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Author Topic: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?  (Read 37988 times)

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2008, 02:35:10 AM »

Craig. I couldn't agree with you more. God has given us these wonderfull smart doctors and scientist who dedicate their entire lives learning and studing these terrible diseases. Of course not all doctors and scientist are this way. Like anything else they have good and bad people in every profession. God has given these people special gifts and we should use them accordingly. Someone mention where the childhood  deseases of today were rare to none when he was a child. I'm not positive but I think more people died from diseases especially children before the discovery of penicillin and other antibiotics. Yes I can say I am pretty sure more died before the discovery of antibiotics than now. Even some terrible diseases are almost unheard of in some countries. Just think about it. Think about the terrible diseases of yrs ago and if we are better off today. The medical profession isn't perfect, far from it. It's better than it was in Christ's time. It's better now than twenty yrs. ago. Yes it's not perfect. I would rather be sick it this day and age than in my grandmother's day, when her sister died from an insect bite while planting flowers outside her house. Does not the Lord put these people on earth for mankind to use for our benefits??? Then again I probabley wrong.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 02:42:20 AM by winner08 »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2008, 10:15:58 AM »

Hi Everyone,

Jumping in to add my 2 cents.
I've never heard anyone teach on this, so let me be clear, this understanding or observation comes from me.   And everyday, I adjust according to what God has added to my awareness.  This discussion here is the same one we just had in the thread on paganism.  Different Topic, same principle.

If we look at our history and our present, what is at the root of all the hate?  What has caused wars and slaughter between minkind.  Other than Evil which is a broad Truth, what is the fundamental thing we tell ourselves, that gives us permission to hate and slaughter another person?  Think about many wars are rooted in religious good intentions?  Are we not in a war right now fundamentally due to different understandings of what is good & evil in the eyes of God?

The muslin's believe in God, but they have added to Gods word.  They have Abraham in their teachings, but have burdened their people by imposing "Sins" in everything.  Women must be covered. Women can not be educated.  Does this not seem foolish to you, order to stop women from causing a man to sin by lusting after her, she has to live her life under a sheet.

What is wrong with this thinking?  I have a friend who drives a city bus, he is a christian still in Babylon, and complains about the way women dress today are causing a brother to sin? (although women should be modestly dressed and not wanting to draw this attention) can you see something missing from this also?...

I will share with you what I see,....

A religious spirit, a personality type, using two colors in their crayon box, and that's black & white.
They color their world, in the colors of a carnal mind....
and again I ask you, what is the fundamental thing we tell ourselves, that gives us permission to hate and slaughter another person?'s the lie, that it's us against them. They are evil, We are Good.  We have the truth, they do not!  God likes us Better!  It's an elitist mentality that thinks we have righteousness in what we do, or what we abstain from. From what I believe, to what they believe. It's the Us against Them mentality.  And I believe it is the sin of pride!


Medicine & the Medical Field are not evil nor are they God.  It consits of humans that are carnal.  And humans that are doing good by the will of God.  I think it is folly to paint them as the enemy, or to trust that they have all the answers. God works all things for Good!

Doctors & Medicine like everything else operate according to the Divine Will and purpose of God.  So to see them as your enemy or your savior is both Idolatry.  They will not add a day or take away a day without Gods permission.

Just like Christmas trees or not, it will not add to your righteousness.  Who Christ is is our righteousness.
Please forgive my boldness, as we all sharpen each other, I grow also...


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #22 on: August 15, 2008, 10:45:37 AM »

Hi Everyone,

Jumping in to add my 2 cents.
I've never heard anyone teach on this, so let me be clear, this understanding or observation comes from me.   And everyday, I adjust according to what God has added to my awareness.  This discussion here is the same one we just had in the thread on paganism.  Different Topic, same principle.

If we look at our history and our present, what is at the root of all the hate?  What has caused wars and slaughter between minkind.  Other than Evil which is a broad Truth, what is the fundamental thing we tell ourselves, that gives us permission to hate and slaughter another person?  Think about many wars are rooted in religious good intentions?  Are we not in a war right now fundamentally due to different understandings of what is good & evil in the eyes of God?

The muslin's believe in God, but they have added to Gods word.  They have Abraham in their teachings, but have burdened their people by imposing "Sins" in everything.  Women must be covered. Women can not be educated.  Does this not seem foolish to you, order to stop women from causing a man to sin by lusting after her, she has to live her life under a sheet.

What is wrong with this thinking?  I have a friend who drives a city bus, he is a christian still in Babylon, and complains about the way women dress today are causing a brother to sin? (although women should be modestly dressed and not wanting to draw this attention) can you see something missing from this also?...

I will share with you what I see,....

A religious spirit, a personality type, using two colors in their crayon box, and that's black & white.
They color their world, in the colors of a carnal mind....
and again I ask you, what is the fundamental thing we tell ourselves, that gives us permission to hate and slaughter another person?'s the lie, that it's us against them. They are evil, We are Good.  We have the truth, they do not!  God likes us Better!  It's an elitist mentality that thinks we have righteousness in what we do, or what we abstain from. From what I believe, to what they believe. It's the Us against Them mentality.  And I believe it is the sin of pride!


Medicine & the Medical Field are not evil nor are they God.  It consits of humans that are carnal.  And humans that are doing good by the will of God.  I think it is folly to paint them as the enemy, or to trust that they have all the answers. God works all things for Good!

Doctors & Medicine like everything else operate according to the Divine Will and purpose of God.  So to see them as your enemy or your savior is both Idolatry.  They will not add a day or take away a day without Gods permission.

Just like Christmas trees or not, it will not add to your righteousness.  Who Christ is is our righteousness.
Please forgive my boldness, as we all sharpen each other, I grow also...

Excellent post Brenda...very well spoken. I am in complete agreement.



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2008, 12:29:37 PM »

I have avoided commenting on this topic. I have not called Ray to talk to him. I know that this is a very emotional time and that he is dealing with many issues.

Brenda I think your post was excellent, Comin from you is bettter that it cam efrom me. I agree now is the time for spiritual discenment and lets put all carnal aside.

I think Ray going to this naturapath is very Good. I have talked to Ray many time in the past and he does not listen to advise. Because he has read some , he thinks he knows "all"  I think God has his attention now.

First his diabetes is way out of control. RAY thinks he is eating good, but he is not. He is trying to eat the foods that are in this food toxic environment. His surgars are all over the place. How can he even think of working against this prostrate cancer in this state of being. He needs to lose weight too, this will help his blood pressure.   He has to learn to eat a lot better.  If God made it , eat it moderation, if man has tinkered with...avoid when ossible.

My only fear that the nathurpath will be too agressive with physical therapy, I am afraid for the bone fractures. He has putty where there should be bone right now. Pain will then enter in the equation.

Here in Nashville we think we found two open studies at vanderbilt both are for metaststatic prostrate cancer. he will get his medications free.

I most heartedly agree that he needs to take the Lupron. I do not understand why Ray thinks he is 'signing his death cetificate' (pray those words be removed from his mouth)  All things are possible for God. Ray can do nothing in hiself...not even change a gray hair.

I give Lupron to health women (for endomriosis not resonsive, it is give before surgery to decrease the implants) It is not chemotherapy is the true sence. It work on the brain to shut off FSH and LH. By doing this all hormones stop including the testosterone which is feeding these prsostrate cells. These cell are like unruly teenages , consuming and moving all over the place and taking over.  IT is time to dicopline these cells

Lupron worse side effect is ( like going into menopause) some of the ladies know flashes night sweats, insomnia and irritability probably for lack of sleep.

MY concern with the naturapth will be that he will probbly use SOY, which is good, but it may exaggerate and cause gyneasta (breast enlargemnt) .  My hope is that a good diet will give him needed oxidants and vitamins, he is probably deplet of many despite taking some oral supplement. The goal is to keep him from becoming cachectic (emaciated) his body has very little nourishment within its being.

God has given this condition to Ray with purpose and for good. God's will must be done at this time. It is all Ray's decision in the end of all discussion

 (Psa 85:10) 
Mercy and Tuth are met together;
Righteousness and Pace have kissed each other.

God the father has given us the Law and Jesus has given us the Mercy, both of thes must be in balance in order for any event to give God the Glory.

In the meantime all the prayers from our members will be like a sweet smelling scent because we know God is soverign and pray in this manner.


WE have a place for Ray to stay here in the area and he might only have to come once a month after the initial evaulation and first treatment. I am trying to get more information about the two trials
     One is comparing a new trug to traditional
     The other is comparing another drug used for proratrate with tradtional

I will pray that if Ray agrees to do this that God will place in the apporpriate program. 

« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 01:09:36 PM by Beloved »

carol v

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2008, 03:40:17 PM »

Excellent post Brenda. And Beloved, I hope Ray will listen to hear another option. Hopefully and prayerfully, it is God's will that he will make the right decisions to prolong his life and his teaching. I have always thought that in the same situation I would combine traditional and alternative treatments.

My father died of cancer. My mother died 5 days later from a defective blood vessel exploding in her head. Because of my own migraines, I think I will probably go like my mother.

And Craig, one of the worst organizations duping the public like you mentioned is PETA. They have this "doctor" regularly going on TV telling people about the dangers of eating meat. I've seen him on the Today Show but he is not a medical doctor at all and fronts for PETA.

Interesting thread.


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2008, 12:51:53 AM »

I've heard that the slaughtering practices of pigs can contaminate the meat with adrenalin.  This is because of the severe termoil the animals go through as their throat is cut but they remain alive (sure, they go into shock but that's probably after they suffer).  I saw a show that may have one favoring PETA temporarily (even though they're a bunch of kooks).  I think animal suffering should be eliminated at slaughter houses. 
« Last Edit: August 16, 2008, 10:45:50 AM by musicman »

Roy Monis

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2008, 09:51:52 AM »

I've heard that the slaugtering practices of pigs can contaminate the meat with adrenalin.  This is because of the severe termoil the animals go through as their throat is cut but they remain alive (sure, they go into shock but that's probably after they suffer).  I saw a show that may have one favoring PETA temporarily (even though they're a bunch of kooks).  I think animal suffering should be eliminated at slaughter houses. 

Hi! musicman

How ghastly! Do they really have their throats cut? I always thought the method used in slaughterhouses was to have the head in a sort of stock and then a sort of hammer blow in the area between the eyes which instantly killed them. Something similar to the method used by some African native tribes using a large stone.

Sure puts me off meat this does, so bad luck chickens.

God bless you brother in our joint walk in Christ. 

Love in Christ Jesus.

Roy UK     


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2008, 10:49:29 AM »

Actually, it might be that they slice them straight down their mid section, spilling their guts out onto the floor.  I saw this in a documentary.  The pigs are hanging upside down (still alive) cut down the middle, begin raisin hell and shaking. 

Sick stuff!!


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2008, 03:40:14 PM »

The ways that man has come up with to raise and butcher God's creatures for food is very sickening. You should watch a chicken video as well. They are raised so that they cannot even walk. The antibiotics and steroids and growth hormones that our conventional meat is injected with is why little girls are having periods at 10. Our dairy is also filled with growth hormone.

My dh used to be a Meat Market Manager at a major grocery chain. He tells stories of cutting huge tumors out of beef before they cut it into steaks, etc.

I believe that meat is healthy for us in smaller quantities and organically grown. I am horrified at how the animals in conventional farms are housed and treated and killed. I don't think God is happy about it.

And a lot of fish is full of mercury so you have to be careful there as well.  :-\

This is why we buy organic as much as we can. For health reasons and for the animal's sakes.



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #29 on: August 18, 2008, 05:03:27 PM »

Was that pork video for real?  Tumors...Ughhh!
When you really think about the concept of eating & consuming anything, can be distressing.
Why even eat cute baby carrots?
I'm serous I understand where the American Indians developed their reverence to the food they eat.
Why does something have to die in order for me to live?
Sounds like there may be a parable in there maybe?

I think I'll skip dinner,


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2008, 05:25:52 PM »

Linny, in all due respect, I don't think the chickens give a crap about being couped up.  Remember, animals don't think like we do.  I've never heard of chicken depression or chicken suicide (pecking themselves to death).  As far as cows go, they're so ugly that we do them a favor by eating them (if they don't expeirience pain, that is) (*not allowed*).

Often vegetarians tell me that they get their protein from dried beans and such.  I respond by informing them, that I get my protein from dead animals.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 05:43:00 PM by Kat »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #31 on: August 18, 2008, 05:27:20 PM »






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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2008, 06:42:42 PM »

Linny, in all due respect, I don't think the chickens give a crap about being couped up.  Remember, animals don't think like we do.  I've never heard of chicken depression or chicken suicide (pecking themselves to death).  As far as cows go, they're so ugly that we do them a favor by eating them (if they don't expeirience pain, that is) (*not allowed*).

Often vegetarians tell me that they get their protein from dried beans and such.  I respond by informing them, that I get my protein from dead animals.

i know this whole thread is meant to be serious, but i was laughing out loud at your post musicman. i am an animal lover and i eat very little meat, but i DO eat meat. i loved your new meaning of PETA. as serious as diet is, and especially as serious as ray's cancer issue is, we all need to remember that laughter is an especially good medicine.



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #33 on: August 19, 2008, 12:33:18 AM »

Linny!!!!!!  It is so powerful to hear a woman have passion and to be intense about the truth of nutrition.
               Thank you for sharing!!!!!!



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2008, 01:33:17 AM »

I read all of this thread and its the same old argument.   How many people here have been in Rays' shoes?
or similar situation?  Well i was.  I had breast cancer about 7 years ago.  A few months before it was discovered  my adopted dad gave me videos of J.R. Christopher and the herb doctor, Richard Schulze.  You want to get rid of your migraines.  The first step is to get your system clean out.  Start with colon cleanses.  Colonics  and stop eating the junk we have been brain washed to eat from corporate America, who wants to maintan our sick bodies.  The Lord spoke to me as i was going through my program to dissolve my lump  it would be my appetite that would be the challenge.  Try it some time  go with out your coffee, soda, sugar,salt, meat, eat only raw vegetables and fruits.  I dissolve cancerous lump by not taxing my body with cooked food that makes my body work harder just to digest and eliminate them.  Cooked food also doesn't provided the water content that is needed for healthy cells, and elimination.  Nor does it provided vitamin c very important for cellular digestion of all your nutrients. Read Linus Pauling's studies on his research.  He won TWO Nobel peace award for his work in vitamin c,  No One else has has been award two awards.  People are ignorant of how to take care of their bodies and this countries medical doctors don't know either.  They aren't taught but about 1/2 hour of nutrition in their studies.  They died early as a group too.  I know there are many well mean doctors  but  i wanted to live and i have been cancer free for 7 years now.  There is nothing perfect on this earth but Jesus Christ.  I have heard some very foolish people saying irresponsible things just because they didn't want to discipline their flesh and eat better.  We know better  food is not just a item to feed our body its a comunitive expression.  We incorporate it just about every thing we do and to be a part of others lives we eat what is set before us not doing what we should do.  Grab for the coffee and donuts.  peggy


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2008, 02:31:20 AM »

Thank you Ken! And Peggy! I am so happy you joined in the discussion. I know a lot of people healed of a lot of things but your testimony is so powerful. It is exactly why I said disease doesn't scare me anymore. I truly know how to get healed.
You are absolutely right. We do regular colon cleanses. I think it is probably a main reason why we stay so healthy now as opposed to before.
You can find little books on the importance of keeping a healthy colon at most any health food store.
Anything you can read by Dr. Norman Walker is great. He lived to like 101 and died in a skiing accident.  8)



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2008, 11:03:04 AM »

Wow, Peggy that was beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing that with us. It is so wonderful to hear how going back to natural, God intended eating can change people's lives. Thank you women for speaking your minds about this even if it's not a popular opinion. I wholeheartedly agree with both of you (Linny and Peggy) about the medical profession and I am grateful to God that He has directed Ray to take a different course, whatever His will is in the end.


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2008, 12:52:35 PM »

Hi Ya'all,

My wife and I decided to only use olive oil instead of the other stuff when we really 'have' to fry. More expensive though.

We bought a steamer (they're cheap) and use it every day. Cooks very fast, easy to clean and keeps the good nutrients in the food instead of losing it in the water or oil. The dishes are perhaps not as tasty, but we add flavor with a wide range of healthy herbs. Especially garlic and ginger, which are known for their health benefits.

Also bought a bread maker. Again, fast (i only use the 1 hour setting), quick and easy to clean and you can change any recipe to your preferred flavor. Immediately after baking the bread, I put it in the fridge for a rapid cooling period - I've been told this helps with keeping Vitamins in the bread, not sure about that though, but no harm done if that's not true. We add herbs, raisins and nuts for extra flavor and stopped using any butter or margarine. And it makes the kitchen smell wonderful and gets my pugs going crazy when they start smelling it!

No soda at all. I've found that coffee makes me really tired. So no coffee. Green tea instead - contains caffeine, but this helps with my tiredness. As well as other herb teas. And if making tea, it's good to boil for about 10 minutes. Rooibos tea from South Africa, if available, contains high amounts of anti-oxidants that is known to be a cancer fighter.

I use organic vitamins daily. They're expensive, but much cheaper than going to the doctor! Glucosamine took the crackling sounds out of my knees within 4 weeks. Good stuff for the joints.

Lastly, if I'm not close to death, I NEVER take medicine.


carol v

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2008, 04:01:45 PM »

Linny -- you are right about the hormones in meat but they aren't the only source of estrogen in our kids lives. The meat-subtitute called SOY is loaded with estrogen and used extensively in schools. Probably the main source is the estrogen imitator that comes out of plastic. Every plastic bottle and plastic container leaks a substance that mimics estrogen.

Peggy -- I have done many colonics. I have eaten pure organic. I still have migraines...

And also Peggy -- my very close friend, Karen Krooskos Bowers (you can google her) was a vegetarian and nutritionist before she got breast cancer. She had a website for years dedicated to the vegetarian way of life. She was an SDA her entire life. After her diagnosis, she followed and taught classes in the raw veggie diet. She followed the Gershon Protocol which is raw vegan, colonics, juicing...hard work.

Following the raw vegan diet and Gershon protocol along with traditional medicine...the breast cancer spread to her brain and she died about 7 months after the original diagnosis.

I am very happy for you that you are cancer free. And yes, we should eat better. But frankly, we also need to be careful that we don't think our own works and virtues are responsible for what only God can do -- heal us temporarily to extend our lives for His Purpose.

God's plan was for you to be cancer free. God's plan for Karen wasn't. God's plan was for you both to try the raw veggie diet. And yes, I know she was SDA but she was the most sincere seeker of Christ I have ever known. A wise and wonderful if somewhat deceived woman.

My mother was thin, ate healthy her entire life, exercised regularly and refused to even take an aspirin. (Lucky for her, she didn't have migraines.)She sought God sincerely. Was kind and thoughtful. She died at 63.

Her sister was very fat, ate crap her entire life, never exercised, juggled prescriptions like a circus performer and was a mean liar.  She died at 76.

Eat healthy. Feel great. But don't take credit for God's Plan. AND especially, Peggy, don't blame someone with a chronic illness for their disease. I've been through that with doctors my whole life. "It's psychological." Uh-uh. Now you tell me I need a colonic. I'm very familiar with Colonix. I have done the lemonade fast which is all over the internet. Why do you assume my system has needed cleaning out for 43 years?

I'm going to start another box of Colonix soon. It's in the kitchen. It ain't gonna help my migraines though. I know that because none of the other boxes did. And the fasting with salt flushes for system cleaning didn't stop my headaches.

Triton, I do everything you do with the exception of quick cooling bread. No soda, only a few cups of green tea, organic vitamins, healthy herbs, and especially PUGS. Love PUGS!  But you obviuosly don't have a chronic condition that affects the quality of every minute of your life for forty-three years so far or you'd not be making the statement that you will never take medicine. God has blessed you.

You guys seem to be taking a bit too much credit for your own good health and blaming others for their lack of it without putting God in the equation. Let's just follow scripture and give God all the glory. Treat our bodies like temples and do the best we can. We need to make sure that our own virtuous health habits don't become an idol of our hearts and a source of pride.

I have done that and browbeat others with my opinions on the "natural" way many times. I still believe it. I still practice it. I agree with everything you have all said about both bad medicine and corporate America and how we should try to follow a healthy lifestyle. But I no longer give myself any credit or think for a second it will extend my life.

I thank God every day for the medicine He has given me to take. It is a blessing.


(haha musicman...tasty animals are best on the grill)



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2008, 05:07:50 PM »

You are absolutely right Carol there is NOTHING that we can do that will alter God's will. That is a comforting thought to me :). I don't think that's an excuse (and I don't think that you are saying it is either) to live an unhealthy lifestyle and be careless with our diet and health.
I am so glad you brought up the soy, most people don't realize that soy is full of phytoestrogens that have been linked to cancer in women and lowered testosterone and sperm counts in men.
I am sorry that you are still suffering from migranes but we know that God has purpose for ALL things and I know that He has/does/will use it somehow. Not everything is fixable IMO, we can only do what we can to make our bodies the healthiest that they can be. It's kind of like when people say "well why live right if we are all saved anyway?" "why live healthy if God can kill us at any time anyway?" the simple answer to both is that you do it because you care and out of love. Love for God and respect for His holy temple which we all know is our bodies. It sounds like you have a pretty good grasp of that :).
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