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Author Topic: Just a few observations  (Read 7206 times)

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Just a few observations
« on: August 21, 2008, 11:32:39 PM »

 Friends of the forum,

     In my near 21 years on this earth, I've noticed something. Something that needs to be said. Something that needs to be noticed by people my age. Most, if not all of you have been around the track a lot longer then I. Most of you, I think, may agree with me to some extent on this.

 Why is it that whenever were told something about something it always turns out to be untrue or not quite accurate?

 When I ask this, I don't mean for it to be taken literally. Nor am I trying to turn it into a rhetorical question. It just seems like whenever were told what is predominantly factual about a certain thing, weather it be religion, or health, or history, the facts are constantly getting revised or corrected. I don't know about you but when was I was a younger younger person, I was told that eating carrots would greatly improve your eye sight. In today's world, proponents of this idea don't have much of a leg to stand on, seeing it was later disproven, or vastly exaggerated. I also remember watching the good ol John Wayne wild wild west movies. I later found out that this portrayal of cowboys dueling each other in the middle of a ghost town, and  the shootouts with American Indians in the midst of getting ambushed, was, and always has been historiclly inaccurate.
 These are just two of many examples. When it comes to stereotypes, nothing angers me more. I treat everyone with respect and kindness no matter what. And I think no race has it worse with stereotypes than the African American. It sickens me when I see many out there who still fear the black man or woman simply because of a stereotype that refuses to die in this country. Why is it that many still associate the black person with violence, even though the majority of the worst serial killers ( Bundy, Gacy, Ridgeway) are white?

 is it just me, or is there something really wrong in this country?

I'm sorry if I've said anything insulting, or offensive. This is just something I thought I might share.
 God Bless All!

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2008, 01:06:00 AM »

One thing I've learned by getting a little older (and seeing a generation younger than me) is that there truly is nothing new under the sun.  I think each generation believes they are the first to invent the wheel and the first to be crushed by it.

I'm not totally pessimistic about the course of human history.  It has always had it's up and down moments.  One case in point is the nature of race relations.  On one side of my family, I have an ancestor from Alabama who joined the Union army.  On the other side, I have an ancestor who owned slaves.

My great grandfather on my mother's side might well have been KKK.  My grandfather was a bigot and racist, but not one who would have lynched anybody.  My mother has significant prejudices, but tried to raise us better.  I was 12 years old when Dr. King was assasinated and was deeply moved and cried, as I did when watching marches where dogs were unleashed and people were beaten.  I didn't see any justice in that and I grew up differently in attitude than they did.  I was simply ignorant, for the most part, and stayed that way until I was out on my own and living side by side with old white people, black people, and immigrants.

My niece married a black man and has two beautiful kids.  I love them all. 

He, though, looks back at 'the day' and sees in me an "old" white guy, and without even talking to me (he's US Army and we havent spent much time together) assumes I was probably cheering on the Police back in the days of segregation.  I can't say I blame him...I certainly don't...but he's no less ignorant than I was.

Up and down.  Up and down.

The only other adage I can give you is that the root of all evil really IS money...and that goes from the neighborhood crack dealer to the military-industrial complex.

The thing that makes this time unique is media.  You can't get eyes on a television or butts in a theater chair by playing to the highest common denominator.  Eveybody lies a little bit.  Some lie a lot.  Lies are so much easier to believe than truth.  And so much of what passes for truth is agendized.

It's not easy wading through all this information and deciding for yourself where truth is...because it's not there anyway.  There's bits here and there, like edible food can be found in pigpens...but you have to wade through a lot of crap and mud to get to it.

Hang in there, Andrew.  God is in charge of History and always has been.  I pray He uses you in a big way.   


Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2008, 01:10:17 AM »


You are a young man after my heart.
I'm getting close to being 50 years old and I'm still shocked at what I thought was the truth.  I was fortunate to have been brought up by parents that taught their children to judge people by their character, and not the color of their skin etc.  This would help me latter when I had to walk to school in the sixth grade during desegregation through what was then called "Colored Town" as a white girl.

One day while walking home from school I was brutally beaten with rubber hoses, Glass coke bottles by approx. 40 young African Americans boys and girls.  Nearby there where "White" police officers and retail store owners that watched and did nothing as I was almost killed.

Would you like to know who saved my Life? [besides God]
An 18 year old African American man scooped me up out of the crowd, and carried me into a car where his mother drove me home to my parents.  I don't know what ever happened to that brave young man, but I love him.  And even though my parents decided quickly to move after this incident it was never spoken of as an, us against them issue.  We chose as a family to see this as the villians and the hero's can look the same/color, but their hearts are very different.

So this plight with African Americans has been close to my heart for good reason.  I have a special love and compassion that God put in my heart for them.  And as I have grown older and learned, I've come to see that there are many groups of people, who have been labled hated and mistreated.  Some groups have even been treated worse. 

And to knowingly live with a "group identity" that has experienced evil, keeps us from the high calling of God to be ONE!  It's not just what is wrong with this country right now today.....But what is wrong with humankind going back to Cain and Abel?

I don't know if my ramblings made any sense I'm feeling a bit off today.  I'm passionate about people being able to be their authentic selves, while also being fitly joined together in unity. 

So you have in no way been offensive to me.
You actually got me up on my soap box,



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2008, 03:32:08 AM »


   If it wasn't for God dragging people to the place they need to go, no human would do it by themself. We are weak and take the easy way. The lies are bright and fancy and have a hypnotic glow to them. The more I learn the more I realize how dumb and small I am. Your going to see the lies within yourself and detest them just as much as well. No one is innocent. Everyone will be humbled.



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2008, 09:31:54 AM »

 These are just two of many examples. When it comes to stereotypes, nothing angers me more. I treat everyone with respect and kindness no matter what. And I think no race has it worse with stereotypes than the African American. It sickens me when I see many out there who still fear the black man or woman simply because of a stereotype that refuses to die in this country. Why is it that many still associate the black person with violence, even though the majority of the worst serial killers ( Bundy, Gacy, Ridgeway) are white?

 is it just me, or is there something really wrong in this country?

I'm sorry if I've said anything insulting, or offensive. This is just something I thought I might share.
 God Bless All!

 You said nothing offensive or insulting. If you did, then I am also offensive and insulting, because I agree with you.

You think white people are afraid of black people? Try working in black communities and see how afraid older black people are afraid of young black people. Their houses resemble prisons, only to keep people out, not in. Is that a stereotype? No. I have seen it myself. It's not pretty. Something is seriously wrong with this country, not just "race relations", and if it is not fixed, millions will die. And IMO, it wont be fixed, it will get worse.

Why is it that this happens? IMO it is because everyone has an agenda. They will carry out that agenda, and the truth be damned.

I congtratulate you seeing this at 21. I was probably in my 30s when this hit home.
This country, and this world, is a tinderbox waiting for a match.



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2008, 10:19:38 AM »

good morning andrew, i sure wish that you wouldnt have told me about the duke[john wayne] .



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2008, 08:10:43 PM »

Thank you for that post Andrew.

I agree with much of what you said. When I ask myself questions and search things out I realize how the word is full of lies, hypocrisy. It is truly incredible. In Isaiah, God said the whole head is sick when describing Israel.

 Jeff made a great point. We are all guilty of all. Perhaps we did not actually kill anybody but we are by no means innocent. Its easy to blame others such as politicians but we need to deal with the beast within. For me it is a long and humbling journey. Christ gave us a way of escape.



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2008, 11:12:35 PM »

Kent I too have seen the older black people scared of the black youths. I live in a neighborhood that has a mix of old folks black and white and they do have their houses all bared up to keep the thieves out. I hardly see any old folks hanging outside anymore. I live in New Orleans and every night on the news is black on black killings I tell you you hardly ever see a white on withe killing. Not that it doesn't happen. I tell you we have 3to4 murders a weeken all black on black. As someone mention most serial killers are white. I don;t know the reason why but it is true most are white. Now someone said we all are guilty is some way or the other. I disagree I don't feel I'm guilty of the situation some black folks are in or not in. I have notice some will play the blame game on others for their situation, something that happen 300/400yrs ago. No I don't have any guilt for something i had no part of. That's just me and the way I feel. everybody is in title to their own opinion.



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2008, 11:27:11 PM »

Hi Darren,
I wasn't saying we are accountable for everyone's sins, but in James it does say we are guilty of all (basically we broke the law). The reason I said it was to remind us that the Kingdom of God is within. Sorry if I was not clear.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2008, 01:39:29 AM »

Steve, you are so correct in speaking of the scripture saying we are guilty of all.  This isn't just a theoretical concept.  There's many aspects to that, I'm sure, but one is that (especially in our families) these evils done before we were born are part of the 'cause' that still affects us and part of the carnality which has got to be burned out of us. 

It HAS to be carnal to divide people up into races.  In the Kingdom, there is not even male and female, nor Jew and Gentile, so how can there be division between races?  No...this is sin and has to go whatever God has to do to get it out.  I know that He will eventually, but I can't see me ready for the Kingdom giving more than a momentary thought to a person's race.  God help us all get there.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 01:48:20 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2008, 03:35:23 AM »

I live in New Orleans and every night on the news is black on black killings I tell you you hardly ever see a white on withe killing. Not that it doesn't happen. I tell you we have 3to4 murders a weeken all black on black.                                        Darren

How sad is this. The inmates are running the prison. 

This brings back a memory. One time I saw a nun get RIGHT IN THE FACE of a gangbanger, and really gave him what-for. THe man was bigger than Hulk Hogan. He just stood there with his arms crossed, and a mean look on his face.

SHe was one brave woman. That was faith in action. I dont think I could have done that.
Not on my own strength, anyway.



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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2008, 04:39:16 AM »

Thanks Steve. I now understand. we are guilty of sin all of us. Sorry i missed understood.
Yes Kent the inmates are running the prison (city). It just is not the thugs but it starts at the top with our mayor who's been name by the media (Sugar Ray Nagin). Then there's our police chief who's name escapes me at the moment. You know the story s*#t rolls down hill.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 04:45:15 AM by winner08 »


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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2008, 12:51:09 PM »

Hello Andrew,

                   You may be only 21 years old, but I like the thread you started. Why is there so much falsehood in almost everything we hear and read, because Satan is the Father of the Lie and is the ruler of the World, He offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of this World, if he would fall down and Worship Him. Satan is misleading the whole World. ( John. 8:42-47; Matt. 4:8-10; Rev. 12:9 ). It's God's Will that we are exposed to all this Lying and Deceit in order to eventually learn Truth's, especially Spiritual Truth.

                   I remember when I was very young, approximately 11 or 12 years old and being extremely honest and naive. I would always tell the truth, even about things that were none of anyone's business or involving information that people weren't entitled to receiving. I would bring embarrassment upon myself, the teacher at school(my favorite one of all time) stated: "Bradley is the most honest boy I ever met."   

                  Why do I include this in my Post, because as I grew older I realized that people ridicule the Truth(not everyone) and it seemed that I would be punished and suffer more from being just plain honest.

                   Of course, I learned that being honest doesn't mean we have to divulge information to those that aren't entitled to it. As an example: My wife and I read Judges. 13-16 regarding the account about my favorite Old Testament Person, Samson. In the part about his dealings with Delilah, Samson technically lied to Delilah regarding the secret to his great strength, probably to throw her off and also because it was none of her business, eventually he gave in to her persistent nagging and you know the outcome. I said to my wife, if someone wanted to get technical, Samson lied to Delilah twice regarding the secret to his strength. My point is that sometimes people might tell something to another person to throw them off, instead of rudely saying: IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Sad to Say, like Samson of old, occasionally this Samson will succumb to the persistent nagging and pressure eventually giving out personal information that they are not entitled to.

                 Now I realize that your basically referring to outright lying, half-truths and distorted truth. The worst of it is the partial-truths or distorted truths, because it's easier to mislead people with these, outright lies are more obvious to most of us.

                 Andrew, you are a young man of 21 years; it's good that your well aware of so much lying and it annoys you, in this way you might be able to unravel these Lies and learn Truth at such a young age. Furthermore, if you've notice so much lying already, as the song goes; BABY, YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET(Bachman Turner Overdrive).  ;D ;) ;)

                By the way, in regards to the Carrot thing, it's true that carrots in themselves don't improve your eyesight, but something in the carrots are converted to Beta Carotene( A form of vitamin A) which does.  :D

                           Yes, Andrew, don't let all this Pathological Lying get to you or you might end up with an ulcer when you get my age(52-almost), it gets frustrating for those of us who would like to get an honest straight answer from people without hearing all this baloney( I preferred another word, but it's not allowed at this Forum).

                            Lately my employer is the worst liar of all, If your employed you'll eventually experience that, if you haven't already. In their case, they won't even give me an answer to the simplest of questions, but keep avoiding me.

                                      Sorry, if my Post wasn't what you were looking for.

                                            Kind Regards, Samson.




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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2008, 04:59:59 PM »

 Thanks everyone for your insight on this subject. Dave, Obrenda, it was very interesting to hear your childhood stories of growing up in an era where as the great Dr King said:
 "Today The black person is judged by the color of their skin, not the content of their character"
                                                                                          (I know in the speech he was referring to his four children, at the time though it applied to all black people)

 I understand that sometimes I can sound like an arrogant know it all, if you will. As I begin to better understand the world around me, I learn time and time again that questions need to be asked, and answers need to be told in truthful manner.

Samson, I found your imput to be very helpful, as well as humorous. Although the song:"BABY, YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET" is fitting for a post like this, I'd prefer using Mr. Zimmerman's song: "The times are a changin", (yes before my time you don't need to remind me)

 Being this post focused on half truths, or distorted facts, allow me to share with you one fact I learned recently that may surprise some people:
                              "The cigarette lighter was invented before the match"
                                  Pretty neat huh? and I don't even smoke  :)
                     I  Hope everyone has a nice weekend!


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Re: Just a few observations
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2008, 02:20:55 AM »


       I am almost 40 and still am totally amazed at the things I see and hear on tv, movies on my own street. Just the other day the cops chased a man down the wrong way on the highway over a $200 vaccum killing the robber and an innocent women. I am just amazed how a 200$ vaccum was worth the risk to anyone thief or an innocent women. You see and hear violence more know then when I was a kid or anyone at any age. Between the tv, radio and the internet the only way not to hear it, see it is to live way back in the hills with no electricity, no phone, and have the land and your family.
       Know this God has a purpose for everyone whether good or bad we just need to pray and hold his love close to our hearts. Since you did start this post about half-truths here is some light hearted ones for you;
      1. You park on a driveway
      2. You drive on a parkway
      3. In a box of frozen peas they are all the same size

                                                 With God's love & understanding,
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