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Author Topic: Dreams  (Read 6446 times)

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« on: August 05, 2008, 10:29:22 AM »

Hi everyone,

You know scientist say everyone has dreams.  Some people say they don't.  I think its just a recollection problem with these people, but anyway I remember about 90% of all my dreams and I love it when God speaks to me through dreams.  Sometimes its some words that are said by someone in the dream that i vividly remember or the dream is a event or scenario that either I go through or I see through someone elses eyes.

I love it when its me going through it.  I have the ability to control my dreams, i don't know when it started, maybe a few years ago or so, but if something is going to happen in the dream and i don't want it to happen (like if im about to fall off a cliff or something)  i cant stop it--- better put i can make decisions in my dreams i.e. whats right from wrong. I can even, while in a dream--dream or think--- by carefully thinking/playing out the scenario and judging the pros and cons of the action about to take.  And this happens like it happens in real life, you know how you can playout awhole scenario in yo head before you do something in what seems to be a split second.  You know ---think before you act, then act like you thought about it--- that's our company's safety slogan.

Its great because God can let me go through something in a dream instead of real life to learn a lesson.  you just don't know how appreciative i am for that.  I only had to suffer the consequence in my dream.

This just popped in my head while i was typing (maybe this is God)---"Hey so you have freewill in your dreams now, huh".

NO I don't if you think about it because If it is God trying to let me know something, i couldn't choose the opposite of what he was trying to teach me.

Anyway back to the topic.  Most of the time, only through the Grace of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, i can interpret the dream.  But this has always just been on a personal level---No Hal Lindsey here, thank Goodness ;)

Question:  For the first time in my life i had a dream where i could fly about month or so ago.  what does that mean?

I just wanna thank God through Jesus right now for giving me this ability and I hope he will continue blessing with this.

Peace and Love to all,


p.s.  Has anyone else had a dream maybe when you were younger and had the same dream when you got older, but this time able to change the outcome.   Or better stated, has anyone had the same dream more than once or twice and able to change it.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 07:43:38 PM »

i guess im all alone on this :-[


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 11:04:15 PM »

i guess im all alone on this :-[

Hi again Anthony,
Somewhat, but Maybe not entirely alone.  I have had reoccurring dreams.  One I have had most my Life is with my Mother and I, renovating a dilapidated house, knowing a storm was coming.  And when I first met my Husband I kept having nightmares of him cheating on me.  But I haven't had one of those in a long time. Those seems pretty easy to understand.

I have had allot of dreams about acting out in my addiction, always giving in to temptation.  Always powerless to stop it.  I use to think about why I was such a Loser.  Now I believe it is a gift to teach me humility, hopefully someday I will learn it well and the Lord willing he will remove it from me.

Your ability in your dreams may be your everyday ability to calculate the outcome before reacting to a situation.  Are you like that?  Or it maybe you really feel powerless in your life, and this ability in your dreams is feeding your ego. I would encourage you to pray to God to give you the interpretation of these dreams. In the scripture God gives the meanings like a parable in symbols.  I am thinking of Joseph and the Pharaoh....

Some advise I heard that has helped me with vivid dreams, is to see yourself as every person in your dream.

I'd be interested to know what God reveals to you?



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Re: Dreams
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2008, 11:51:46 PM »

The Bible does say that your "old men shall dream dreams". (no offense :D) Wasn't Josephs dream doubled twice??
Dreams are fascinating to be sure.  I just don't know how deep to get into them.  I dream of flying but always losing altitude ;D.  Bears are always evil in my dreams.  I dream frequently of dead relatives :o  But the MOST frequent and troubling of ALL my dreams ARE:: (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)



aS  to whether we have free will in our dreams I can honestly say I have never thought about that!!

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2008, 04:14:58 AM »

For several years (not every night, but every few months) I had a dream (very vivid) that I had committed a horrible crime and that bodies were buried.  It was so vivid that I felt guilt for days that I had actually done these things.  Every recurrence of it added a bit more to the story and, yes, I was able to alter/replay some of the events.  It would have made a chilling screenplay, but I never wrote it down.  I wasn't in any shape to consider any spiritual ramifications, but I believe it DID have something to do with preparing me to admit my sinfulness to God. 

I've dreamed entire song lyrics and been fortunate enough to awake and remember them to write down.  On the other hand, I've lost many many more by not being able to remember.

As often as not, my dreams are just funny and I sometimes wake up laughing.  I like to have a good time, but I am by no means overly jovial so I don't really understand that.  Maybe it has to do with seeing the absurdities of life and poking pins in pomposity in a place where you can get away with it. 

Maybe it's a chance to walk a bit on the other side since too often our lives are straight-jacketed by jobs, responsibilities, expectations and we get to experience something 'other'. 

Then sometimes you just find yourself at school with no pants on.   :D

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2008, 01:17:36 PM »

Hi all,

Old man? im not old ;D im only 30, but i feel like 60. I kid around with my kids about me being old all the time.  Kids say the darndest things!

Your ability in your dreams may be your everyday ability to calculate the outcome before reacting to a situation.  Are you like that?  Or it maybe you really feel powerless in your life, and this ability in your dreams is feeding your ego. I would encourage you to pray to God to give you the interpretation of these dreams. In the scripture God gives the meanings like a parable in symbols.  I am thinking of Joseph and the Pharaoh....

Yeah i am totally like that!  And for my job i have to be that way too.  I write work instructions for the workers and i have to figure out what can be all the safety risks and the most efficient way of getting things done.
And you know what i never looked at it like that before about being powerless.  Imma think on that.

I have never died in my dreams.  i came close many a times, but right before it could happen i'd wake up.  If i start to dream about alligators or crocodiles i instantly wake up also and cant fall back to sleep... thats where my biggest fear is --- being eaten alive.

Dave ive dreamt dreams with lyrics too i can only wish i could remember a little bit off it.  I had a dream it was like a movie, the perfect movie, i woke up astounded.

Heres the biggest question i have about my dreams--- in any dream i have and i have to read something, I cant read it--- it just goes blurry.  I can read the first couple words and then its blurry.  It dont matter what the dream is about, all the time it goes blurry and i have to move on in the dream.  what could this mean?

Anyway thanks all for sharing.  Hopefully God will give us all the gift to interpret ours and others dreams.


ps-- Dave I absolutely love it if in a dream, something was hilarious and i wake up still laughing about it the rest of the day. loooove it


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2008, 01:36:24 PM »

Speaking of dreams I had 2or3 that have stayed with me through the years.. I will tell you one of the most terrifying dreams I ever had. Before my wife and I have gotten married we were living together in a townhouse. (Upstairs and downstairs). The bedroom was upstairs. We were both sleeping in the bedroom. I had a dream the a demon or an evil spirit was after me and it was trying to come ion through the back kitchen door. As I was holding the door shut this thing was pushing to get in it took all my might to keep it out. But at the end it push through the door and I was fighting with it all through the house then up the stairs towards the bedroom. I remember trying to keep it out of the bedroom I didn't want it to get my wife(to be). Anyways we fought want seemed like forever. I broke loose and ran down the stairs then thought the kitchen and it was on my butt. I open the backdoor the evil spirit was so close to me that it flew out the door and I slammed the door shut. Then it came back and the process started over. This time I was crying for Jesus. I was saying in Jesus name leave me alone. In Jesus name Lord protect me , over and over. The I woke up. I jumped up stood upright in the bed. My heart pounding out of my chest, sweat pouring off of my face my shirt was wet from the sweat. My wife (to be) jumped up almost at the same time I did. This is the weird part. In my dream I heard someone yelling call for Jesus! call for Jesus! Well when we woke up my wife looked at me and she said I seen you running from the devil. This was so weird my wife was watching me in my dream while she was having the same dream as I was. She told me word for word what happen in my dream. A few minutes passed and me being the smart @#$ that I can be said, Running from the devil That song is already taken Van Hallen sings it. She look at me and said (SHUTE)!



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Re: Dreams
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2008, 08:33:42 PM »

Heres the biggest question i have about my dreams--- in any dream i have and i have to read something, I cant read it--- it just goes blurry.  I can read the first couple words and then its blurry.  It dont matter what the dream is about, all the time it goes blurry and i have to move on in the dream.  what could this mean?

Not exectly sure but I would pray for God to give you eyes to see!
 ;D ;D ;D

Sweet Dreams,
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 05:59:58 PM by OBrenda »


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2008, 02:03:51 AM »

Actually, what AK4 says about reading something but then having it go blurry has happened to me a few times lately.  This was happening when I would be reading a good novel and then fall asleep.  I will continue reading it in my dreamy state but my imagination gives out on what would come next in the story.  Then I would wake up, only to turn out the light for real.

I also know about fear in dreams.  Many say that when they are frightened by scary creatures and such, they try to run but their legs won't move them.  They are paralyzed with fear.  Well, this happened in a dream I had the other night.  I was walking down an empty and secluded street when all of a sudden:  I saw three hot super model looking chicks.  When they saw me, to my surprise, they all turned and tried to run but their legs just wouldn't move them.  They were paralyzed with fear.

I get no respect, I tell ya!!


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2008, 05:59:08 PM »

M Man

You crack me up  ;D ;D ;D
I need to laugh today!

I did have a nightmare similar to Darren's,
I had forgotton about it, so real and terrifying I'm not entirely sure I was awake.
Darren sounds like you had some spiritual warfare going on there?  Does that
make sense?


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Re: Dreams
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2008, 12:03:40 AM »

Yes Brenda, I believe it is spiritual warfare. This happens to me once in a while. Just last week I had one of those dreams where A evil spirit was attacking my brother and I seen this happening so I ran into the room where he was fight this spirit at and loosing. I ran across the hallway and jump on the spirit and wrestle it off of him and then we were fighting and I was loosing it had me pined down and I couldn't breath and I was trying to scream,"Help me Lord in Jesus name help me but I couldn't get it out. I had no breath in me. Then with all that I had left in me I yelled Jesus help me. In that moment I flew out of my bed yelling Jesus help me. My pour dogs who sleep with me jumped out of bed and ran out the room. My wife who was on the couch heard me and jumped up and flew into the room I was flying out of the room and we ran into each other in the hall with the dogs running in circles. Man what a battle that was. Evertime that I really get into the word with studying Ray's papers and talking with y'all on line this always seems to happen. Is it real or just something else? The Lord speaks of spiritual warfare a battle that happens in us My Friend told me that it is the devil fighting with me because he don;t want me to get close to God and he doesn't want me to tell others about God. This is what she told me.




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Re: Dreams
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2008, 08:59:30 AM »


Does anyone remember one of the OT Dudes, having a dream, in which he stabbed someone, and when he awoke it was himself?  My mind is thinking Jacob maybe? ???

Roy Monis

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Re: Dreams
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2008, 10:10:50 AM »

Hi! Darren

I like your quote  "Help me Lord in Jesus name help me."  My favourite is "Lord Jesus Please Help Me." In every desperate situation physical or spiritual it has never as yet failed me. But I make sure I never use it in a frivolous manner.

I have posted that advice quite often, because the power in the name JESUS is the most powerful weapon in man's armoury if he could only muster the faith to believe in it.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     
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