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Author Topic: SDA  (Read 8235 times)

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« on: May 17, 2006, 09:45:20 AM »

I know you are probably sick of seeing emails with my name attached to it, sorry.  I am always at your website reading something after I do intense study.  Thoughts that come to me during my study, I end up reading in your articles - confirmation maybe.  Anyway, you made a statement that "all" orthodox Christiandum believes or teaches that we will "never die".  I have to say that I disagree with you there.  I was born into the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, and something that has been drilled in my head from the time I started talking was that we die/sleep in the grave until Jesus' 2nd Coming.
Several other things that are taught in Christiandum, I was never taught.  If you know anything about the SDA, you'd know that they teach that the Catholic church is the Antichrist, which it is, but they don't know that they [sda's] are too, for many of our teachings were passed down from that very church [our "Sabbath School" (same as 1st Day Sunday school), 11 o'clock service, the pulpit, which is raised up on a stage, the clergy, Communion Service, the Communion table (alter table as it's called by other denominations), church buildings and the sanctuary room itself being sacred and holy - "walk softly", just to name a few].
My point, I was not taught a lot of the stuff you talk about in your articles about hell.  The difference being, I was taught that when the wicked are resurrected from the dead to judgement, they will bow down, along with Satan and his "evil angels," and confess that Jesus is Lord, then Satan will rally them all to attack the new Jeruselem, but that just as they get to the city, vials of fire will be poured out on them and they will burn up - never more to exist [not be tortured forever].  What I would like to know is if you will research the Seventh Day Adventist denomination and it's teachings and doctrines, please?  I do it some, but it's a little hard for me, being that I still struggle to not be biased and with the things that I've been indoctrinated with.  I see you look into all the 1st Day denomination doctrines and stuff, and it's so different from what I've been taught that a lot of times, I can't relate to som e of what you address.  A good place to start is at and at the official SDA website  
Just so you know, contrary to all the hoopla and crap they spread about us at the Watchman Fellowship and other confused organizations, Ellen G. White is not the leader of our church.  She is dead, many people believe that she was a prophet and therefore are always quoting from the many peices of literature that she wrote - I mean supposedly wrote (there is controversy over that).  I consider her another Christian writer and so do a lot of people within our denomination.  I don't believe in her, and neither do they.  So rest assured, you are not investigating a "cult."  Anyway, can you do this research?  I noticed that a lot of what you preach as truth is similar to things I was already taught, minus the Hell and Tithe concepts.
In Christ,

Dear Neka:
No, I will not do a long and intense study of all the history and doctrines of the SDA's. They are too considered a cult by many Christian Churches. For sure they are not considered "ORTHODOX Christians" and that is the phrase I used and I will stick by it. There are NO doctrine of the SDA's that I teach or believe. I donot teach that the wicked will be raised to be destroyed again eternally.
God be with you,
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