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Author Topic: Gentle  (Read 7764 times)

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« on: May 17, 2006, 01:33:09 PM »

My name is Megan, and I happened upon your website doing some research (just for my own personal knowledge, not anything in particular). I was immediately curious and started to read, I then became upset with the undertones of your attitude to those who oppose your beliefs and asked you questions. You seemed in disregard to them and expressed a pious attitude toward them. There were several letters you posted in which the person (who disagreed with you, then asked a question) did not seem at all contemptuous and YOUR reply was the one with sarcastic comments and rude undertones. I am not disagreeing or agreeing with you, as I am not God. I cannot tell you much, except that as many people are on this earth are the number of ways the Bible can be interpreted. I personally don't believe that people should get s o caught up in the context of everything and trying to analyze it all according to the words of another person, but to read the Bible for themselves and discover their own personal meaning and truth. I don't want for this email to sound mean or rude in any way, I am glad that you take the time to express to people your beliefs and thoughts on God and the Bible. Its good to get people interested in God and the Bible, but please don't lose focus, instead of being condescending maybe you could use a more gentle less sarcastic approach to bring people to God. After all, as Christians, we are supposed to be an example to those who look at us. And show people how a Christian should act.
Thank you for having your website available.

Dear Megan: Thank you for your email and comments. Might I suggest that you read my paper: "YOU FOOLS! YOU HYPOCRITES! YOU SNAKES!" at the tope of my home page. I guarantee you that you will never look at the Bible or Jesus Christ the same way again. And you might decide after reading what Jesus REALLY said to the Church leaders and clergymen of His, that you need to correct Jesus and His manner of teaching as well.

Just how many of those two-faced lying, deceiving, cut-throat, whited-sepulchres and hypocritical snakes in Matt. 23 do you suppose Jesus converted over to His way.  Maybe you will think too that Jesus needed to be a little more "gentle?"  People find it impossible to believe that one can speak the Truth as Jesus did and yet love the charlatans they are exposing.  Some people think that I am angry and bitter. They need to spend a few years around me, twenty-four hours a day, and learn to laugh and smile a little.  My closest friends have known few people in their lives who laugh more than I do. Maybe you are confusing "exposing damnable heresy" with "hating people."  I do not hate people, but I do expose the damnable heresy of the lying hypocrites that promote it.  Is that wrong? Does that offend you?  Read my paper................

God be with you,


PS   Write me back after you read the paper, okay?  Thanks!
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