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Author Topic: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?  (Read 37939 times)

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #60 on: August 30, 2008, 11:45:21 AM »


I've been struggling also with peace of mind for a food plan.  I'm a sever "Carbohydrate Junkie" if I eat it I am constantly hungry all day long every minute!  I have mostly tried to stick to low-carb Atkins's diet, but I was told that this causes the body to become acidic, which as we know from Rays situation is a breading ground for cancer.

I wonder how one finds out if their bodies are acidic, and how one can reverse this? 


  Hello Brenda,

                     You mentioned Carbohydrate addiction, some people can't handle Carbohydrates(starches, sugars, etc.), that's most people. I'm not necessarily referring to Non-Concentrated Carbohydrates such as vegetables and fruits, unfortunately some fruits excite the pancreas to release too much insulin resulting in a yo yo effect in your blood sugar levels, leading to energy highs and lows; IE- Moodiness, mid-afternoon tired. Carbohydrates are more quickly converted to sugar(glucose) than Proteins and Fats and the body stores sugar in the form of Glycogen in the liver and muscles, most people store in their liver approximately 360 grams of Glycogen. So what happens is that any Carbohydrates(Glycogen) that is consumed in excess of what your muscles readily have available and what's contained in your liver stores, turns into Fat. Proteins and Fats provide a satiating effect helping the body to delay hunger.

                     When Low Fat Diets were being highly touted in the 1980's, people gorged themselves with these Carbohydrates(Bread, Pasta, Potatoes and Cereals) and got fatter. The Theory behind the Low-Carb diet is that after the body burns all it's available Glycogen(stored sugar) in the muscles and in the Liver, the body will start converting it's Fat Stores to be used for energy by producing Ketone Bodies, this process is known as Ketosis, unfortunately the body likes to convert Protein to Glycogen for energy too. That's why, if someone decides to go on a Low Carb Diet consisting of 10 grams of carbs per day(Atkins phase one) or less, IMO they should will have switched over to Fat as it's source of fuel, because by then, all the stored Carbs contained in the Muscles and Liver will have been used. That's Why the third and fourth day on this diet is difficult, because the body is waiting to switch it's fuel source from Carbohydrates to it's own Body Fat, so that's when your most tired, before the switchover in fuel sources is taking place.

                     Does all of this imply that Carbohydrates are bad, not necessarily, but if you think you might be a Carb Addict, it might be a concern for you. It's my opinion if most people would primarily eat good sources of protein, eat a balanced intake of Saturated and Unsaturated Fat's(50/50 ratio), vegetable carbs only and some fruits(blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupes, mostly the Melon & Berry family), they wouldn't have weight problems. Most other fruits are too high in sugars. This is all easier said than done. Some might disagree, but it's my opinion that most overweight people(that includes me) can't tolerate too much Carbohydrate, because it tends to make them hungry and they can't stop eating, so sometimes even a reasonable amount of  the so-called good carbs might increase their appetite.

                     If Brenda or anyone would like to PM me for further discussion on this Subject, feel free and I will convey to you how I used to Eat during the time period of 1986-1990 and how successfull this was. When it came to Diet and Exercise, Vince Gironda(former Bodybuilding Trainer) was Brilliant when it came to Diet and Food combining, a man ahead of his time.

                                             IMO from reading, experimenting on myself for 25 years.

                                                        Kind Regards, Samson.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 12:02:35 PM by Samson »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2008, 01:04:58 PM »

Well what I am realizing is that reaching our body's best health is very difficult and a delicate balance to keep.  But it is our responsiblity to strive towards that. If we break these health laws, knowingly or unknowingly, we will pay the consequences.  This whole thing of keeping our body pH balance right seems very important.  I found this site 'The Importance of Your Body's pH Balance for Health' that gave a good explaination of this.

Since Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory of disease that states germs are the cause of disease, time has proven him correct. But note Dr. Pasteur's dying words: "The germ is nothing, the inner terrain is everything."

The inner terrain referred to in Dr. Pasteur's statement refers to our body's digestive tract, lymph system, blood, and urinary tract. Our bodies are alkaline by design and acid by function.

Maintaining proper alkaline balance is essential for life, health, and vitality. Simply put -an imbalance of alkalinity creates a condition favourable to the growth of bacteria, yeast and other unwanted organisms.

We live and die at the cellular level. All the billions of cells that make up the human body are slightly alkaline, and must maintain this state in order to function and remain healthy and alive.

However their cellular activity creates acid and this acid is what gives the cell energy and function. As each alkaline cell performs its task of respiration, it secretes metabolic wastes, and these end products of cellular metabolism are acid in nature.

This can be likened to a shift in our biological terrain from a healthy oxygenated, alkaline environment to an unhealthy acidic environment. You see, what is healthy for us is unhealthy for the body attackers and what is healthy for them is what is unhealthy for our body.

A state of acidosis is simply the lack of oxygen and available calcium which the body uses to maintain its alkaline balance.  The oxygen level drops in this acidic environment and calcium begins to be depleted. So as a defense mechanism, your body may actually make fat to protect you from your overly-acidic self.

There are many ways to keep your body at a healthy alkaline environment. These include: Eating alkalizing foods.  This all takes time. It is not easy to reverse acidity once we become too acidic.

During this century, despite many technological advances in our society, we have seen many declines. One of the most obvious and dangerous is the nature of food production. Food in our most advanced countries has changed from nutritious raw foods to highly processed foods low in nutritional value.

Over 100,000 new chemicals have been introduced to our foods, air, and water. All of these changes have put even greater stresses on our body's innate ability to affect the chemistry of our body fluids, and therefore our biological terrain. As a result we see huge increases in the incidence of chronic and life-threatening diseases.

The alkaline diet is opposite the high protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diets that was in vogue with the Atkins diet plan. The therory of this diet is that because our body's PH level is slightly alkaline our diet should reflect this and also be slightly alkaline.

A diet high in animal protein, sugar, caffiene and processed foods tends to disrupt this balance. It can also deplete our supplies of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium and make us prone to chronic diseases.

This is what I feel we are being shown about the foods we are consumming and our body's needs.  It is simple, but yet quite complicated to implement.  There are many sites that list acid forming and alkaline forming foods, but there are contradictions in this lists from site to site, so I can't recommend one.  But we do need to take heed to this, as we are to be physically intune with keeping our temple healthy, as well as being spiritually healthy.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2008, 03:17:20 PM »

Quote from: OBrenda

I wonder how one finds out if their bodies are acidic, and how one can reverse this? 


Body Ph test kit; introduce more alkaline into your system/reduce acidic intake.

I've been doing some research on this and one site I found even went as far as monitoring your stool.
Bottom line; if it floats, that could be good or bad, but for the most part is what you want.
I laughed when I read it, nevertheless, I understand the reason behind it.


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2008, 04:05:50 PM »


I know a Doctor who was examining me once commented that my Breath was fruity, and that it was a side effect of a low carb diet.  He also told me that it was extremely unhealthy and could lead to death.  So when I eat more carbs, I experience out of control hunger, and I gain weight.  And when I gain weight my diabetes kicks back in etc...

I feel trapped in a no win situation.  Both roads seem to go the wrong way.  I know there must be an answer, and I will search it out with the links...Thanks!   I don't think I'm alone in that I resent having to give so much attention to eating.  There just seems to be so many more important things in life.  I thought after having surgery, I would no longer waste my energy and obsess about this subject.

I realize overeating is a sin [gluttony] and hunger is a biological message that will power alone can not overcome!  (No free will or ability within ones self to be free of this)  Sorry...I didn't intend to babble on about my struggle...If we learn the real wisdom/science concerning this, there would be so much freedom!

And this Acidic vs Alkaline makes allot of sense,

carol v

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2008, 11:00:34 PM »

Brenda ... It DOESN'T LEAD TO DEATH !!!

You are exactly right in what YOU should eat. Kat is right on what SHE should eat.

There are two types of basic biochemical metabolic makeups -- sugarburners and fatburners. The sugarburners, like you and me, can't metabolize sugars and they make us very unhealthy -- this doesn't mean white cane sugars this means even more than a serving of fruit a day.

The fatburners can't metabolize fats and fatty proteins and it makes them very unhealthy. I have an article that explains the science of this but everyone reading should understand just by common sense and from this thread. What works for Samson, Brenda and me obviously is not what works for Kat or Linny.

There is a small percentage of people, around 10%, who are lucky and can metabolize anything just fine. I'm sure you guys know some of those too.

What makes you alkaline is NOT what makes another person alkaline. You can do an expensive test to discover if you are a sugarburner or a fatburner OR you don't have to because you already know. In fact, what makes another person alkaline is what might KILL you.

PLEASE -- don't listen to that doctor.

Here is the latest study reported by the Associated Press Medical Writer in July:

The Atkins diet has been proven in a very extensive study to be the most effective and most healthy for a large majority of people -- not everyone -- but for you and me. Notice this quote in the article:

"Some critics had predicted the opposite."  Critics will tell you what they want to believe themselves. Your doctor is one of those. Critics made poor Dr. Atkins' life miserable and now this study has vindicated him. Notice the lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure in the Atkins dieters.

I have had two separate alternative homeopathic doctors tell me from two separate tests that I am to eat fatty meats/oily fish and ABSOLUTELY NO WHEAT. Other grains are okay in very small quantity but the no wheat is important. I am not always able to do this but I know from experience how much better I feel with mental and physical clarity when I follow this plan.

The first doctor told me that 20 years ago. My mother had sent me to him but she totally flipped out when she heard what the doctor had said. It was beyond her comprehension of what was healthy that someone would tell me to eat fatty meat, butter, etc. She so flipped out that she convinced me to continue with the low fat, lots of pasta diet that was all the rage at the time -- to my detriment.

Chet Day has a report on his website showing that the majority of "famous" vegetarians actually ate meat themselves. It is a stupid idea to go completely vegetarian BUT some people, fat burners, are supposed to eat mostly fish, white chicken and lots of healthy complex carbs. I wish I was a fatburner but I am a sugarburner.

There are even vegetables that are better for fatburners and sugarburners -- nightshades for instance. I can point you to this list.

Please don't let some doctor or well-meaning fatburners tell you, as a sugarburner, what to eat. You already know. You already said what makes you feel the best and you are RIGHT!

If you are interested in discovering a little more of the science behind biochemical metabolic types and imbalances then pm me. In the meantime, the old saying that "One Man's Fruit is Another Man's Poison" is absolutely true.

What makes you alkaline is NOT what makes someone else alkaline. As I said, and it's so important because I see how confused you are becoming, you already know what makes YOU feel best. Listen to yourself. Your doctor is just parroting the conventional wisdom.



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2008, 11:33:47 PM »

Thanks Carol,

Even eating the high protein, butter & cheese my doctors tell me I have the lowest Cholesterol they have ever seen!  I love bread & pasta, but I'm insane when I eat it!  I will pm You & Samson.

I appreciate everything to understanding this Alkaline & Acidity business!
P.S.  Patrick  ???  it should float?  :-\  :D
« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 09:02:08 AM by OBrenda »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #66 on: August 31, 2008, 10:10:08 AM »

The Weston A. Price foundation is a great place to research how to eat healthy. He was a dentist that studied native cultures and what they ate and believes that we should eat natural foods according to our origins to maintain the best health.


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #67 on: August 31, 2008, 12:40:37 PM »

Hi Krista,

Interesting site, I think there is great value in seeing the cycle of life in the food we eat. 

What I presented above was an attempt to show the diet plan and what Ray is trying to implyment in his struggle to obtain a healthier life style.  But I am just learning of this myself and haven't adjusted my eating habits to this.
I do believe it is our responsibility to seek to determine what is this most natural and healthy diet, in order to keep our bodies functioning properly. 
There is a great amount of resources on the internet, but that also creates confusion in which way to go.  We can only share what we have knowledge of.  Carol you seem to be quite in tune with your body and it's needs, I wish I could be more aware of these things.

I think we just have to let the Spirit be our guide and do the best we can  :)

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: August 31, 2008, 06:59:49 PM by Kat »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #68 on: August 31, 2008, 06:36:38 PM »

So interesting. Samson, such a great post. I am also a carb addict and one who could easily do without.  Kat, Carol, and others, I am in complete agreement that we have to find out what works best for us and what makes us feel the best. I know people who are big time food combiners. I never found it at all important for us.

Back in the 80's before the Atkins diet became famous, I did my own form of a low carb diet. I lost 21 pounds in 3 weeks.  :o I looked great but almost fainted at work.  ::) SO bad for me! When they said to eat 20 carbs a day, I would eat 0-5.  :-[ Not real bright.

Like you Brenda, carbs do not last for me. If I eat protein, I can go hours without being hungry. I think Americans, me included, eat WAY too much. If we just ate only when completely empty and only a fist full of food, enough to satisfy, we'd all be thin and feel great. Food is too much of a form of entertainment. Not that you shouldn't enjoy your food, but for me, it is an out of whack thing that I am always working on.

I have urine strips to check my pH. Apparently morning urine is a pretty good indicator.

I even use soap that is pH balanced and free of animal products too. Clogging the pores when the skin is your number one organ of releasing toxins isn't a good idea. If you get a tub ring, you are using animal products. My soap keeps my tub clean!  ;D

Yes, there are just TONS of informational links on the internet. That is why it took me 10 years to come to any sort of balance and even now, I am always willing to learn something new. What I have learned the most is just how much I can change my mind when presented with new information! What has shocked me the most is what I have learned on BT!  ;)


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #69 on: August 31, 2008, 07:09:04 PM »

I wonder if they have similar conversations in Rwandan refugee camps.   

I think we lost our way when food became 'nutrition'.       
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #70 on: August 31, 2008, 11:59:47 PM »

That's interesting Dave because I always felt like we lost our way when food STOPPED being nutrition.  :-\



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #71 on: September 01, 2008, 11:04:40 AM »

Hi Everyone,
I admire all the research many of you have done on this.  I think what One Shares on this subject is added to by Kat & Samson & Carol & Linny & Krista and Many Others...It's great when the Body of Christ Brain Storms on an issue, as IMO there most likely is not just one formula for food/nutrition for all people.

Last night I was watching TV with my DH and it was on "Epigenetic Therapy"

Q: People tend to think that the genes they're born with are set in stone—they're not going to change. But your epigenome does change. Do we have some responsibility to maintain it?

Issa: The realization that the epigenome is so important to health and disease is really fundamental, because we now understand that the epigenome is something we can do something about, as opposed to the genome, which is what we are born with that we can really not modify. The epigenome is a little more dynamic. Potentially what we eat in infancy and what we eat in development could affect the health of our epigenome. But it is more than that. Smoking and exposures and lifestyle habits can affect our epigenome. And perhaps more interestingly, not to be negative all the time, there might be interventions that would make our epigenome more healthy.

What I learned is that what ever we are exposed to like famine/smoking/chemicals is passed down to our offspring for generations!  Sound familiar?  [Sins of the father are visited to the 3rd and 4th generation?]

A Tale of Two Mice      Watch the video in the link above if you have interest...
A mouse gives birth to identical-twin sisters. One has brown fur and will grow up to be lean and healthy; the other has yellow fur and is destined to be obese and prone to disease. How can two mice sharing exactly the same DNA become so different? The answer lies in the epigenome, a kind of second genome that all animals have, including humans. The epigenome dictates which genes in the genome are turned on and which are not, a process that can differ even between identical twins. In this audio slide show, see how this process works in mice and what the implications are for our own health and that of our children and even grandchildren.—Rima Chaddha

For those of you that are close to Ray has he looked into this type of therapy?


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #72 on: September 01, 2008, 02:25:54 PM »

Great post Brenda,

Wow, I used to be real skinny and now im like 25 pounds overweight in like 3yrs and after what they said in that slide I am going to try a soy diet.


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #73 on: September 03, 2008, 12:37:56 PM »

Tell me if I am wrong but I am wondering if what you posted about the
Epigenetic Therapy is a lot like the following.
I believe that we are born with certain genetic factors that predispose us to certain disease. Some are born with tendencies towards heart disease and others to cancer, etc.
But with environmental factors being different or changed, we can alter what we were born with to some extent. Meaning, if we eat and live exactly as our parents, we will have the same diseases. But if we change our environment from what we eat to how we move and the chemicals we are exposed to, we can alter that.

My babies were fed completely differently than most children and I can see now at age 10 and 7 how that has affected their state of health.
They just don't catch anything. Each gets a 24 hour cold about once or twice a year. It is amazing to see.

Would you say this is what the program you watched was saying?
It sounds very interesting...


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #74 on: September 03, 2008, 06:17:09 PM »

I can't believe all this talk about don't listen to this doctor and don't listen to that doctor is still going on. Do you guys know the amount of studying and schooling it takes to become a medical doctor? Your doctor isn't an idiot, and if i was you i would listen to him. Yes their are bad doctors out their, but that doesn't mean you throw the baby out with the dirty bathwater now does it? Bad apple in every basket, but for the most part, 90% of doctors, if not more, are good doctors who know what they are talking about. They tell you things not because they don't know what their talking about, but because they genuinely believe it is in your best interested and for YOUR health.

Just curiouse, are any of you Medical doctors in here? If so, than by all means please give us your imput.

God bless,



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #75 on: September 03, 2008, 06:39:54 PM »

I'm sorry Alex but we have been talking about a lot of things on this thread and I even went back on this whole page and never saw once "don't listen to this doctor and don't listen to that doctor."

We are just talking about natural ways to find healing using all the things God has given us.

If you choose to use doctors, then go for it. It is your right to do so. Just as it is my right to read for myself and try other things.

By the way, I have gotten a lot of my information, especially regarding child issues, from a Pediatric doctor with 30 years experience who teaches when you need a doctor, and when you don't. It was his very educated opinion that we have used doctors way too much and to our detriment.

Bless you,


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #76 on: September 03, 2008, 07:31:55 PM »

Hi ALex,

I do understand your being defensive, as I believe that is what you are studing now.  But what has occurred to me is that the doctors are being taught by the system that involves the constant use of pharmaceuticals and I am beginning to see this as a vicious cycle.  Certainly we do depend on doctor, but maybe too much.  There are many other means to seeking health care, herbal treatment, homeopathy and diet-based therapies. 

I've looked into this many times before, it's hard to break away from all you've ever done.  But with Ray's illness and treatment, I have a renewed interest as never before, there are alternatives and they use natural means to get healthy, they do not generally work together with one another.  It is a decision that we have to make about how we take care of our bodies.  I would much rather use natural remedies other than the pharmaceuticals, so I'm researching into all this.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #77 on: September 03, 2008, 07:58:54 PM »

I'm sorry Alex but we have been talking about a lot of things on this thread and I even went back on this whole page and never saw once "don't listen to this doctor and don't listen to that doctor."

We are just talking about natural ways to find healing using all the things God has given us.

If you choose to use doctors, then go for it. It is your right to do so. Just as it is my right to read for myself and try other things.

By the way, I have gotten a lot of my information, especially regarding child issues, from a Pediatric doctor with 30 years experience who teaches when you need a doctor, and when you don't. It was his very educated opinion that we have used doctors way too much and to our detriment.

Bless you,

Carol V wrote; "PLEASE -- don't listen to that doctor"

Edit: Sorry carol V, i'm not trying to pick on your or anything.. simply showing LIN that i had reason for what i said.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 08:04:49 PM by lilitalienboi16 »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #78 on: September 03, 2008, 08:52:34 PM »


I also understand the issue is more one of "Drugs" and not an issue of "Doctors" it is just that the title of Doctor is attached to the people authorized to give them out.  I will be having both my knees replaced soon.  I don't think Linny or anyone else here would tell me not to have the medication to put me under, or anything needed to fight infection etc.  I think all are in agreement that the work of Surgeons & Doctors are a gift from God.  And I don't believe anyone would advise me to live the rest of my life in pain, without the ability to walk!

I can't speak for others, but what I think Linny is trying to strongly encourage us to do, is not put our complete trust in any Man. Even a Doctor!  We all know what that got us with Preachers, Teachers, Policemen, Judges, Senators...I think you get my point!  Although we respect their intellect & Study, they still put their pants on one foot at a time!

Sometimes it may appear that people are "Demonizing" Doctors, and that, I think is wrong, rather the intent should be to humanize them.  It's harmful when we stereotype people.  To pass a tree, and say in your mind that's a tree, stops you from really knowing what is growing out of the ground.  Does it flower, does it bear fruit, is it alive, how tall will it grow.  When we throw a label on something, our spirit stops learning about it!

Do we know there is selfish & evil intent in the Medical field, man there? :-\  But if we trust God ...

I admire your chosen profession Alex, and I believe more good has come from it than not.  No body has it all figured out, we adjusted our understanding of truth in scriptures from a wonderful roofer from Miami.  Not a theologian with several degrees & doctorates.  Don't dismiss everything out right about healing the body in a more natural way. 

Also, try and forgive those who have had terrible experiences with Doctors and are venting out their fustration.  They need to be validated, without conceeding to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  They aren't against you, they are hurting and don't want to see others hurt!

If I have assumed wrong, please correct me!

« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 08:55:29 PM by OBrenda »


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Re: Gods laws of health and nutrition - where in Scipture?
« Reply #79 on: September 03, 2008, 09:16:40 PM »


I also understand the issue is more one of "Drugs" and not an issue of "Doctors" it is just that the title of Doctor is attached to the people authorized to give them out.  I will be having both my knees replaced soon.  I don't think Linny or anyone else here would tell me not to have the medication to put me under, or anything needed to fight infection etc.  I think all are in agreement that the work of Surgeons & Doctors are a gift from God.  And I don't believe anyone would advise me to live the rest of my life in pain, without the ability to walk!

I can't speak for others, but what I think Linny is trying to strongly encourage us to do, is not put our complete trust in any Man. Even a Doctor!  We all know what that got us with Preachers, Teachers, Policemen, Judges, Senators...I think you get my point!  Although we respect their intellect & Study, they still put their pants on one foot at a time!

Sometimes it may appear that people are "Demonizing" Doctors, and that, I think is wrong, rather the intent should be to humanize them.  It's harmful when we stereotype people.  To pass a tree, and say in your mind that's a tree, stops you from really knowing what is growing out of the ground.  Does it flower, does it bear fruit, is it alive, how tall will it grow.  When we throw a label on something, our spirit stops learning about it!

Do we know there is selfish & evil intent in the Medical field, man there? :-\  But if we trust God ...

I admire your chosen profession Alex, and I believe more good has come from it than not.  No body has it all figured out, we adjusted our understanding of truth in scriptures from a wonderful roofer from Miami.  Not a theologian with several degrees & doctorates.  Don't dismiss everything out right about healing the body in a more natural way. 

Also, try and forgive those who have had terrible experiences with Doctors and are venting out their fustration.  They need to be validated, without conceeding to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  They aren't against you, they are hurting and don't want to see others hurt!

If I have assumed wrong, please correct me!

Nope, you saw right through. I'm sorry for getting so into it. You're right, they are trying to huminize the doctors and not demonize them, sometimes the two seem almost one.. it's hard to see what is what.

Yes, i agree that all doctors do is a gift from God and i would never ever claim to know anything without Him. I also agree that their is evil in the medical field because man is their, and man is very carnal and selfish. However, i don't think that this is the majority, but rather the minority. For the most part i think doctors have good intentions and trying to help people with the knowledge God has so graciously granted them abouit the physical world, wether they know this or not.

Yes never put your complete trust in man, i agree, trust God completely. I am in 100% agreement with this i think just about everything you said.

I know, i'll never make it into the medical field unless the divine Hand of God be upon me, otherwise, it's far to much work, far to many things to learn, far to many people to compete against for me to ever make. Yet i saw my faith tried just this passed week over an experienc ehaving to do with my school, and many people are teling me that with my grades [2.9 average atm] i won't get anywhere, but i have the heart and i trust in God! SO His will be done.

I guess i should apoligize.. i'm sorry for those i have offended, i guess i was just offended myself, but it's true, no one can offend me, xcept me.

Thank you brenda and kat as well, for the gentle nudge on the shoulder.

God bless you all,

« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 09:18:39 PM by lilitalienboi16 »
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