he looked like, I still believed he was Jesus. He came to the front door with me, and I told my family it was OK to come inside; it was just Jesus, so there's no reason to fear. But they stayed in the car and tried to convince me to come out because he wasn't who he claimed to be. Finally, I went back into the car. I looked back at the door and saw him standing there, and I realized that he was not Jesus, but rather, something demonic. I was terrified and told my dad to get us away from the house. The "thing" watched us as we drove away.

At the time I had the dream, I was listening to a radio program that claimed Jesus used "New Age" spiritism and powers to do His miracles. I thought the dream was a warning against that.

Today, it occurred to me that it was also a warning of something more sinister and deceitful. Somehow I knew the "New Age" explanation probably wasn't correct, but I was deeply involved in an extremely legalistic church that preached hellfire sermons on a regular basis. The "Jesus" they presented wasn't the Jesus of the Bible, but some demonic, hateful creature. Now I think that's the deeper meaning of what the dream was trying to tell me; I just didn't get it at the time.



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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 05:25:43 PM »

Awesome!  I love that dream! (in a weird way)

I had the most awful and graphic dream during my jr year of college....


I was in some bathroom washing my hands.
I looked up into the mirror in front of me and there in the reflection was a bathroom stall..... and I saw a human figure too...

I turned around and walked towards it.

I pushed the stall door open a little and confirmed my fears!!!

It was a dead girl/woman hung up on a hook... She was all rotten and peeling away.... I felt sick and ran away from it....

I woke up... and cried to my husband and in his sleepy state just put his arm around me....

I had to go to the bathroom for real but could barely bring myself to go there...

I hadn't had a nightmare like that in years.

I hate those...

but this point is that I hadn't watched scary movies etc.... I feel now that maybe it was me there hanging in the stall... (since I was first saw it in the reflection) and I was seeing my flesh dead????

I will never dwell on it though because I have no proof that it was an accurate interpretation.

Also I had another dream where everyones faces were wiped away and these demons were using a universal symbol to label everyone with... it was creepy.... i hate it when deamons in my dream grab at my feet and won't let me leave a room!

the symbol looked like this ^
(its like an eye, then nostrils then a flat mouth...

PPS ...I have never done drugs by the way ;) ...Ive just got an active imagination i guess


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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 07:47:44 PM »


Indeed they do preach another Jesus, and a demonic one at that. I mean they worship a god who is going to torture the majority of humanity with real fire for all eternity. If that's not demonic, I don't know what is.

Take care,


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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2006, 07:51:04 PM »

Kind of looks like an alien from a ufo.............


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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 02:43:37 PM »

Quote from: Sorin

Indeed they do preach another Jesus, and a demonic one at that. I mean they worship a god who is going to torture the majority of humanity with real fire for all eternity. If that's not demonic, I don't know what is.

Take care,

It's funny, though. In my dream, my family could see the demon for who he really was, but I couldn't. In real life, today, it's just the opposite.



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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2006, 03:19:29 PM »

One dream that stands out for me.  My dad is a big time fire and hell beleiver (however i think at least privately, as he would never admit it, he is beginning to question the orthodox Church, because of me).

The dream is this.  My dad and i are both in a car, driving at night and we look up and through the screen, in the sky is a bright white dragon.  I point this out to him and then i wake.

i always took this to mean something prominent.  Its one of those dreams that stick with you forever.  I definitely see it as a revelation.  In that my dad has always wanted me to go to Church and sure enough i began to sort of go about 5 years ago.  The white dragon i see is a resemblance of purity and the dragon is a symbol of strength.  I basically see it as a precusor to me finding out scriptural truths (white) and telling my dad about them as he is in the car with me.  The car represents a journey in life and the night is the backdrop of evil (Church) that when white (truth) is exposed to it, everyone can see it clearly.

  Although he is still 98% orthodox, he is beginning to ask the questions and i just feel that he is begining to come round perhaps?


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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2006, 11:50:02 PM »

dont know if this applies here, but thought i would share.

Some nights i feel attacked by demons, they laugh, repeat my prayers back to me.  then one night after grandma passed she was in my dream only, evil, and laughing.  only at night when i go to sleep.  anyways thought i would share.  ok now everyone here thinks im a sick freak, oh i am.  i need help, here i come mr asylum.  lol.  oh dont laugh, this isnt funny, no it is im such a freak.  

GOD bless


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"Jesus" Dream
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2006, 02:01:01 PM »

yall gotta stop eating so much cheese :lol:  JK

i had a dream once of ezk, wheel, the one with eyes round about.

it was huge and terrifiying, the eyes round about where blinking and so real its was unbeleivable.

im still not sure how old i was , but this dream seems so long ago
but so very clear in my head.

now whos cra cra crazy :shock:


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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2006, 08:31:39 AM »

hiya all,

I didn't actually have a Jesus dream, well, maybe I did, but I wasn't asleep at the time!! Prior to visiting a friend, [who by the way, introduced me to prayer as a real newbie in my beliefs and how to pray] I had been studying stuff on Ray's site and in the bible. I was sooo drawn to get to know Jesus personally. I wanted soooo much to meet Him, see Him in front of me and look for the truths in His 'eyes' [I often feel they are the window to the soul] I thought what an honour to have been in His presence all those years ago for those who knew Him for who He really was. I thought I would give anything to be able to have done that.

Anyway, I went to said friends house and we talked... and talked about everything that came to mind about God and Jesus. Before I left, She said a prayer, quite a long prayer actually but I really don't remember what she said, because about 3 or 4 sentences in, all these pictures kept popping into my mind. I saw a quarter face, so that the eye was in the centre of it and I saw other images of a face but can't really describe the person whose face it was because it was like a lot of different pictures of the same person from different angles and each one was visible for a only a split second before being replaced by another one. I know it was representing Jesus because of the 'crown' I remembered seeing from the first picture of the quarter face.

After that, I saw a woman kneeling down in front of Jesus and He had His hand on her head. She was smiling a huge smile, so full of joy and love, I never saw Jesus in this picture, only His robe and arm. The woman's face was full of light, but it wasn't hers, It was a reflection of who she looked up to, [Jesus] She was wearing a pale green old style long dress and a white headdress [simple style] She stood up and stepped into His outstreched arms in a brotherly type embrace, laying her cheek on his white garmented chest, just below his collar-bone, but I didn't see anything from the neck up this time[and I felt and overwhelming peace in me for real at this point]

I actually was startled because the woman turned, and it was MY face looking back at me, but almost unrecognisable at first because of the light. My friend finished her prayer then and I could hardly even speak to tell her about it. She actually asked if I was okay, that my eyes were really sparkly and that I seemed different, charged up somehow.
Anyway, apart from that night, I have never told anyone about that in case I'm carted off in a straightjacket to the local nut -house. I don't do drugs, [ but thought maybe I should after that ;) ] I don't know of any significance of colors, but that's what I saw. Thinking about it all afterwards, I remember that, before that event, as a 'babe in Christ' I did have thoughts about whether it was all real, or fanciful thinking as something to 'prop you up' in hard tiimes, but not really, actually, true. I really hoped with my whole heart that I would be shown the truth, not deceived and this is where the thoughts of being able to meet Jesus in person sprang from and I thought...'if I could'v just looked Him in the eye...I'd know'........
I actually don't care if the world thinks me mental, there will never be enough books and dictionaries on the planet to even begin to describe the feelings I was left with, that wiped out every single doubt I had. Even now, a year on, it's as clear as it was the day it happened. If any doubts do suddenly spring up, I disown them, and remember that feeling. It always brings me the feeling of peace and so much  joy that I could cry with it. [and I wish I could parcel it up into little boxes and give it to everyone else]

God bless you all


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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2006, 10:16:12 AM »

One dream that stands out for me.  My dad is a big time fire and hell beleiver (however i think at least privately, as he would never admit it, he is beginning to question the orthodox Church, because of me).

The dream is this.  My dad and i are both in a car, driving at night and we look up and through the screen, in the sky is a bright white dragon.  I point this out to him and then i wake.

i always took this to mean something prominent.  Its one of those dreams that stick with you forever.  I definitely see it as a revelation.  In that my dad has always wanted me to go to Church and sure enough i began to sort of go about 5 years ago.  The white dragon i see is a resemblance of purity and the dragon is a symbol of strength.  I basically see it as a precusor to me finding out scriptural truths (white) and telling my dad about them as he is in the car with me.  The car represents a journey in life and the night is the backdrop of evil (Church) that when white (truth) is exposed to it, everyone can see it clearly.

  Although he is still 98% orthodox, he is beginning to ask the questions and i just feel that he is begining to come round perhaps?

As you know we can't push a person to believe anything, the more we push the more they push back.  It sounds like you are gently leading, that is good.

The best way I've found to gently lead is to just give the list of 100 scriptures proving the salvation of all.  I don't argue or say anything else.  That has done one of 2 things in my experience.  Shut them up, or have them search for the truth.  My ex-pastor, who is now an ex-pastor himself because of learning the truth and being asked to leave his church, was lead in this way.




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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2006, 11:59:11 AM »

Angie, I appreciate you sharing that with us.  I can understand where you are coming from, He gives us each experiences, that witness to us personally to where noone can take that joy away.

(Jud 1:24)  Now to Him being able to keep you without stumbling, and to set you before His glory without blemish, with unspeakable joy;

That word unspeakable is an interesting word used here.  It is so true, seems there is no words that can describe that joy He gives us.  Yet, we can receive it, because we are not of the world.

God bless,



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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2006, 04:26:42 PM »

I had one vision. It was a dark sky with light rays shining though a hole in the dark clouds. A white dove with gold glitter flew down through the hole. That was right after I found my husband dead and I think God was giving me hope. After that I had a dream of a scripture that I hadn't read before. It was something like if you can't keep up with the footmen, how will you ever run with the horses. I think God was telling me that life was going to be hard so I would learn how to run. I also dreamed it in a translation that I hadn't read before.

I've had a lot of out of the ordinary things happen, but the most interesting experience was right after my husband's grandmother died. My mother-in-law and I went to the hospital to pick up her things and when we were getting in the car to leave this elderly woman walked up to the car and asked us for a ride. She was an identical twin of the grandmother that just died. The only difference was the hair color. Even the hair style was identical. We were both speechless and gave her a ride, but I still don't know what she may have been. I know it says to be kind to strangers because you may be entertaining angels. That's the only explanation I could come up with.

Another time my daughter was sitting on my bed dialing the telephone. She kept dialing because it was busy. I was standing at my bedroom door talking to her when she was dialing. A book that was under the bed tapped on the back of her heal 3 times. It was about an inch off the floor in the air. She didn't notice so I just thought I was seeing things. Then it happened again. This time she felt it and jumped up running toward me saying there was something under the bed. When she jumped up the book flew out from under the bed and hit the wall on the other side of the room.

There have been many things, but the most miraculous thing I've ever seen is witnessing truth work healing in myself and my children. Every time God taught me truth he cleansed me from a lie that was keeping me captive. I was severely damaged from childhood abuse. I had repressed memories and was captive to sin that came from the damage. God started teaching me his truth and within 5 years my pain was gone. I was in severe emotional pain for my entire life. There wasn't a day that went by that I wasn't crying in pain. This went on for 30 years. The truth of God's word healed me. God healed my daughter and he is beginning to heal my son.

Proverbs 20
 27 The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man;
       it searches out his inmost being.

Psalm 51
 5 Surely I was sinful at birth,
       sinful from the time my mother conceived me.

 6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts;
       you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.

 7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
       wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

God gives us dreams and visions to comfort and bring us hope. He brings evil to keep us on a straight and narrow path. He brings truth to heal and cleanse us and save us. He is full of goodness and mercy. He loved me even though I am utterly sinful.



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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2006, 10:58:46 PM »

I had a dream when I was going through my agnostic stage. I found myself awake and when I went out out all I saw was that the world was one huge gigantic bed. All I could see for miles and miles were faces poking out of the blankets. Everyone was aleep.  I tried to wake everyone but no one responded. One thing I was absolutely sure of was that there were others out there who were awake but only God knew where they were.

At the time of the dream I did not see this as a good thing. This wierd vision has popped into my mind occasionaly. I never thought about the relevance until you brought up this topic.

(1Th 5:6 KJVR) 
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

(Eph 5:14 KJVR) 
Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.



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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2007, 05:13:25 AM »

Hi Guys,

Dreams huh...

    I had this one I will never forget, It was so vivid and so real. I think it was New Jerusalem come down from heaven as spoken of in the revelation. I couldn't say if it was in the first or second resurrection. I was living there. There were no streets, all the houses were so strange from what we consider a house and they were connected to the ground like the whole city was made of one piece, I think my house looked like all the others, it was 3 stories tall, 3 rooms stacked on top of each other, like the shape of the Washington monument, bigger at the base smaller at the top and a pyramid shaped roof, no doors, no windows, there were no walls just the super structure, like 3 wire frame cubes, you know just the corners, floors and ceilings. It was made of white stone like the Taj Mahal or something, it had that made out of one piece of stone look, like some buildings in Arab countries, what do they do like plaster the outside or something? You could see the furniture in each room because of the walls being open like that. I guess we wouldn't need walls or doors if we have a new body like christs new body, nor would we have to worry about someone stealing the things in your house, who would be stealing? Walls are meant for protecting things. What a perfect house if that was new Jerusalem, what perfect order and use of space. What would we need streets for if we could move around like Christ could after his resurrection (teleportation?). I was seeing it from outside. I was floating, more like walking in the air, I was standing upright. My bedroom was on the top floor. I remember a bed and a chest-of-drawers. I think it was really a vision. Who knows, I will know someday.

Thanks for listening,


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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2007, 01:56:29 PM »

One dream that stands out for me. My dad is a big time fire and hell beleiver (however i think at least privately, as he would never admit it, he is beginning to question the orthodox Church, because of me).

The dream is this. My dad and i are both in a car, driving at night and we look up and through the screen, in the sky is a bright white dragon. I point this out to him and then i wake.

i always took this to mean something prominent. Its one of those dreams that stick with you forever. I definitely see it as a revelation. In that my dad has always wanted me to go to Church and sure enough i began to sort of go about 5 years ago. The white dragon i see is a resemblance of purity and the dragon is a symbol of strength. I basically see it as a precusor to me finding out scriptural truths (white) and telling my dad about them as he is in the car with me. The car represents a journey in life and the night is the backdrop of evil (Church) that when white (truth) is exposed to it, everyone can see it clearly.

 Although he is still 98% orthodox, he is beginning to ask the questions and i just feel that he is begining to come round perhaps?

As you know we can't push a person to believe anything, the more we push the more they push back. It sounds like you are gently leading, that is good.

The best way I've found to gently lead is to just give the list of 100 scriptures proving the salvation of all. I don't argue or say anything else. That has done one of 2 things in my experience. Shut them up, or have them search for the truth. My ex-pastor, who is now an ex-pastor himself because of learning the truth and being asked to leave his church, was lead in this way.



Craig...could you put up this list of 100 scriptures that you use?




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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2007, 05:22:17 PM »


Here is a list with 150 reasons for believing in the final salvation of ALL mankiind.

Peace to you

Arcturus :)


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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2007, 08:49:40 PM »

Thanks for the reminder.  I have been to that site before but had forgotten where it was.  There is another list somewhere out there a little more condensed.

I have a recurring dream-maybe once a year or so-but has been happening for years.....

Jesus is coming back.  I am always lost or not at home or by myself.  I am a bit apprehensive but I am glad He is coming.  The sky turns vaguely pink and clouds form and people are all running all over the place.  I am ok but it is not peaceful.  I am waiting for the trumpet to sound when all of a sudden....low flying "discs" appear.  Aliens are attacking.  I always wake up at that point, suddenly, in a sweat!  Go figure!  I have tried to get right back into the dream so I can stear it to where Jesus appears, but have rarely been successful!

Speaking of Zander, I miss his posts and pray that all is well w/ him.  Hope against hope, could he be a lurker now??  If so, Hi Zander.  Please let us know how you are doing.  Beloved too!! Bowlbyx, Orion, Euty,Angie, Becky.  I know M.G. is around.  Hi! 

KlonoaDreamer, thanks for bringing this old thread out!!  Sorin and SandyFla are still here thank goodness.  I know the Lord leads those in and those out in His time.  It was just nice to think about some brothers & sisters.


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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2007, 09:04:47 PM »


Thank you so very much!
I bookmarked it, so I can go back later and look it over.



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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2007, 04:19:41 PM »

Hello Iris

I know it is a neat way to see the reasons to believe as set out in this presentation but, the best most solid foundation is right here!
I think the 150 reasons are like stick ons without the solid support of the foundation we have got.   

Here we have learnt and believe that the word "eternal" is not used in the scriptures, that Christainities teachings on "Hell" originate from Pagan influences and of course the gem of gems, that we do not have free will. These three teachings are the most fundamentally important to the foundation of our belief in what the scriputures and what God says whereas  "reasons"  can and have been debated for over two thousand years in the absence of what we are blessed to have been shown here in Bible-Truths.

Reasons without the foundation are like straw men but with the foundation can be a covering like a thatch roof! My home by the way has a thatch roof!

Peace to you

Arcturus :)



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Re: "Jesus" Dream
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2007, 10:36:23 PM »

Hey Hi Becky,
                 I just want to say Ive had a vision/dream.... woteva it was. The thing was I barely lay down wen it appeared!, well b4 I went to bed my dorter & I were fellowshipping! for like 2, maybe 3 hrs shez 14yrs old, Well this was the first time we had did this, wen this eye appeared to me I felt it wasnt a good thing, so I just kept rebuking it in the name of the LORD then I was awaken by my son yelln out dad sumthing is wrong with Pele (dorter), I ran inside & she was sitting @ the edge of her bed shivering, very tence & very cold I just held her & rebuked & Prayed & prayed, then she slowly did get to sleep. The next day I asked her what was actually happening, the first thing she said was it was freaky! it was this eye! & it just scared her I was just blown away, I just said just have FAITH in GOD az all evil will Flee! in HIS presence & its neva happened again.  Hey Sorin, do U hav a Twin dude wit the same Username!? lol! becoz! U actually sed sumfing! that made sense without hatetridge towards The FATHER!, PRAISE GOD Brother!,
           muchLOVE!! Pera
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